Weekend Toon

December 06, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


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0 Comments to “Weekend Toon”

  1. They forgot Jimmy Hoffa.

  2. Brilliant!

  3. “What we need is sustained outrage. Far too much respect is given to authority.”
    ~ Molly Ivins

    Headline: Just 27 of 249 Republicans in Congress willing to say Trump lost, survey finds

  4. Harry Eagar says:

    Although there were hardly any republicans in those days, when I lived in Georgia in the ’50s everybody was that way.

    My grandfather was an influential Episcopalian layman married to a Catholic, and he was called in in 1928 to try to scotch the story that if Al Smith won, the pope would come to Washington by a tunnel and tell the president what to do.

    Things hadn’t gotten any less zany 30 years later when there were Impeach Earl Warren billboards all over the place.

  5. Papa, add judge Crater to that list.

    And thank God Molly Ivins lived such a full life that she will always be with us.

  6. GOP Headquarters seems apropos. Everyone in the room acts like they have 1/4 of a brain.

  7. I’ve always wondered what is in the atmospheric mix of Planet Bozone that causes these delusions.

  8. Rick @ 6,

    Also add:

    No spine, no gonads, no ethics

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And Gooliani has tested positive for coronavirus. For some reason my spell check tried to make it say tested positive for corruption. Both apply. Anyone read about his interview by bartiromo. That was as nutty as this cartoon. Looney.

  10. https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/06/opinions/trump-loss-republicans-authoritarianism-obeidallah/index.html

    Another aspect of repugnantcans’ silence is waiting.
    Waiting as Qanon pushes the National narrative further to the right. Towards authoritarianism to the point of arrests and detentions of Democrats. The further into hysterical paranoia the (newest) right-wing fringe is allowed to thrive, the further right the new middle becomes. To people who increasingly get their worldview from social media, cretins like Tucker Carlson are the voice of reasonable moderation.
    The silent ones in Congress are merely biding their time. They can allow themselves to be drafted to the right like a runner, biker, or stock car driver, cutting themselves loose when they feel like they’ve gotten as much political advantage as they’re comfortable risking.
    In that repect, Qanon today is what the tea party was eight years ago.
