The Odds Just Shifted.

June 24, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so now it looks like Mike Flynn might be going to jail.

Flynn’s first two lawyers worked out a deal that in exchange for cooperation with the Feds, Flynn would pretty much walk free and clear.  The judge was dubious about doing that because, after all, Flynn sold out his country, so things got postponed.

Now Flynn has a new lawyer.  She’s Sydney Powell.

The lawyer, Sidney Powell, is a conservative commentator who frequently appears on Fox News and sells t-shirts that say “Creeps on a Mission” featuring images of Mueller, former FBI Director James Comey and other Justice Department officials.

Yeah, she’s a snake oil hawker just looking to make a dime in this crummy world.

Hint: never hire a lawyer who makes a living off self promotion on the teevee and the internet machine.


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0 Comments to “The Odds Just Shifted.”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Sidney Powell, the one to almost make Orly Taitz seem somewhat sane. She’s pounding the “he was framed” drum. Wait until Judge Sullivan hears this one. She is Daily Caller material where she wrote this:

    “Yes, Flynn entered a guilty plea. But like many others, including a disproportionate number of young minority men who have no resources whatsoever, that does not mean that he did anything wrong. All it means is that he — like so many others — saw no other way out.”

    WTF? Is she trying to ‘sell’ Flynn the old white guy as a young black male?

    What fun for the House Intelligence Committee if Flynn shows up with this latest lawyer. Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell will have quite the task keeping Devin Nunes from going madcow moo love with Sidney.

    Doubt Judge Sullivan is any happier with Flynn. Flynn’s foray with Jughead Kushner to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia while he has charges pending probably won’t distract from the good judge’s thoughts regarding Flynn and treason.

  2. I have had me some wild and strange dealings with lawyers over the years. Usually the wilder and stranger got fired in no time flat. Beware any lawyer who does T-shirts with derogatory printing regarding any federal government agency. It usually means that really aren’t that good at lawyering. And she has also sent up other smoke signals that says “Damn! I’m glad I’m beautiful cuz ordinarily I’m dumber than a tree stump.”

  3. charles phillips says:

    Bet she’s as stupid as Orly Taitz, too.

  4. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Are you sure “creeps on a mission” isn’t a reference to her, uh, kidneys?

  5. RepubAnon says:

    Looks like she’s auditioning for Trump Administration job, possibly with Fox, maybe his next press secretary.

  6. Repubanon @ 5,

    She might be fighting in the wing with Hannity for that job.

  7. Joe remains confused says:

    I’m just thinking that anyone who hires an attorney who advertises a “Good Citizen Award” from High School on their website might be getting zactly what they paying for.
    Just saying

  8. panthercityhorn says:

    Sidney Powell reminds me of Saul Goodman. Only difference is that he had a better promo: “BETTER CALL SAUL!”

  9. There’s a reason behind all thse lawyer jokes. She’s one of them.

  10. In interview syphilitic donnie stated that hiring jeff sessions was his biggest mistake.
    Gee any one normal would probably view hiring an individual secretly working for numorous foriegn governments ( Turkey and russia that we know of) as National Security advisor would outrank that.

  11. slipstream says:

    K – Trump himself is working for Putin. Why, just last week Trump was all set attack Iran, when his good bud Vlad told him to cool it.

    To Trump, a little treachery among the staff is nothing more than imitation — the sincerest form of flattery.

  12. The Surly Professor says:

    I’m old and lazy tonight. Was Judge Sullivan the one who queried Flynn about whether or not he knew what pleading guilty meant, back when he and his previous gang of courtoom reptiles tried to float the “he was deceived and framed” stuff just before he pleaded?

    Sorry for the confusion. But this is like the 2014 elections when one young woman said “the rape guy lost”, and her colleague replied “which one?”. So many charges, plea agreements, and attempts to throw shade on the charges being laid by Mueller’s team, that I’ve lost track of which corrupt POS did what.

    Sorta off-topic: did Kris (Suppress the Vote) Kolbach ever sign up and go through the legal “refresher course” that the judge in Kansas required of him as one result of his catastrophically losing court case?

  13. twocrows says:

    Okay, yeah. I continually feel like a broken record these days but still, I’m gonna say it again:
    Thank Gawd for stupid criminals.

    Flynn outdid himself this time. He traded in his semi-competent counsel for a flake who loves showing up on FOX and prints propaganda T-shirts.

    Can’t wait to see how many new ones the judge rips her — the same judge who called what her client did ‘treason’ and told him he REALLY, REALLY didn’t want to be sentenced before he did a lot more cooperatin’.

    Yep, that judge.
    Popping the popcorn now.

  14. @The Surly Professor #12
    Yes same judge.

  15. For any one who is trusting upon the very thin reed of judicial action against doddering don before, or after, he leaves office- you just took another hit.
    It is reported ( Raw Story) that barr killed at least 7 of Muellers invesigations spun of from his report.
    By the time this group is done will make the twits erasure of his disgraceful flying career in the Texas nat. guard look like cheating on a grade school report card.
    Between the ag hobbleing investigations, destruction of evidence, a compliant and obedient judiciary they will ride off with a de facto blanket immunity.
