A Closely Guarded Secret Plan

November 26, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Republican Party of Texas announced they are hiring Karl Rove to run their 2020 campaign to keep Texas red.

They sent out copies of their strategy to retake 12 seats in the Texas House so that they can be totally in charge of the 2020 redistricting. It’s kinda hard to tell if this is the plan they did by themselves or the new Rove one.  One way or another, they’ve got it floored in neutral.

Bless their hearts, they also included in that email the 12 Democrats who are targeted in their plan.  Seriously.

The document identifies 12 statehouse districts the Texas GOP plans to target in 2020 as well as plans to center candidates who can push back on a “narrative driven by Democrats” about the GOP’s lack of diversity.

“Starting after the Primary, the RPT will generate microsites for negative hits against the Democrat candidates in our twelve target race—we expect each microsite to be roughly $500,” the document reads. “We will then begin rolling out these websites, prioritizing the races that were within 4% in the 2018 election.”

They’re gonna make a video with brown and black people in it and then they’re gonna sling mud.

If you are a minority, there’s a Republican in Texas who wants to hire you for a photoshoot. Then they want you to leave.

What’s a microsite?

A microsite is a branded content site that lives outside of the company homepage and/or brand URL.

That’s it, really. What differentiates a microsite from a company blog or newsletter or any other branded platform is that it has its own independent URL—likely one that doesn’t include the name of the company sponsoring the site. If you have to register a new domain name, you’ve got yourself a microsite.

In useful language, it can be a site created by the Republican Party, but it doesn’t have to say that. It can say it’s done by Wonderful Sheep Herders of Texas or Magic Get Rich Plan or People Who Love Their Mothers.  And they can use that microsite to sling mud.  And then place ads for it on Facebook, Google, or your favorite weather site.

I’m pretty damn sure the Russians taught them how to do that.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “A Closely Guarded Secret Plan”

  1. “Republicans have already fumbled the ball and we aren’t even in 2020 yet,” Manny Garcia, executive director of the Texas Democratic Party, said in a statement. “They know they’re in deep trouble ‘given the polarizing nature of the President’ and expect ‘Republicans will refuse to turnout during the General Election because they don’t want to vote for him.’”

    “The Texas Republican Party is desperate,” he added. “That’s why they’re going negative, building a fake diversity video, and are regretting their decision to eliminate straight-ticket voting.”


    We pooched it so we are going to try weaponizing our racism into faux civil rights but don’t worry, we still loathe brown people. Then when we take those seats back, all our ruling days will come true.

  2. This sounds more ridiculous than Plan 9 From Outer Space.

  3. Kkkarl Rove, Brad Parscale, et al., are deadly effective.
    I hope that the Democrats are ready to counter their every move, and hit back double every time. The Rethugs hoodwink far more Texas Hispanics than y’all think. Doesn’t make sense that they would vote against their own actual interest, but hordes of them do.
    They fall for some carefully crafted targeted messaging. The Dems have to outdo them, and GOTV in 20% plus numbers.

  4. Registering a web site is cheap – I’ll bet we could put up simple micro sites for $50/year

  5. Remember the only reason that these scam artist’s such as rove are successsful is the debased and corrupt voters who would rather vote their hate, bigotry and cultism rather then their sanity, hope and reason.
    It is easy to continue to focus on the “leaders” but after once or twice when the voters keep voting for the same foul agenda’s it is time to acknowledge that the voters, and the country, truly are no better then what we have as leaders.
    tricky dick, addled ronnie, perjurer poppa, the twit and now demented donnie with their crew of pediaphiles, crooks, war criminals and torture lovers has been the choice of the depraved and cruel way to often to write it off as a momentary lapse in judgement.
    It is cruelity and war the voters have choosen way to often with occassional flashes of decentcy being the exception.
    What is the quote from Julius Caesar is all to accurate.
    “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
    But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”
    So it is with the US citizenry who prefer guns to medicine, cults instead of education, War instead of peace and cruelity instead of compassion.
    It is notable to realize that those who have stood up for the principles of this country such as Vindeman are immigrants whereas our native born, such as Gallagher, reflect the worse of humanity.

  6. Sandridge:
    Too true.
    W. was a nobody politically until Rove beat Ann Richards for him.
    Then put him in the White House 6 years later.
    We may think he’s a bottom feeder for what he’s helped accomplish.
    And he is. But when it comes to manipulating the Texas electorate,
    he’s a repugnantly effective bottom feeder.
    And with the right wing alternate reality infrastructure in place today versus 1999, he might be unstoppable.

  7. Siempre Palante says:

    Check out the Texas Organizing Project—grassroots activism using data to turn Texas blue by 2024.

  8. I can’t help thinking this is a strategic slip by Rove, a diversionary tactic. Get the Democrats to think that this is the way he’ll come after them, then come at them a different way, one that they haven’t prepared for. Whatever else he is, he’s an excellent tactician. The Democrats need to stay on their toes and be ready for anything. Better yet, take the fight to them and make them have to react.

  9. Rather then worry about rove and his divisive tactics i give you a winners quote about a loser and a traitor
    “Oh, I am heartily tired of hearing about what Lee is going to do….. Go back to your command, and try to think what we are going to do ourselves, instead of what Lee is going to do.”

    So it is with a more modern scumbag.
