Where Are They Now: Michele Bachmann

January 28, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember Michele Bachmann?  Well, she’s still around. And not in a good way.

Last November, she went on a rightwing evangelical teevee show and proclaimed that she knew for a dead solid guaranteed fact who was going to overthrow the government —

“These are transgender Marxists — transgender Black Marxists — who are seeking the overthrow of the United States and the dissolution of the traditional family,” Bachmann said in the interview on The Victory Channel,

I think finding three hate words for what might on a good day comprise half a dozen people in America is a real special talent. And if you think about it, she wasn’t far from wrong. And by think about it, I mean believing that everybody at the January 6th insurrection was a transgender black Marxist.

And speaking of January 6th, Bachmann says she was at the White House that very day,

“We had our hands raised. We were worshipping the Lord on the South Lawn of the White House,” she said. “Before too long, the mob started. … All of a sudden, I sense the Holy Spirit just speaking to me. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, ‘It’s time to leave.'”

No, No, Honey. If that was the Holy Spirit, it would have told you to leave four years ago.

Anyway, the reason all this came up for me is that Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen gave me Michele’s FEC report. She is sitting on $1.6 million in her account.  She, did, however, spend some of it.



The Minnesota Voters Alliance seems to spend most of their time keeping people from voting.

The Leyden Preservation Group protects and serves old statues so there’s got to be some Civil War crap in there.

The Justice League of America is comic books and cartoons.  GiveSendGo, who got the money, is a Christian Fundraising site.  And … they were raising money to investigate “voting irregularities in Minnesota’s 2020 election.”

The Child Protection League seems most concerned with “experimental vaccines”, racial quotas in schools, and critical race theory.

So, during the worst pandemic in our lifetime, Michele found a way to make charitable contributions amounting to less than $12,000 that helped nobody whatsoever.  Not one mouth was fed or one rent paid. Not one sick child got to see a doctor or one grandma got a vaccine.

She’s got $1.6 million and that’s what she does to help.

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0 Comments to “Where Are They Now: Michele Bachmann”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    Another unifier from the GOP, the party who wants unity!

  2. Is it ok now to say what this woman needs is a bullet thru her head, or do I have to be elected to Congress first? Asking for a friend.

  3. Nothing to her husband, Marcus, to pray the gay away? I did not remember Trump appointing him to the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities, but that happened before he left office. At least Marcus doesn’t need to leave home for work.


  4. If she was there and has been a member of Congress, I wonder if she was one who fed the invaders info about the layout of the buildings?

  5. Apparently, it’s pretty tough to step away from The Grift

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    With the current crop of crazy congresspeople it’s easy to forget about one of the original crazies. Boebart, and taylor greene almost overshadow her, but this article reminds me just how crazy bachmann was, I mean is. Don’t forget palin even though she was only a governor (and helped Obama win). Didn’t mean to sound sexist because there’s plenty more guy crazies in the repugnantican party.

  7. Michele gets the Simon Award for today:

    Still Crazy After All These Years

  8. Yeah, those transgender Black Marxists have become a growing threat. This is what happens when you give crazy people a microphone.

  9. El lagarto says:

    Still, the Transgender Black Marxists is a decent name for a band….

  10. Rich in Fla says:

    Okay JJ you must have psychic powers.

    While driving home a short time ago I heard a news report about the latest Dem to push for Taylor-Green to be expelled and I though to myself that she made ‘ol crazy eyes Michelle Bachman look normal.

    How I jumped to Bachman in my mind I will never know, and here we are! Anyone care to explain?

  11. thatotherjean says:

    Michelle, honey, that wasn’t the Holy Spirit telling you to get away from the Capitol building on January 6, before the mob got there–it was the Capitol Police. Don’t forget to thank them.

  12. From the GiveSendGo website;
    “Justice League of America Vote Fraud Investigation”
    The funds from this campaign will be received by Jim Hoft.

  13. Michelle always impressed me as being only a few ticks of the Mickey Mouse watch away from a snake handler. Ya know, the ones who use reptiles in a “religious” service to show how confident they are that the Lord will not let the snake bite them and even if it did, the Lord would immediately cure them. Seriously, she and Loopy Louie always behaved as if they had soaked their brains in alcohol. Who know? Maybe I’m right!

  14. john in denver says:

    will she be teaming up with now-Rep. MTG and merging conspiracies, pointing out the transgender Black Marxists will be armed with Jewish space lasers?
