
April 12, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, let’s just click our heels together and dance the happy dance that Democrats elected a mess of really smart young women to congress who came to do good.

Enjoy Jamie Dimon having to think about being part of the working poor.



Bless his heart.  He’s never, ever thought about this before?


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0 Comments to “Stunning”

  1. Katie Porter is schooling witnesses and left Dimon literally speechless. She’s quite an impressive woman who was a law school student of Elizabeth Warren, then became a law school professor herself. Unbelievable that Dimon couldn’t or wouldn’t say say, oh I guess we should pay our employees more in response to her theoretical.

  2. yeah, i was also waiting for that ‘we should pay a living wage’ breakthru for Dimon. good thing i was not holding my breath…..

  3. “Dimon’s father and grandfather were both stockbrokers at Shearson” from Wikipedia

    am thinking that lil’ Jamie never had to worry about minimm wage or being one of the working poor

  4. Thoughts and prayers is literally all these big bankers(republicans for sure) have to offer. This is the reality for a very high percentage of the country. Hope he chokes on his overcooked prime rib.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    The robber barons are horrified at the idea of a $15/hr minimum wage. Let’s vote for actual living wages so they’ll leap off a ledge or something. Figure what minimum wage would need to be for a kid working weekends and summers in high school and through college to attend their state university without going into debt. $15 isn’t even close in most states.

  6. I’m guessing Dimon doesn’t much care what the Congresswoman thinks, or whether one of his employees literally starves to death. That kind of arrogance doesn’t include empathy. Congressfolk come and go, as do employees, so appealing to conscience simply doesn’t work, obviously. “I’d have to think about that” is a perfect response since he’ll never be held accountable. Not even Obama would touch him. I’m surprised he even shows up for a hearing–maybe only to have a sumptuous lunch with his rich buddies where the poor things complain about how disrespected they are.

  7. maryelle says:

    He knew exactly what she was getting at, but refused over and over again to say what the logical answer was: The minimum salary must be raised. This is the way the 1% view their workers, a necessary evil and not worthy of their concern.

  8. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Loved it when she asked if the employee should just run up her credit card…or overdraft her account at the bank where she works.

  9. As usual I couldn’t agree more with everything said here already. I think this guy does know exactly what she was getting at, but to a certain extent doesn’t understand why they shoulda been having the conversation in the first place. His worldview dictates that everyone in our society deserves exactly what they’ve got. Every job pays exactly what the market will bear. Anyone who wants more just needs to get off their lazy asses and get better jobs. The lack of empathy we’ve all discussed just ensures that he’ll never comprehend how someone who isn’t as fortunate as him and his pals aren’t playing by the same rules.
    IMHO, he doesn’t WANT to be able to empathize with his tellers.
    That would be icky.

  10. Yeeeessssssssssssss!

  11. “I’d have to think about that” is a far cry from “I’m GOING TO think about that.” And he won’t. None of them will.

  12. I applaud the optimism, Ms. JJ, and agree with all the comments posted, but damn if all those tired old men (did I mention mostly white) that have been running things aren’t gonna put up one B.F. fight.

  13. One day soon may Dimon, and the rest of these tired, vile, greedy old men find out that Karma is a b!tch.

  14. Before another ginned up outrage attacking AOC over her COMPLETELY appropiate use of Reinhuld Niebuhr Quote of first they came for the socialist……..
    In defense of death threats aimed at Rep. Ilhan (D -Minn)
    Yes this is exactly wht this famous quote speaks of.
    Tyranny in its many forms with its all too many victims.

  15. I hope some Union invites AOC to visit the mines so she can just ignore thuglican rep’s crocoadile tears.

  16. Old Fart says:

    The flying @$$monkeys in attendance no doubt were shrieking about that shameless hussy daring to have a child out of wedlock.

    This was very much an exercise in reality: the GOP white fence plan never worked back in the day for workers who weren’t better paid, either…

  17. georgie-porgie says:

    Yeeeesssss to everything already said. The robber barons of today have no empathy for the not-quite-humans who work for them. gives this def. for Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
    Each successive R administration has brought us closer to that outcome and now Don the Con seems to be heading toward the dictator stance.
    These people really don’t even understand the concept of empathy. So… this unfortunate soul can’t make it on her salary…she should just quit and go elsewhere. The business will easily find some other person to fill the job. It’s not their problem! THEY.REALLY.DON’T.CARE!!! This is where the MAGA concept will take us.
    AOC is the new Republicon Hillary – someone to attack and blame for everything.

  18. Ohhh! Katie Porter especially is totally cool! And Jamie Dimon is a total twit! And karma will get you for that!

  19. He says he’d have to think about that. I guess it should encourage us that he *can* think.

  20. Lunargent says:

    I’m surprised that he didn’t suggest that the employee
    (A) find a rich boyfriend, or
    (B) put the kid up for adoption.

    There are other options, of course. Work really hard, and get promoted to that slot that 15 other people are vying for. Get another part time gig, maybe cleaning offices at night while her daughter does her homework over in the corner. Start dealing drugs to the bank’s executives. Start a fun, profitable, part time home-based business; the Internet is teeming with suggestions. Give up the apartment and move in with a friend. Sell a kidney.

    See the real problem here is that the working class just isn’t creative enough. Or they lack the energy to work a full time job, maintain a household, and work a second gig.

    But expect to support yourself and a child on one 40 hour a week position? C’mon – get real!

  21. Old Fart@13
    Katie has three children and is divorced. She is one smart woman and knows quite bit about banking; probably more than Dimon.

  22. Old Fart says:

    June @21,

    I meant the single mother in the hypothetical, but yeah…
