Dannie Goeb of Baltimore goes All-In on Stupidity

February 22, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: 2022 Election, Voter Suppression

Dannie Goeb, a carpetbagger and radio talk show host from Baltimore, known in the Lone Star State as Dan Patrick, has gone all-in on stupidity in his effort to keep his Numero Uno spot with TFG and his crazy base for the 2022 election.  Goeb is already a walking public policy disaster and craven power grabber who’s cowed every Texas Republican office holder in Austin including Greg Abbott who’s also racing him off the far right edge of the Flat Earth.  In that race to the edge, Goeb’s being challenged by 5 Republican opponents who look less like serious political challengers and more like the cast of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.  They are campaigning on MAGA priorities such as ending all property taxes, outlawing all abortions, and seceding from the United States.

Goeb has responded to his challengers in kind, proposing idiotic policies such as ending all tenure for new professors at state universities and taking tenure away from professors who might dare to teach concepts that he doesn’t like.  Defending himself against massive backlash to this declaration, he tweeted, “I will not stand by and let looney Marxist UT professors poison the minds of young students with Critical Race Theory. We banned it in publicly funded K-12 and we will ban it in publicly funded higher ed. That’s why we created the Liberty Institute at UT.”  Talk about Cancel Culture with two capital Cs.  That tweet caused even greater backlash from academics all over the state who were already wary of the institute, especially after he lied that it was the idea of UT faculty, which it was not.

BTW, he’s starting the Liberty Institute with financing from billionaires Bud Brigham and Bob Rowling.  How much money these two have donated so far is unknown, but we do know that the state budgeted $6 million so far and the UT Board of Regents kicked in another $6 million.  Texas Monthly reported that the eventual annual budget could be as high as $100 million, 75% of which will be made up of your tax dollars and 25% billionaire pocket change.  Among banning university faculty tenure, and banning teaching of actual history, the institute is also intending to promote the ideas of “individual liberty, limited government, private enterprise and free markets”.  Apparently, these ideas have to align with Goeb’s own political positions, no matter how bad.

Capping off his big backlash week, Goeb also blundered with a mail in ballot scam that was carved out of the voter suppression bill that went into effect last September.  You’ll recall that the bill made it a felony for local election officials to mail unsolicited ballot applications or even suggest for people to vote by mail.  The carve out allows political candidates to mail out these ballot applications to their voters even pre-filled out.  Goeb did just that, but then shot himself in the foot again by having the return envelopes pre-addressed to the Texas Secretary of State instead of local county voter registrars.  This has caused a delays of thousands of mail in ballots because of the forwarding necessary from Austin to local counties all over the state.  Interestingly, when the story broke the Secretary of State website was suddenly scrubbed of a policy statement that all applications received by the office would be rejected.  When Goeb’s blunder was publicly reported, he said that he had ordered the applications be sent to Austin to protect voters from “blue county” registrars, who, like it or not, have to process all applications in that county.  It’s very possible thousands of Republicans may not get their ballots in time to vote.

That would be hilarious and a faint glimmer of justice.

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0 Comments to “Dannie Goeb of Baltimore goes All-In on Stupidity”

  1. From your lips to God’s ear.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    He proves again how stupid Texas top elected officials are (but Texas isn’t the lone star state in that category).
    Surprised he didn’t jump on the bandwagon to make contraceptives illegal, too.

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    We are so screwed here in Texas. Public schools were chastened for teaching CRT to children, which they don’t anyway. Now we can’t teach it to adults either. Wonder how many of those fancy UT lawyers who probably had to take a class in race relations for their law degree will feel when their university goes down in stature thanks to Patrick’s rules.

  4. Ask Goeb whether he supports burdensome government regulations affecting wages. When he says “of course”, ask him why he supports an open borders policy.

  5. The Rethuglikan candidates teevee spots around here are just batshit crazeee.
    You wonder who could possibly believe that bullshit, then I read this in the local RWNJ newpaper, and the question is answered. And all I can wish is to get the hell out of here:
    “Our county is ‘Ruby Red,’ surrounded by blue and purple
    February 15, 2022 By Elaine Kolodziej–
    “Wilson County is ‘Ruby Red!’ declared Republican National Committee Regional Director Melissa Conway at the Lincoln Day Dinner Feb. 10 in Floresville. She commended the work that Wilson County Republican Chairman Ruby Manen has done in keeping Wilson County solidly in the “red” Republican Party. “Wilson County is solidly red — at least for now,” Conway warned. ”

    For some sanity, President Biden will be addressing the nation shortly. Stream it live here :

  6. We are drowning in a rising tide of stupid.

  7. Well, President Biden’s address was short, once it got going after some delay.

    ***Biden did say these cryptic words:
    “…Additional U.S. forward move to Baltic states. …”.
    I think that he’s actually obliquely referring to putting the squeeze on the isolated Russian state of Kaliningrad Oblast!
    Which, as a perfect tactical and strategic move to counter Putin’s Ukraine aggression, I have been raving about for weeks. Sonuvabitch, if that’s what happens, I’m gonna shit a brick.

    Have a look at this map from Gazprom [the Russki oil&gas co.] below.
    See the little “Russia” territory between Poland and Lithuania. Surround that puppy with a half dozen USMC MEBs, 10 or 20 Army brigades, a dozen squadrons of F-16s, and a carrier group.
    Watch Poots squeal. :


    Another map:

  8. AlanInAustin ... says:

    I’m still curious as to whether his mailer (only to Republicans) was made with state or private funds. Anyone know?

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:


    If there was ever any doubt about the love affair between TFFG and Mussolini Putin, the article above tells us. Any retrumpican party politicians that haven’t already come out against the US in Ukraine will now feel obligated to support Putin and thus trumpf. I’m sure our NATO Allies continue to worry about where the US will stand with them in the future.

  10. thatotherjean says:

    I feel your pain. This must be a tough time to be a sane Texan. There just aren’t enough of you left to stop the crazies. If these policies regarding universities aren’t stopped, there will soon be fewer, as academics flee from state schools to private colleges and universities.

  11. “Texas don’t need no stinkin’ smart people, by cracky!” — Dan Patrick

  12. Steve from Beaverton @9, That’s just focking unfathomable, or maybe not considering that the Rufous Ratbastard has been Putinspuppet forever.

    This picture exactly perfectly represents the GQP of today :

    Somebody needs to put that image on signs, bumperstickers, and tee-shirts ASAP.

  13. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And now pompous pompeo. What country is this?

  14. SMac in PA says:

    I hail from southeastern Pa, and yes we have a tsunami of stupid/crazy here too.

    If you want a little ammo for all the “concerned citizens” who talk about Texas seceding, try telling them about all the federal money that will be lost if/when that happens.

    Then ask them to think about what this does to (in no particular order) employment, schools, universities, Police, EMT’s, and Fire departments.

    Then ask them how many people will leave Texas to follow their employment. Then ask them to think about a residential real estate glut (read that as RE prices dropping like a rock.)

    Dollar Amount of Defense Contracts Awarded to Contractors in this State from 2000 to 2020 $727,422,933,018

    That averages out to $36,371,146,650.00 per year.

    Insert https://www. before the URL below.


    And I haven’t even gotten to NASA, IRS, Social Security, medicaid, medicare, and military bases yet.

    That is one big hole to fill. And as far as I can see, they have no way to fill it.

  15. Opinionated Hussy says:

    You know, referring to these people as “stupid” is an insult to stupid people everywhere. They are somewhere below ‘sack of rocks’ in intelligence.

  16. Mister Lee says:

    If Goeb and Abbott take down tenure at Texas’ public universities, they knee-cap one of the major incentives that bring high tech, bio-medical, and engineering companies to the Lone Star State. Those outfits don’t come here because of the cheap real estate and because the Texas State Republican Party hates liberals. They came here because Texas has a well-educated labor force and because Texas public universities have well funded research projects. Remove the financial incentives for trained scientists, engineers, and researchers to move to Texas and the Texas State Republican Party throws a big wrench into one of the major engines driving Texas’ prosperity.

    This idiocy has been proposed before and rejected by senior Texas Republicans. But that was decades ago, when Texas Republicans had people like Bill Clements and not clown car drivers like our current governor and lieutenant governor.
