You’re On, Sarah, Let’s Have a Smartness Contest

April 14, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so there’s a brand new reason why congress cannot have Trump’s taxes: They are are not smart enough to understand them.

Sarah Sanders this morning on Fox News.

“I don’t think Congress, particularly not this group of congressmen and women, are smart enough to look through the thousands of pages that I would assume President Trump’s taxes will be,” Sanders told “Fox News Sunday.”

She added: “My guess is most of them don’t do their own taxes, and I certainly don’t trust them to look through the decades of success that the president has and determine anything.”

Sarah, Honey, I would not get into a smart-match with Trump and anybody.  He better bring a cushion because he’s gonna get a butt whippin’.

Tomorrow the excuse will be that he’s not finished with this year’s taxes because he lost his crayons.

Thanks to Epp for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “You’re On, Sarah, Let’s Have a Smartness Contest”

  1. Reminds me of an old saying: Some people are quiet and thought stupid. Others speak and remove all doubt.

  2. Coprolite says:

    My guess is that Trump isn’t smart enough to do his own taxes, either.

  3. That’s good Sarah.
    But then maybe the people who do taxes for US Representatives could look at Trump’s taxes?

    Also in the running for Crazy Quotes this Sunday, Republican Florida Sen. Rick Scott said of Trump (on immigration):

    “maybe he’s just saying this to make everybody crazy.”

    That statement is never out of context.

  4. Sarah, like her boss thinks she’s an IofIU when she’s really an IF.
    IofIU-Intimidator of Insolent Upstarts
    IF-Incompetent Fumbler.

  5. I’ll bet they could find a few accountants who could understand them.

    But they I’d bet SSanders a considerable sum of money that non-accountant me could figure them out too.

  6. maryelle says:

    Ms. Huckabuck Sanders shows such contempt for all but Trump sycophants. Her comments to professional journalists are insufferable. One can only hope that when the Trump cabal crumbles, she and her ilk go down hard. The lies she spreads on his behalf have damaged our country immeasurably.

  7. Teh Gerg says:

    She has little understanding or logic, just a lot of smears and lies.

  8. Wasn’t she supposed to resign and go find another career elsewhere?

  9. Has she met Katie Porter?

  10. Oh, yeah…….’cause Congress (the keeper of the public purse after all) has NO ONE that’s capable of interpreting a bunch of numbers. Ok so the ones confused by a political science degree might be confused but the rest should be fine with figuring out some bullcrap tax returns.

  11. Yes, I could read all the forms and use my calculator at the same time. Its kind of like chewing gum and walking across a room.

  12. Sharon Greiff says:

    The Congressional Research Service said there are 10 accountants in this Congress, including two senators and eight House members. Three Democratic congressmen are trained as Certified Public Accountants, which means they had to pass an exam and meet the state work and education experience requirements.

  13. I can’t imagine what Sweet Sarah would say if she wasn’t such a “good Christian.”

  14. Linda Phipps says:

    Papa: Yes, Huckabee Sanders is career-shopping, but the only paper that would hire her as a restaurant critic is the New York Post. She did get her BA in poly-sci from a small religious college, which is probably not the equal of AOC’s cum laude degree from Boston U.

  15. Sweetie, the only important words here are “shall furnish.” Just get out of the way of the door, dear. The cart should be coming through any time now.

    And if the Democrats want Trump’s tax returns only for political reasons, to embarrass him, how exactly are the returns embarrassing? Or would you like us to work on that for you?

  16. Old Fart says:

    And lo and behold, crooks and liars has this response by Mayor Steve Adler of Austin:

    “Wouldn’t it be great if we had a president who was smart?”

  17. thatotherjean says:

    Sarah, honey, if the Democrats can’t figure out Trump’s tax returns, they’re smart enough to hire forensic accountants who can. Tell your boss, who has loudly proclaimed, over and over, that he has nothing to hide, to follow the law and give them to Congress.

  18. Sam in St Paul says:

    Sarah and her dad prove that ignorance and maliciousness can be hereditary.

  19. She meant “too smart not to understand them.” Right?
