Friday Toons

April 12, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



















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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. maryelle says:

    The common theme of the ‘toons is the cruelty both Trump and his Republican sycophants show towards people in need.
    It’s their default setting.

  2. Every morning I wake up from a night of restful sleep, then I remember that we’re all living an all too real nightmare brought to us as a result of 30+ years of wingnut propaganda.
    The notion that 40% of “Americans” are not just OK with a porn star president, but actively cheering him on as he takes us down the road toward autocracy if we’re lucky, fascism if we’re not, makes me wish I could just sleep, sleep, sleep….

  3. What I beleive is undercutting any respect for the Law in this country is the repeated, and sometimes admitted, violations by the rich and powerful, or even just an elected, and nothing happens.
    I break a law and I get arrested, booked tried etc. mnuchin, as an easy example, breaks the law and nothing happens he still free, has suffered no penalties hasn’t even been arrested and booked.
    So the lesson is that laws, like taxes, are only for the “little people” and that to aicheve freedom from any enforcement one just needs to become rich and powerful enough so that the “system” bestows immunity upon.
    Worked for laura bush when she t-boned the boy who dumpted her, worked for addled ronnie witg iran/contra, worked for perjurer poppa and list goes on until now the entire executive branch is populated by law breakers, scofflaws, frauds and out right criminals.
    I was never a supporter of “zero” tolerance but that is because we applied it on the wrong people in the wrong places.
    I would support “zero” tolerance in the board rooms, police station houses for any white collar crime or even for dishonest zoning/ permit applications.
    A company violates an environmental law the entire board and executives are arrested cuffed perp walked kept overnight and arriagned. Lie on a permit application and your project is permanently banned and you are in jail for perjury and fraud.
    During Viet Nam there was talk of “bringing the war home” well maybe it is time to “bring police abuses into the board room”.

  4. These are amazingly spot on!! How do you do this week and week!
