I’m Fixing To Make Your Day

February 14, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, there’s this woman in West Virginia who got fired from her county job in 2016 for making a racist comment about Michelle Obama.

Pamela Taylor, who is 57 years old, called Michelle Obama “an ape in heels” on her Facebook page.

The Facebook post also cost a local mayor her job when she responded, “Just made my day, Pam.”

As we have learned, racism makes everybody’s day in both the Virginias.

It was in all the newspapers and even the teevee.  The teevee even mentions a fistfight, and that she had been removed from her job before.  I kinda think she’s the Sarah Palin of the east.

I want you to savor what I’m fixing to tell you so here’s the teevee report.  Please enjoy.




So that bring us to today, Valentines Day.

Pamela Taylor, 57, admitted she took more than $18,000 in flood relief benefits. She falsely registered for FEMA benefits after the June 2016 floods that killed more than 20 West Virginians and destroyed numerous homes along the Elk River and elsewhere.

Taylor claimed that her primary residence had been damaged in the flood and that she was staying in a rental property. In fact, her primary residence was undamaged and she was still staying there, according to a news release from U.S. Attorney Mike Stuart’s office.

You can give some people a bar of soap and a Brillo pad, but they just won’t clean up.

In her plea agreement, Taylor agreed to pay restitution of $18,149.04. She faces up to 30 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000 when she is sentenced on May 30 by U.S. District Judge Irene C. Berger.

Yes, Judge Berger is African American.  She was appointed by Barack Obama.  I hope she also wears heels.

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “I’m Fixing To Make Your Day”

  1. 1smartcanerican says:

    I hope Karma is a bitch to Ms. Taylor. I love the Sarah Palin of the east. Sure makes me understand her better 🙂

  2. It does come round, doesn’t it.

  3. So I guess it all comes down to projection.

    The horrible things that they accuse others of are simply what they themselves would do given the chance…

  4. Reminds me of a guy for whom I worked in the 1980s. He used the n-word more often in casual conversations than any other single word, including Odessa, Midland, Cowboys, and Ronald Reagan. Then in 2010 I was reading an on-line retired state employees website and discovered that he had recently died. On the MLK holiday. The SEG barely fit my face. In the 70s I might have thrown a three day trash can party in celebration. Of course now on MLK day I aim myself towards Odessa and a salute him with a single up-raised middle finger.

  5. In her own best interest, Pamela Taylor may want to leave her “sense of humor” at home on court appearance day. That is, if she possesses any other kind of sense. Which seems questionable.

  6. Bwahahahahaha!!!!! Makes me very happy.

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    Pamela looks like Michelle Fiore dropped her guns and got a haircut. Stupid racists have a certain look. Is it the lipstick?

  8. @Jane & PKM #7,

    No disrespect meant to Miss Piggy. I don’t know if I should say it. You mean like lipstick on a _ _ _ ?

  9. Correction: she said “a ape.”

  10. Hmmm… I was thinking Kermit, but Miss Piggy works too.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Papa@8, yes. Lipstick as worn by both men and women with lousy snacilbupeR attitudes. Or, spray on whatever as used by Donnie and Stephen Miller in lieu of hair, suntans and other human attributes.

    Will probably take some flack for this. But here goes. Sarah Chuck-a-Load Sandbag would/could be a very attractive woman without the hate and st00pid shooting off her face.

  12. Cato the Censor says:

    This is just another example of the fact that tacky just never quits.

  13. slipstream says:

    She seems nice.

  14. I just came on to tell slipstream that they owe me a keyboard. I just spit my wine in mine. Pretty sure I ruined it.

  15. Another shining example of repugnantcans demonstrating their vision for how to MAGA. The ole take-as-much-as-you-can-before-the-lazy-poor-get-their-greedy-paws-on-it philosophy. If baby Jesus didn’t want Pam to have that money, he wouldn’t have provided her with the intelligence and desire for it. The poor and victims of God’s wrath (disaster victims) have gotten what the Lord decided they deserve. It’s in the Bible. Somewhere.
    Probably in Acts of the Apostates. You can look it up.

  16. Thanks, JJ! That was the best Valentine’s Day present I got today!

  17. On Saturday, my 6-year-long feature This Week at Progressive State Blogs will post its Final Edition at Daily Kos. Since excerpts from Juanita Jean’s have been frequently included at TWPSB, I thought you might like to look in one last time. 1 pm PST. Cheers. Keep up the great work. I’m still reading you. And getting a great laugh or Grrrrrrrrrrr, depending on the day.

  18. slipstream says:

    Cheryl, your new keyboard is in the mail. You’re welcome.

    Got any more of that wine?

  19. Ted in Austin says:

    Great Vday news, and an even better birthday present coming in exactley 15 weeks!

  20. WA Skeptic says:

    What would you like to bet she gets probation and repayment.

    But then again, she might not. It’ll be interesting to watch what comes down the pike.

  21. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/infowars-alex-jones-ordered-undergo-sworn-deposition-sandy-181503577–abc-news-topstories.html

    Congratulations to your kin for a legal victory, but not final, on deposition- one more step.

    My sympathies to your kin for having to be in the same room.
    No win comes without it’s price.

  22. Grandma Ada says:

    Sadly, when Individual 1 is indicted for money laundering and RICO charges, he will face no consequences . . .

  23. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I hope she gets to share a cellblock with some ladies who look like Michelle Obama. Does that make me a bad person?

  24. Jane & PKM says:

    Buttermilk Sky, no, that doesn’t make you a bad person; you are all too kind. Old Pammie should be so lucky as to share a cellblock with women who look like our last First Lady, Mrs. Obama. Even should she land at a soft spot Fed facility, she’ll be surrounded by women who are shelf lives past their most recent Botox injections and/or whiny privileged crooks such as herself.


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