Lawyers! Lawyers! Lawyers!
Come to find out, Rudy Giuliani isn’t the only completely insane lawyer Trump has working for him privately to gain dirt on Biden in Ukraine.
The double team powerhouse of Joe DiGenova and his wife, Victoria Toensing are plowing the dirt fields for Trump and considering their past, they ought to be pretty good at plowing for dirt. They are teevee lawyers for Fox News, which is to lawyering what wrestling is to professional sports.
It appears that they are are on Trump’s private payroll, which means they’ll never get paid, which, coincidently, is exactly what they are worth.
I wasn’t surprised to hear about those two; what I can’t get over is the fact that DeGenova was once the (appointed) DA for DC and he actually did a credible job in that and was widely respected. I wonder what happened to him?
1I believe they’re also representing a pro- Russian Ukrainian oligarch … so they’ll likely be billing in rubles.
2Salon’s headline for this is juicy: “Rudy and Trump in full meltdown: Time to bring in the even sleazier legal B-team”.
Generally I don’t criticize peoples’ appearance, since I’m in the category of “should be LAST person to cast a stone”. But the one JJ posted above makes them look like a couple just busted for having kidnapped teenagers chained up in their basement. They certainly don’t look happy with life. From what BarbinDC says, maybe they’re seeing a future where they will be remembered as “last desparate flailings by a Big Idiot to have some semblence of legality.”
3That would be wrastlin’.
4Why is a married couple that’s supposed to be working together appearing from different places?