A Brand New Form of Almost-Terrorism

January 13, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Does anybody know Sean Hannity’s cell phone number?

I ask because

During his radio show on Friday, Fox News host Sean Hannity appeared to threaten to publicize Republican senators’ phone numbers if they vote to allow witnesses to be called during the Senate impeachment trial, which could begin as early as next week.

Better yet … Uh, if some foreign country would please get me Hannity’s web browsing history, I would deeply appreciate it would gladly publish it right here.  If you want to throw in his text messages with Trump, everybody would be happy.  Republicans think they just text each other daily blessings from  Joel Osteen and Paula White but I’m thinking there’s less creepy but more sexy talk involved.


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0 Comments to “A Brand New Form of Almost-Terrorism”

  1. I’ll be happy to tweet whatever data you can collect on hannity. I don’t have a lot of followers but every retweet will help!

  2. joel hanes says:

    Michael Cohen had just three clients

    1. Donald Trump, for whom he conveyed hush money to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal

    2. Elliot Broidy, who claims that Cohen provided similar representation with respect to Shera Bechard

    3. Sean Hannity

    For what did Hannity need Cohen’s brand of legal work?

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Any New Yorkers present this morning? Check the bars near the Fox Not the News HQ. Sean’s name and number are sure to appear in a men’s room stall somewhere. Ms. JuanitaJean Herownself wants his number, get her his number. tout de suite

    Otherwise, Sean publishing Republicon phone numbers? Meh. Republicons eating their own is not to be discouraged. “If only” they’d deploy half the dirty tricks on each other as they do on the rule of law and democracy.

  4. J.J,

    I really hope the agencies are doing this right now. They have all the resources to do it.

    What’s Hannity getting from Trump for his evil tongue wagging?

    Pay offs? A job in the WH?

    Joel Haynes @ 2,

    Maybe we should ask Michael Cohen.

  5. Terry Sankey says:

    Not understanding Joel Osteen and Paula White in same sentence. Yes Joel sells books but it’s not a requirement for anything. There’s a reason Joel Osteen isn’t invited to the trump house, Joel doesn’t talk about anything political. The only thing political about Joel Osteen is the way he can wiggle out of saying anything political.

  6. Somebody needs to -fully- debrief tRump’s lawyer Michael Cohen before he mysteriously does a Jeffrey Epstein…

  7. Here’s what Hannity does when he’s not blithering on Faux.

  8. I’m not a lawyer, so I don’t know what the law says about this kind of stuff, but it seems to me to be pretty good grounds for a lawsuit for invasion of privacy. Granted, members of Congress are public figures and don’t have the same expectations of privacy that private citizens do, but surely they have some.

    It also seems like you oughta be able to sue someone for being such a gold-plated creep.
