Self Awareness Just Died

October 17, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald J Trump, Jr. is powerfully upset about Hunter Biden.  So upset that he went on Sean Hannity and said,

“When you’re the father and your son’s entire career is dependent on that, they own you.”

Mirrors cracked in the entire zip code of Sean Hannity’s show.

How can you do that?  How can you not know that you’d be an assistant manager at Office Depot except for having your Dad’s name? Your brother would be stocking shelves there.

I don’t get it.  Is there a self awareness gene? Why didn’t the Trump family have any?


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0 Comments to “Self Awareness Just Died”

  1. Linda Phipps says:

    My names for them used to be “Usay’ and ‘Uday” … sometimes it’s “Dumb” and “Dumber”.

  2. If Dumb Trump Jr had self awareness, he’d first need awareness.

  3. Linda@1
    In profile they resemble Beavis and Butthead.

  4. ‘Assistant Manager’? That’s a stretch.

  5. Teake away the advantages of great wealth, Jr. would be holding down 3 part-time jobs and living in a tiny apartment with 4 roommates, or in a car. Jr. hasn’t a clue.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    So says the slimy chip off the old dotard.

  7. It’s obvious now that the entire family is genetically defective. That they are missing the “empathy” gene has been understood for some time; but, now they seem to be alien creatures who couldn’t have possibly been raised in any kind of polite/civil society.

  8. A book that financial planners hand out to their clients titled ‘The Millionaire Next Door’ is based on interviews of many wealthy families. One of the takeaways is that the children of wealth often feel as entitled to that wealth as if they had made it themselves.

  9. I’ve seen this sort of blindness before. Amazing, ain’t it! And he will never as a result know in the end what hit him.

  10. i just hope that whenever we can bring this reign of terror down, that family of degenerate grifters will go quietly and stay quiet. also can’t wait to see how long Messy stays around post-WH before taking Barron off to live on whatever $ she has managed to squirrel away. you know she has to be hiding some in case the divorce settlement is non-existant due to financial ruin.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Papa@5, the challenge is under the circumstances you described: name 3 part-time jobs DoltJrMint could handle and 3 proprietors sufficiently st00pid to employ him for more than 30 seconds. I failed.

  12. And Donnie Sr would be selling counterfeit watches on 5th Avenue and living out of his car were it not for *his* father.

  13. I’m sure exactly when irony died to the NSGOP. All I know is they had already murdered it by sometime in the George W. Bush administration.

  14. Easttxdem says:

    Even tho they aren’t the brightest bulbs in the chandelier, of course Junior and Eric know what they are doing when they point the finger at Hunter Biden and spout outrage. It’s a classic play from the Republican game plan — accuse others of that which you yourself are guilty. It’s called “projection” and, unfortunately, there are folks who choose to believe it.

  15. I’ve said for years that if Trump didn’t have his father’s cash to rely on, he would have quickly found his natural level: owner of a used car lot. The skeevy type, of course, that sets up shop just outside a military base to catch E-2s and E-3s with some cash in their pockets. Melenia would do the books, Jared would run the repair shop and hire mechanics who would string nuts on a wire and hide them in the door panels so they can charge $750 to ” fix the rattle. Don Jr and Eric would head up finance and sales, respectively. Ivanka wouldn’t be on-site because she’d be heading up the other family business – making auto-title loans.

  16. If Trump didn’t have his father’s money he’d be in jail right now.
    He needed the money to fix his mistakes his corruption and to pay people off.
    Think Sopranos. With ugly hair.
    Although.. Tony did have limited self awareness.
    Trump is just…. nasty.

  17. Sandridge says:

    Arakasi @15,
    Or more likely, Ms Ivanka would be down the road fulfilling certain other ‘needs’ of the randy E-x devils…

    Just another day in the ‘Murikan scatocracy [rule by POS’s, –lifted from DK].

  18. Have been forced by events to think of these brothers as Thing 1 and Thing 2. I thought the dame of Sadam Hussein’s boys.

  19. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Projection, much?
