It Was So Crazy That It Just Might Work

March 16, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so when they announced that Trump did not have coronavirus, I didn’t believe it. I can’t imagine why I wouldn’t except that his doctors lie about him as a matter of routine, leaving me to think if they said he didn’t have it, he did.

Okay, now hear me out. I think there was supposed to be a second part to the announcement.  I think the reason they postponed him having the test is that they wanted to say that not only did he not have it, it was discovered that he is the only person on earth to have natural antibodies to coronavirus.  He is the Henrietta Lacks of coronavirus and he – and he alone – can save America.

But then, the deal with the German scientists fell through, leaving Trump with no magic cure.

That, my friends, is the only damn way I can come up with an explanation of why the United States would want to buy a scientist’s cure and not share it with anyone else in the world.

Thanks, Republicans, for this gem of a man.


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0 Comments to “It Was So Crazy That It Just Might Work”

  1. megasoid says:

    I spent some futile time trying to find out what the Vegas line was on Orange Ogre’s chances of contracting his very own mortal impeachment.
    To no avail.

  2. Old Fart says:

    We’re merely where we feared we’d end up when Russia got Boss Tweet elected. We just didn’t take in account that the oil market would be used as a lever to help roll us over the edge.

    GOPs, you get what Russia paid for…

  3. What and intriguing and indecent thought that a microscopic virus could help rid us of the Republican rot.

  4. The Holy Grail and its promise of eternal life!

    “He chose… corruptly.”

  5. charles phillips says:

    I had to read that last line twice, because the first time through, I could have sworn it said “… GERM of a man.”

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    President Obama spent 8 long years trying to clean up after Dubya and Cheney with Moscow Mitch at the ‘fifty yard line’ blocking all legislative attempts to move the country forward. After 4 years of the wrecking ball known as IQ4.5* and his maladministration this mess requires a Democratic President, Senate and House.

    COVID-19? Even a disease wants nothing to do with the rancid Donnie*. Which leaves Republicons being more st00pid than a virus.

    Possible good news on this latest strain of coronavirus is a natural one, herd immunity.

  7. Miss darlin’ JJH:

    He knows nothing but win-lose transactions at every level. I am sure he says “win-win” at some point but by that he means the other party got $0.01 where he got $10.00.

    I doubt there is any deeper meaning to what Trump did or attempted to do.

  8. I think buying the German company would let him claim to the cult that the vaccine was made in and by the US. MAGA! “Only I could fix this problem. The vaccine is perfect! Just line the letter.”

  9. Jere Armen says:

    I am 99.999% sure that no deal would have come out of his attempts to corner the vaccine. The German government was quite concerned, and the CureVac company publicly stated yesterday that any vaccine they develop would be made available world-wide. And by now Germans are savvy enough about T to know that he doesn’t pay his bills.
    So, I am thankful that this effort to buy the private rights to the vaccine with taxpayer dollars (what? You think he was going to use HIS OWN money? How naive of you) as a re-election stunt that would keep enriching himself has crashed.

  10. Megasoid, if you want a place that will take your bet, go to Paddy Power in Ireland. They will take bets on almost anything. They might just accommodate you.


  11. Btw – according to CNN Mars-a-Corona is going through a deep clean as several folks have tested positive.

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    Sharon Greiff @11. Good. Cleaning Merde-duh-Blowhole will be good practice for the hazmat team that will be needed to remove the taint of IQ4.5* and his maladministration from Dee Cee.

  13. I like the way you think JJ, and it makes more sense of Trump’s non-response over the last month too. More people to save!

    The base would have gone wild when der Ubermensch Trump saved the day, with a flair of Aryan technology for an added dog whistle effect.

    Can you imagine the goose stepping? By those treated in time that is?

  14. Grandma Ada says:

    And now that Old Fart mentioned it, what is the status of the virus in Russia? I’m sure it’s zero!

  15. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Trump likes to brag about his German blood. German scientists got us to the moon. Maybe German blood will cure COVID-19.

    Trying to think like Trump. Now I need to lie down.

  16. Ormond Otvos says:

    Did a little research and found a well-documented paper (34 citations) that pointed out that since 1908 physicians have used serum from convalescent patients to inoculate healthy people against viruses.

    googled “immunity recovered virus”

  17. Gran\dma Ada….Russia reporting 90 cases. According to Johns Hopkins tracking website. If anyone believes that, I have some ocean front property in AZ for sale…….

  18. treehugger says:

    Of course we can’t believe his doctors. They’re the ones who keep telling us that Trump weighs 220 pounds and is in perfect health. I tell myself that it is bad to wish people ill, but that’s the angel on one shoulder. On the other shoulder is the devil telling me COVID-19 couldn’t happen to a better person. On the other hand, I’m pretty convinced Trump has sold his soul to the devil, so maybe it’s the other way around … ?

  19. I’m sure Trump believes his superior genetic inheritance makes him immune to disease, just as it makes him an MIT-professor-level genius. He resisted testing because some Deep State lab tech would/could forge a positive result, making him look weak and ordinary.

  20. As for whether or not he has the virus, we’ll know for certain in a week or two. Let him have it, I say. It will potentially solve our greatest national problem.

    And as for the chance that he’ll infect the rest of the White House, well, would the rest of us be any worse off if he did?

  21. I know I should resist this, but,,,

    I’ve worked at MIT, and with MIT professors.

    MIT professors are friends of mine.

    Boss Tweet, you’re no MIT professor…

  22. Ok, so if Dotard45 does have a natural immunity from COVID-19 (not buying it, but if he does) then he needs to submit himself to a medical team for study, blood draws, etc etc so that a cure can be found.

    Also, re #16, Newsweek had an article with a misleading title stating that the blood of recovered patients could be injected into sick people. Which got many who don’t know science and/or didn’t read the article all freaked out. The blood, specifically the serum component of it, of recovered people contains antibodies to the virus which could be injected into others to help fight off the virus. It’s not new.

  23. Mr Dump in his Diaper says/does anything good/bad just to stay in the spotlight .

  24. AlanInAustin ... says:

    I read that he also tested negative for empathy, but no surprise there huh?

    Grocery stores stripped bare these days so I suppose we’ll now start seeing ads for Soylent Green. I’ll insist mine be free range, non-GMO, fed organically, and come from an all-female cooperative in a third-world country. Tough times don’t mean lowering standards.
