Torturing His Supporters

October 29, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so after Trump left his troops out in the cold, alone and afraid in Omaha, he planned to go to Florida where that wouldn’t happen.



He’s snake bit, y’all.


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0 Comments to “Torturing His Supporters”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    Trump’s strategy seems to be to keep as many of his supporters hospitalized on Election Day as possible. In anyone else, I’d think it odd.

  2. One disaster after another.

    It’s almost as if, oh, how would an evangelical Christian describe it? Almost like God is sending some kind of message down from on high? It’s hard to say where Trump pushed it too far, but holding up a Bible in front of a church while tear gassing people in the park might have done the trick. Especially since it was outside, and God couldn’t miss it. No need for the high powered omniscience to see through roofs and walls, Trump stood there and rubbed God’s nose in it.

  3. Karen Byrd says:

    I’m having a really hard time working up sympathy for people who go out in extreme cold and heat and risk catching Covid-19 just to hear a painted man spew hate.

  4. If the base is willing to wallow in its reverie… go for it.
    Consent has been manufactured, no bigs.

    As for Dr. Mengele’s (long now) child separation solution. All of us have put that nightmare on the back burner of thought. The privation of out of work, evictions and food emergency must take a back seat to vote suppression and the goober news we curse each day.

  5. Karen Byrd@3–I am with you on that. My sympathy is lacking.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Way past beyond the “call of duty” for paramedics to be exposed to Covid-19 and covidiots because Covidiot* 45 felt the need for yet another ego boosting super spreader event. While overstretched and under staffed medical personnel have been been risking their lives for nearly 10 months without a break because the Toddler-in-Thief and his maladministration have abdicated all responsibility when not actively sabotaging the efforts to flatten the curve.

    Time for mayors and governors to add KMAYOYO (pronounced comma-yoyo) to any further demands by Donnie’s campaign staff for Flu Klux Klan rallies. While way past the point of caring if covidiots are risking their own lives, allowing them to super spread and kill at will needs to be stopped.

    h/t to Thelma for “Flu Klux Klan rally.”

  7. Agree with you all. I don’t have any sympathy for them either. If God isn’t smiting, Karma is biting (Sorry ).

  8. The group setting these events up must have oatmeal for brains.
    He’s too cheap to pay real people who know what they are doing. Or perhaps nobody will work for him.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Off topic but I see the WSJ is doing their last minute barrage of bullshit like “masks are oversold.” Maybe they’re trying to make up for not giving Giuliani’s Hunter Biden scam more coverage. That’s a Rupert Murdoch publication for you.

  10. john in denver says:

    The Tampa dysfunction, following the Omaha bus fiasco, following the pretty clear evidence of COVID spikes in the cities Trump visit … all makes me wonder a great deal what REALLY happened when Trump Tower in Chicago got hit by 3 simultaneous lightning bolts.

    The campaign’s bumbling is only slightly better than the Trump Sad!-ministration foolishness, which WE are paying for.

  11. I keep going back to the Johnny Paycheck song “Take this job and shove it” to describe trump voters. A line in the song is “I wish I had the guts to say”.
    Trump says it for them.

  12. As the fire department blasted water over the crowd Orange45 opined: “Are they doing that on purpose? Are they friend or foe? … And if they’re foe, let’s take care of those sons of bitches.”

    What a shithead. Killing his cult with Covid, actively hurting them with cold and heat. Why does anyone support him.

  13. I, too, find myself saying “meh” because the more of them that leave us the more that don’t use oxygen intended for good people.

  14. James Bowater says:

    If you apply to be one of the brainwashed , do you have to sign a waiver ?

  15. TrulyTexan says:

    87 degree weather! That’s a cool front here. Talk about snowflakes.

  16. Sandridge says:

    I like snakes, let’s not endanger them: “He’s snake bit, y’all.”. Any poor snake that bit Dijiot would die.

  17. The Surly Professor says:

    Trump reminds me of the old Texas insult: “He thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow”.

  18. Buttermilk Sky says:

    There are still fires all over the West. Maybe trump could contrive to get some of his admirers killed.

    He really attacked the Tampa FD for spraying water on people who were passing out in the heat? I’d say “unbelievable,” but I believe everything now.

  19. okie-dokie says:

    “Back in the day” the Rs tried to pass themselves off as the “party of personal responsibility.”

    Like other posters here I’m having difficulty conjuring up any sympathy for any “Uncle Liberty”* who goes out without a mask or bothering to socially distance them selves and come down with the virus.

    *HT to Driftglass
