Texas Crap

January 13, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, it appears that anybody who can read is mortified by Governor Greg Abbott’s decision not to allow refugees into Texas.  The Houston Chronicle and the Dallas Morning News both editorialized about it.  The leaders of the biggest cities in the state – Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, and Austin are all opposed to Abbott’s hate filled edict.

But I’d like to offer my fellow Texans the cherry on the top.

The Texas Department of Public Safety has just issued a domestic terrorism outlook assessment.  It’s a long read but one that needs to be talked about.  Reading just the introduction sends a clear signal that domestic terrorism is being caused by homegrown white males, not immigrants, not people crossing the border, not refugees, not women, not children, not people of color, not any of the people Abbott hates, but white guys with legal weapons.

You know who we need to keep out of this country? White guys with weapons. And Greg Abbott knows that because his own Department of Public Safety just told him.

Some make Abbott read it and give a damn book report.

By the way, the two top threats come from —

  • (U) Based on the prevalence of recently conducted attacks nationwide, White Racially Motivated (WRM) is currently the most violently active domestic terrorism type.
  • Although not a new movement, Involuntary Celibates (Incels) are an emerging domestic terrorism threat as current adherents demonstrate marked acts or threats of violence in furtherance of their social grievance.

Incels are white boys who couldn’t get laid at the Chicken Ranch even if they had a chicken under each arm and fifty dollar bill taped to their forehead. But, you always suspected that, didn’t you?

Thanks to Scott for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Texas Crap”

  1. Once again validating their true creed. The cruelty is the point.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    In the cacophony of cognitive dissonance, Greg scores the phony in cacophony. If not for self delusion, employers of the Republicon variety would crucify Greg for interfering with a good source of skilled employees. Want some chaos, Greg? Try finding medical care in Texas after you deport every doctor, nurse, and health care professional not born in the US.

    Incels. Grab a clue. It’s you. Seriously. If that guy Abbott can find a wife and produce a child, you guys are really off the beam.

  3. To P.P. @1: Hear hear!

    As to the incels, one has to wonder how many abortion clinic shootings and bombings they have carried out while claiming to be “defending the unborn.”
    Kill two birds with one bullet: 1] get a license to kill sexually active women 2] get some fundie group to pay their legal expenses.

  4. Would you believe that the Cato Institute in Washington D.C. just published a study that shows immigrants are not responsible in any way for the presence of terrorism in this country.

  5. … and then, as the campfire flickered, burning low, as the long shadows stretched farther into the distance, he continued his story:

    … the caller had finally been traced by the Texas Department of Public Safety. Their spokesperson cut in on the line and and cried out urgently, Governor Abbott! The killers! The terrorists! They’re on your extension! THEY’RE IN YOUR OWN HOUSE!”

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    Rick #5 I was thinking the same thing. A picture illustrating the article should be Abbott and Dan Patrick!

  7. Anselm Davis says:

    “I was a stranger and you”….refused me basic courtesy and comfort.

  8. Incels = best argument for legalizing prostitution ever

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    s@8, probably not. NV has legal prostitution in some counties. The ladies are medically cleared and have standards. Maybe Amazon has something electrifying for them in a sexbot; preferably from a warehouse specializing in returned merchandise.

  10. Sandridge says:

    Rick @5,
    RE: Calls, data, TX DPS, TX Governors Mansion–

    In Austin TX, at the intersection of Colorado and 10th: On the NW corner is the Gov’s Mansion, the SW corner is DPS HQ building (~7 floors), on the SE corner is a large grey building (complex, 9 floors) that takes up a block. This grey building is Austin Greenwood (or Homestead), an ATT/Bell CO, a major regional communications hub, it has lots of ‘secret stuff’ inside…way beyond simple call traces.


  11. Coprolite says:

    Involuntary Celibates (Incels), AKA, Men that can’t get laid.

  12. Around the time of the OK city bombing, with some other mass slaughter by terrorists, someone worked out that statistically the group most likely to commit acts of terror and slaughter of innocents were ex US military veterans.
    What they have learned in the 20 odd years since then is that they can get away with these crimes if they commit them while still in uniform and be protected by just repeating that they were “just obeying orders”.

  13. WA Skeptic says:

    @ #8: actually the best thing we could do is to castrate them the moment they start acting “bullish” about not getting laid; it really works to calm down from Testosterone poisonin.

  14. Sandridge says:

    WA Skeptic @13, And done right, removes them from the gene pool forever. A very good thing.
