While You Were Watching Pandemic Coverage

March 17, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election, Russian Hacking, Trump

While we were all watching coverage of the Coronavirus and preparing for the onslaught, Trump’s justice department was moving to drop charges against Russian backed companies indicted by Mueller for financing Russian interference in the 2016 election.  Yes, that is really happening.

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0 Comments to “While You Were Watching Pandemic Coverage”

  1. Bill Barr’s Off-the-Cliff Notes summaries:

    Crime & Punishment – accidents happen
    In Cold Blood – was there intent?
    Murder on the Orient Express – see Europe by train
    Rise & Fall of the Third Reich – mistakes were made, but the highways were fast and safe

  2. WA Skeptic says:

    I saw that; not surprised that they use this pandemic as a smoke-screen.


  3. charles phillips says:

    Saw this yesterday, not sure why they thought no one would notice. Also saw that Flynn might be pardoned.

  4. Old Fart says:

    And since it was done with prejudice:
    “If your case was dismissed with prejudice, it could be appealed to a higher judge, but you can’t start over from scratch and try again.” ^

    ^ https://www.illinoislegalaid.org/legal-information/difference-between-dismissed-or-without-prejudice

  5. Larry from Colorado says:

    I post that on Facebook and they removed it. I guess Facebook is now ALSO an arm of the Russian Government.

  6. Ralph Wiggam says:

    El Jefe, you mentioned the coronavirus. Is that anything like the TRUMPVIRUS?

  7. maryelle says:

    Of course, Putin feels his window of influence is closing,
    with the probable end of the Trump Administration,
    and wants all the loose ends tied up. Putin 2.0 and Barr respond to their puppet master.

  8. thatotherjean says:

    Of course. If Putin gets upset, Donnie’s major funding dries up, and his loans come due. Bill Barr should be stopping this, but he’s certainly not going to. He applied for the job promising to give Trump whatever he wanted.

  9. Thatotherjean – it could also get a whole lot worse – the Russians are not fond of losing money no matter how or which way. They have any of settling acocunts that are absolutely murderous and they don’t care if innocent bystanders also get in the back of the neck. The Golden Gibbon shuld be sweating steel bullets.

  10. Aggieland Liz says:

    Hi Jefe,
    One of the reports I read said the Russkies were salivating at the thought of the disclosure info they would get detailing how we manage cyber security threats. It’s a possibility. Thanks for all the corona virus info. Here’s an article on the mathematics of the spread of this virus in case anyone is interested:


    If someone else already posted it I’m sorry to be redundant.
