Texas Republican Dan Crenshaw

February 22, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, we got us some weird going-ons in Dan Crenshaw’s back pocket of campaign funds.

It’s not enough that he spends caboodles of money on election law lawyers, and by caboodles I mean close to $100,000 just this reporting cycle alone …

There’s $16,000 more but I was running out of patience to clip them so just trust me.  Plus, he’s also paying two other law firms.

Then he hired a general purpose law firm in Houston and gave them $4,551 for God only knows what. This particular firm does not show up with any disbursements from any candidate for the past 8 years. I mean, it could be perfectly legit – having a spitting match with a vendor or an employment law issue. It could also be something perfectly weird.

And this last thing probably has nothing to do with Crenshaw but it does have something to do with the GOP’s new motto: Money, Guns, and Lawyers. Out of the clear blue, this person shows up in the Republican National Committee filings.  This is a small practice lawyer (her husband designed her website and there is no possible way he’s a professional in website design) in Austin.


Late last month Austin solo practitioner Donna Jean Davidson was paid $15,000 by the RNC. Why, you ask?

I dunno.

Hummm … here’s a clue. On 12/30/20, she was paid $26,550 by the Republican Party of Texas. She did “recount” work for them. Did she work with Paxton on his idiot Supreme Court case as part of the Insurrection?

Maybe this is about the January 6th Select Committee investigation and not a case before the Texas Ethics Commission.  The RNC may be paying her to fight the Committee’s subpoena to Texas AG Ken Paxton.

Or maybe this. The Travis County DA is sniffing around the Paxton stench.

Whatever it is, it looks like Paxton.


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0 Comments to “Texas Republican Dan Crenshaw”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Looking on the bright side, if there is one with Crenshaw, it’s less money he has to spend on re-election.

    We’re still butt hurt that Beto was a near miss to unseat DetesTed Crooze. Ms. JJ, we are so ready for the plans you and Mr. Maxey have to turn Texas blue! While much to our chagrin and own embarrassment we still have a Qcumber conservative misrepresenting NV-02.

  2. Methinks Crenshaw is a crooik. I’m just waitin’ for the details.

    OTOH, I knew not to hold by breath waiting for Paxton’s comeuppance.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Being a crook in the party of trumpf is not an exclusive club.

  4. “Travis County DA is sniffing around the Paxton stench.
    Whatever it is, it looks like Paxton.”

    Looks like.
    Smells like.
    This is definitely a full service Salon, from head to toe. Keeps us looking good up top. Keeps us from stepping in it.

  5. The Surly Professor says:

    That link to (some of) the RNC’s spending on lawyers is impressive. Maybe the DNC has a similar list, but my observations:

    1. Many of those amounts are nice, round numbers: $250000, $10000, $15000, etc. Not the kind of thing law firms normally do. They have billable hours, copying expenses, courier services, fancy donuts all listed in the bills, and it’s unlikely that would ever be exactly an even amount. Those are the kind of numbers you get when you are bribing somone, or are being extorted.

    2. Don’t forget that the RNC is picking up the lawyers’ bills for T****, including his defense for things that happened long before he ran for President, and even while he was still a Democrat. That could pump up the numbers and prices they’re having to shell out.

    3. Is GOLDSTEIN LAW PARTNERS LLC (being paid $164.50 ) looking at the list, and saying “damn, we should have jacked them for $15k like everyone else”?

    4. Is some old, semi-retired professor looking at this and saying “Wow, maybe I should have gone into law and politics”? [ans.: yes, but then he remembers he has some vestigal sense of ethics, and would have ended up being a public defender making a pittance.]

  6. slipstream says:

    Guess which former president of the United States is cheering for Vladimir Putin today?


  7. yet another baby boomer says:

    Steve from Beaverton@3 True dat.

    I’ve been gerrymandered several times, none of it good. But this latest round has landed me in the district of the reasonable Lizzie Fletcher and out of the despicable Crenshaw’s. Nothing would surprise me about Crenshaw’s dirty dealings.

    And yeah, Fletcher’s running unopposed in the primary but I was very happy to click on her name all the same last week.

    Slipstream @6 Thanks for the link. I rolled my eyes as I muttered Oh FFS….

  8. Slipstream. Trump seems to be channeling Chamberlain in 1938 kissing a brutal dictator’s donkey. If Trump has been consistent in anything it’s been his admiration for the world’s harshest strongmen. He has been anti Ukrainian since his Putin summit.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Jace, trumpf’s been anti Ukraine because they wouldn’t bow down to his request that they lie about Biden. Putin knows it and is expecting he’ll (trumpf) be back in power so his Mussolini instincts can be fulfilled with US support. And retrumpicans have been lining up to support that narrative. This is sick. And 45% of the country, give or take, call Democrats communists?

  10. Jace and Steve, one thing that struck me was reading that one of Putin’s propaganda claims was that Ukraine was just a puppet of the U. S. to justify his actions to his own people.
    Which is interesting to me because IMHO with Putin controlling the media in Russia, his control of the narrative there is something that the Koch’s, Mercer’s and every aspiring authoritarian in America wishes for with the desire of a heroin addict who’s getting antsy.
    I guess my point is that the right wing American media have portrayed trump’s attempted use of Ukraine as his personal lap dog either as a lie, or as true, but perfectly fine.
    hunky dory.
    Hell everbody does it amiright?
    I mean hell, we acquitted him in the Senate.
    So how hard would it be for Putin’s media to sell the Russian people on Ukraine being our lap dogs?
    Or attack dogs?
    When Fox news has done all the heavy lifting for em?
