Holy Damn Crap! We’re Getting Started!

September 23, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The New York Times Opinion page has 40 Reasons To Dump Trump.

See if you can find more.

Personally, I don’t like how his neck doesn’t work right, but the New York Times doesn’t mention that.

Just the facts – in 40 sentences.

Thanks to Bruce for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Holy Damn Crap! We’re Getting Started!”

  1. My favorite guilty pleasure is @angrierWHstaff on Twitter, apparently a former staffer who still has friends there. He does an AMA on Friday nights (usually) and frequently claims that Trump won’t make it until 2020. His pathology is too far advanced and it’s getting too hard to hide. True? Who knows.

  2. Not too bad of a list of the baldfaced lies and corruption of SOBOTUS.
    Albeit, a very short, truncated, abbreviated, glossed-over, minimal, slimmed-down ‘executive summary’ style, very brief and barely filled-out list…
    Considering DJT’s lying bastard lifetime history of cheating, stealing, prevarication, untruth, corruption, fraud, misdirection, and bullshit artistry. /s

    I have no doubt if we had the mofo’s student records beginning with 1st grade, every teacher who ever had the misfortune of having little DJT in their classroom would have written the same thing:
    ‘DJT is a completely untruthful, incorrigible, manipulative, incompetent at every level and task, disingenuous, facetious, asskissing, deceptive, deviant, thieving, bullying, thoroughly nasty little turd who should be sent to a ‘youth corrective facility’ ASAP [except but for his rich daddy’s bribes’]. A model student of what not to be.

    To this day I remember going to summer camp many decades ago with a similarly pathologically criminal little SOB. I still have utter disgust for that bastard, probably why I had the same gut reaction to first encountering the DJT persona.
    How the effen hell can ~40% of ‘Murican voters worship this prototypical POS?

  3. Things to add:
    He called primarily black population countries shitholes
    He lied about an important hurricane update, needlessly panicking people.
    He ramrodded an alleged rapist into the SC
    He regularly denigrates cities (Baltimore, San Fran, etc) and states (California)
    He rolls back climate rules, including those would infringe upon states’s right (I thought Repugs were all for States’s rights – guess it depends).
    I know it’s petty, but I can’t stand when he wheezes and snorts while talking.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    He paid a woman $130K for sex and then she turned around and described his south of the border parts – yuck and ewww!

  5. This is the site that provides a daily listing, repeat, a daily listing of OberDrümpfen vengeance plans, twitzensturms and Krieguckfups.

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  6. Friend lives in NYC. Complaining about Trump’s visit to UN is making NYC unbearable, closed streets traffic, etc.
    Also talked about influx of oligarchs and prostitutes.
    Some things about trump never change.

  7. ‘Forty reasons to dump Trump:

    c =0
    For c < 40
    Print “Because Trump will always be Trump”
    End For
