The Joke’s On Them

October 26, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Another treat from Nick Caraway


If I’ve learned anything about hanging out with the Buchanon’s it is that they are experts at the self-own. There is no better self-own than the joke at someone else’s expense. They sounds so smart and so smug. What they don’t realize is that this joke ends up making them look bad in the end.

We saw the following on Twitter right after the debate. “Did @realDonaldTrump

just say 545 kids they can’t find their parents for came over through “cartels and coyotes”?! How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord—–stop talking. #FinalDebate

Of course, conservative twitter and those on social media couldn’t resist the temptation. The struck on the representative’s naïve nature and pounced. Seems she didn’t know that coyotes referred to drug smugglers. It was a general theme from the night. Trump played the Fox News greatest hits while most of America was puzzled.


Conservative folks got a cheap laugh out of that picture. I have to admit it was funny. The problem is that the joke is on them. Most people pay enough attention to know that those 545 kids were separated from their parents. They weren’t smugglers, coyotes, or very bad people. They just wanted a better life for themselves and their children.

So, maybe they got a cheap laugh. They also showed their true colors. We always knew these folks. We knew what they were all about. The few undecideds know too. It might be too much to hope that a few people will be turned off by the president and these cheap jokes. It’s one of the main reasons I left New York in the first place.”


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0 Comments to “The Joke’s On Them”

  1. I learned a new word today: “caucasity”. Caucasian audacity.

    This reeks of the casual cruelty endemic to the flying @$$monkeys…

  2. Nick Carroway says:

    It’s a fairly simple explanation. When people are hurting or in pain you can comfort them, heal them, or you can point your finger at someone else and tell they they are to blame for it. There’s been a shift in this country over the past 40 to 50 years. Some of that is just a natural course of history and some of it was by design.

    You used to be able to get a high school diploma, get a decent job, and work your way up the company for 30-40 years until retirement. You got the pension and the gold watch and got to retire to the recliner where you could tell your grandkids about the good ole’ days when people worked hard and got ahead. For a multitude of reasons, that life isn’t available to most people anymore.

    Part of that is just simple evolution. We don’t deliver ice door to door anymore and have our milk delivered. Few people repair stuff. I still remember a guy that used to repair my toys. Could you imagine someone doing that these days? Part of that is because of the systematic dismantling of the middle class since Reaganomics.

    If you are a conservative running for office you certainly aren’t going to admit St. Ronny was wrong. You certainly aren’t going to tell people they need to get more education. Why would you want to do that? So, you find someone or a group of people to blame. Enter immigrants.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Every president has communication advisors and staff to help with answering tough questions and they are often professional spinners. This president has a staff of professional devious liars. They don’t just spin the topic, they create new reality, which always blames someone else, and projects Trumpf’s bad traits to his opponents. The separated children alternate reality is just like every other bad thing this administration has done- cruel and in the case of the coronavirus, deadly.
    I have some hope that enough undecided voters have seen enough to vote this administration out. Humiliatingly I hope.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Remember the hoarders? Those with a garage full of toilet paper and hand sanitizer trying to make a buck on the internet who were slapped down by prevailing law. Yet Jughead Kushner profiteered $millions off our national supply of PPE that he claimed “as his.”

    Immigration reform or whatever reforms we need for the social equality that is supposed to be a selling point of democracy will not be happening without reforming the courts. Fancy for throwing all the reactionary conservative Federalist Society judges out on their butts.

    Two tier economy. Two tier justice system. Call it fascism, call it totalitarianism. But it’s back to pre-revolution feudalism by any name.

    So will Joe and Kamala be ‘packing’ the courts? No. Let’s get the messaging right. They will be unpacking the courts.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Speaking of jughead Kushner and alternate reality, his Fox “news” comments yesterday about Black Americans not wanting to be successful unless the vote for his daddy in law should really piss off everyone outside the cult. Then he topped that off by saying protesters of the George Floyd murder were disingenuous. Check out Raw Story for his racist white supremacy supremacist garbage. Hope this brings out the vote even more.

  6. van heldorf says:

    Reading the comments here now as well as over the years where they are in general intelligent, articulate, vs those who disengage their thinking section of the brain, IMO they don’t reach the intended audience.
    It seems that one of the very few ways to get their attention is when these people almost literally get their a$$es handed to them – and that is no guarantee. And not all of them are Neanderthals. Some actually have high IQs which only measures capability not necessarily knowledge or emotions.

  7. larry from Colorado says:

    Jane & PKM: Speaking of hoarders, I got a laugh in Costco at the sign that said we are not accepting returns of Toilet tissue, wipes or tissues.

  8. Have a feeling God will never forgive any of us when it comes to kidnapping children straight from parental ams. Saw a part of a video of an immigration lawyer trying to get to his client, an immigrant child, detained in a hotel by ICE agents who were not in uniform and refused to show ID while physically manhandling the lawyer until they managed to shove him into an elevator.
    American justice. Yup!

    And no yippie ky yay.
