A Crack in the Dam

November 06, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: 2022 Election, 2024 Election, Trump

Today, the dam holding back all political challengers, critics, and investigators of TFG cracked.  And it cracked big time.  The RNC responded to his non-announcement announcement the other night where he said he was “…very, very, very probably” going to run.  Obviously, that non-announcement announcement pissed off the committee, especially since it is just a few days before the mid-term elections, and uncharacteristically, the committee pushed back hard, stating publicly that if he announces for president, they’ll stop paying his legal bills.  Up until today, the RNC has had its nose so far up TFG’s ass they couldn’t see daylight, and they have continued to use donor money to cover these bills, even two years after he left office.  The RNC’s rationale to keep paying, which is complete bullshit, was that they were for the investigation and subsequent lawsuit from NYAG Letitia James calling it “political”, and not for the fact that he and his entire family of arrogant shitheads who have been engaged in questionable shenanigans for years, cheating on everything from taxes to financial accounting.

For over 6 years now, the RNC has been all in for TFG, understanding clearly that he controlled their base of mouth-breathing, gun-toting screwballs who see a dark skinned bogeyman behind every corner and who are worried to death that their kid is going to be indoctrinated with nonexistent CRT propaganda and books about kids getting along with others.  Apparently, they see him (what took so goddam long?) as weakened by the mountain of the scandals, especially the federal document theft case, which clearly holds a whole raft of felonies that have in the past sent a lot of people to prison for a long time.

Is the TFG dam of intimidation finally going to break?  Clearly the RNC no longer sees him as the all powerful Oz (no pun intended), and this is a brush back pitch to tell him, “Not so fast, buster, we have an election, and then primaries for 2024.”  TFG pissing off Ron DeSantis yesterday didn’t help his case.  DeSantis is the GOP’s greatest hope to take back the White House in ’24, and he wants TFG out of the way.

This one will be a real soap opera to watch.  I’m popping popcorn.


0 Comments to “A Crack in the Dam”

  1. I’ll wait until after Tuesday to see how well (or badly) his candidates fared. That will be the tell.

  2. They told him that last July. This is just a reminder in case he forgot.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    AK Lynne, you beat me to it. I had thought the RNC had already said they were not going to pay his legal bills. I googled it and they announced on July 27 that they would not cover mar-a-lago legal fees for the documents scandal. I guess it takes them 90+ days to actually do it. That’s the good news but how depressing is it that they want desantis? Either way, we’d be screwed.
    Certainly hope there’s a big turnaround election night from current polls of a red house and possibly senate, not to mention a bunch of other state races. I also know this is going to be unpopular, but Democrats need to seriously get a candidate that can win in 2024. I think Biden plugged as many holes as he could in the sinking ship of the White House he took over, but I just can’t see him winning in 2024. Need someone that can.

  4. john in denver says:

    Trump, hinting broadly about his announcement, is nothing new.
    RNC, responding, is old news, too.

    The more interesting news was, in my opinion, that if Trump announces, the DoJ is prepared to go to a Special Prosecutor for all their Trump work. That would throw down the gauntlet — DoJ under Garland allowed the Durham group to continue their work. If there is an equivalent appointment for the Trump work and Republicans in the House (or, God forbid, the Senate) try to interfere, it will make the political bias even MORE obvious.

    Meanwhile, there are growing indications of “Republicans ‘R’ Revolting.” Today’s graphic — a split among the Ohio Republicans, with a poll showing 20% of DeWine voters NOT voting for Vance.

  5. I’ve heard and seen enough from R’s in my area near D.C. They are solid in their opinion that tRump is just too damaged to win. Yup. That’s all well and good but I have news for them. WE ALL are just too damaged because of tRump.

  6. The slug will *announce* that he is going to run (away) to get his followers money .

  7. From everything I’m hearing (Of course, those sources all lean seriously blue), Republicans are throwing a lot of biased polls out there to make it seem like they are going to win…kind of like whistling past the graveyard. Guess we’ll all find out tomorrow night.

  8. Remarkably, what I haven’t heard from all fronts is any fear of Putin working hard to pull the U.S. into World War III. What the bleep happened to something so blatantly dangerous not just to the U.S. but the world at large? This is what makes me so unsure of so many of the polls. And, yes, so many polls in previous campaigns were woefully wrong.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Still hoping for a big blue wave to tell not only TFG but all of the GOP to take a seat and find a real job, since governing is not in their party platform evuh.

    Please, please, please Florida, Texas and southern states. You deserve better. Go blue! Pollsters in Nevada are scaring the hell out of us suggesting our newly blue state might again regress to purple or worse. We ‘need’ Adam Laxalt in the Senate about as much as the rest of the country needs him, Teddie Cruz, pRick Scott or any other GOPer. But Herschel Walker? Really?!? Would that be so Marsha Blackburn has a playmate there dumber than her? Meh That role has already been over filled in the Senate from Moscow Mitch on down.

    Jane and our families have already done the vote by mail. But tomorrow we’ll be available ALL DAY to drive voters to the polls. Lordy. We cannot lose a seat in this election. President Biden needs us to provide a working Congress.

  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    OT- fled Cruz got the salute he deserved (the one finger type) from fans when he stupidly showed in Philly last week. Much to my delight, he got the same treatment from Astros fans in Houston at the WS parade. Wonder if he’s beginning to realize real people really don’t like him (his supporters aren’t real people- just puppets).
    Best to everyone tomorrow. Hope for the best.

  11. Cruz also got the finger and lots of boos today when he stupidly decided to ride in the Astros victory parade in downtown Houston. The boos were so loud it was heartwarming. https://youtube.com/shorts/UwiAS8GRV10?feature=share
