What Ya Think?

February 15, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I’m away from home, but tell me the craziest thing he said.


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0 Comments to “What Ya Think?”

  1. Donnie achieved the pinnacle of crazy 16/06/2015. But no new crazy discernible is this latest drivel. Mostly a compilation of previous insanity. Now he’s on a tail chase testing how much crazy Old Scratch McConnell will facilitate. Donnie is really st00pid. Even I could tell him that Old Scratch doesn’t care what it costs we the taxpayers. His redline is personal cost, a loss of his power. 83-16 & 300-128, are we there yet?

  2. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    The entire presser… he sounded like a stoned 7th grader doing a report for a book he never read.

  3. @Susan.
    He blithers more like a speed freak than a stoner. Stoners usually make more sense.

  4. OOPS!

    Legal experts say Trump may have just tanked the entire defense of his ‘national emergency’ with this one sentence.

    Trump rambled a reply, claiming he got more money than he knew what to do with for border security but not enough for the wall. But then he noted that he could get more for the wall over time, if he wanted.

    “I could do the wall over a longer period of time,” he said. “I didn’t need to do this, but I’d rather do it much faster.”
    Legal experts immediately pointed out that this claim undercuts the basis for Trump’s emergency declaration.


  5. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    LOL! @Mike. So true, we do tend to choose words with intense focus when ripped to the tits. One of his best lines recorded for perpetuity and especially for the 9th Circuit Court & Supreme Court Justices to ponder….is how he admitted he….didn’t need to do this” emergency declaration, it just gets it done faster. Bwa ha ha ha! Wash, rinse and repeat, bwa ha ha ha!

    Gotta’ love his out loud blaming Pres Abe of Japan for nominating him for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  6. over and over he contradicted himself from one sentence to the next
    over and over he switched subject from sentence to sentence

    don’t know how the folks working on the transcript are going to figure out where to put the punctuation

    and let’s not leave out the sniffing

    and he went on for so long that ABC cut the feed and went to explanation time – NBC carried it through but as soon as he ended went to Savannah Guthrie eviscerating him

    it felt much like visiting dementia-addled granpa at the nursing home

  7. Let me run part of the presser through the Trumpslator:

    We’re going to build a wall – – on the border – – of a country we’re not at war with – – and the US military is going to pay for it. From their budget.

  8. He said something that made my head spin. Then the next thing he said made my head spin so hard I forgot the first thing. And so on until the end.

  9. slipstream says:

    “National emergency.”

    In June 1863, Robert E. Lee led the army of Northern Virginia into southern Pennsylvania with the intention of encircling and attacking Washington D.C. That was a national emergency.

    Today, people cross our southern border with the intention of picking strawberries in the fields near Bakersfield, cleaning motel rooms in hotels near San Antonio, or mowing the putting greens of Donald Trump’s many golf courses. These are jobs most Lexus-driving US citizens won’t touch. The workers are good for the US economy.

    National emergency, my ass.

  10. oh wait
    got to note how he imitated President Xis’ accent/syntax when speaking English – so very diplomatic of him

  11. “I could do the wall over a longer period of time,” he said. “I didn’t need to do this, but I’d rather do it much faster.” Is THIS enough rope or are we still in IOKIYAR land?

  12. The Surly Professor says:

    I have not listened to any presidential address since the first Reagan state of the union speech (and quit watching television completely after Bush’s “they hate us for our freedoms”). I find that reading the transcripts is faster, especially when the SOTUs have turned into pep rallies. But even without listening, it’s clear this is a guy whose train of thought is sidetracked and derailed every 10 seconds. Lots of smoke coming from the locomotive, the wheels spin frantically, but … the train goes nowhere.

    And it seems the emergency is so pressing that Trump is going to … Mar-a-lago for a weekend off. Just like FDR went to Hyde Park on December 8 for a few days of relaxation. That says even more than his “I didn’t need to do this”.

    What a spoiled child.

  13. This is your brain on rush ‘Hate’ limbaugh.

  14. I hope the court and the senate remember his words, “I didn’t need to do this.” when they consider if this NE order was needed, and if the f’ing wall was needed at all. They probably won’t though…

  15. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    After dropping the biggest turd in the Rose Garden like ancient days guests’ reciprocity for their dinner host….he’s on his way to play golf in FLA at everyone’s expense but his.

    yes……the president who marketed himself as the greatest deal maker declared a fake national emergency to illegally circumvent Congress because he couldn’t get funding for a tickle the bigots campaign ploy… that Mexico was supposed to pay for, even when his party controlled Congress for 2-years.

    BONUS! Trump claims to use statute: 10 U.S.C. 2808 to shift $$$ to the border wall. Among other harsh restrictions, those funds can only be used in the case of a declaration of war or when martial law has been declared.

  16. Susan on the Left Coast @ 16

    sssshh…Don’t tell Trump the part about declaring a war or martial law. Might be less destruction to just keep him golfing.

  17. You know I’m very sympathetic to any poor soul who’s lost a child but “angel moms”? Really?

  18. Well, gee, “emergency” *is* more than 1 syllable, so how can we expect him to know what it means?

  19. If this rambling word salad isn’t enough to invoke the 25th Amendment, I don’t know what is. Interesting that most media cut away before it ended, perhaps to spare embarrassment–for themselves and for the president. How can anyone listen to him and feel safe?

  20. Nancy, do you suppose a Trump can explain why “Angel Moms” count and a Gold Star Moms don’t? Im just wondering what the difference is in his “mind.”

  21. I am curious to know if there are any connections between Trump and the companies that would be doing the construction of the walls, fences, barriers or whatever. Is he going to profit from this mess? Inquiring minds want to know.

  22. Didn’t listen- I had a meeting. But I did notice that the big ol’ Trump sign at the edge of town (on someone’s property- yes we have them here too even in solid blue CT) has been painted over with white paint.

  23. “I didn’t need to do this,” Trump said. “But I’d rather do it much faster.”

    Trump is illiterate. If anyone wondered who is base is just listen to his dumb ass and it is quite easy to tell.

  24. Off topic – just so happy the Sarah Huckster is now considered a witness. Her go to move will be to lie to the FBI and think she will get away with it. BOOM. Move over, Manafort and Cohen and Flynn and David Pecker and Don, Jr. and Stone – she’s going to jail.

  25. Karen Crosby says:

    Best comments evah

  26. There’s no improvement on Charlie Pierce’s take:

    “The man is not all there. Everybody knows it. If your uncle behaved like the president* behaved on Friday, you’d hide his car-keys, lock up the booze, and drive him to the neurologist.”

  27. Annabelle Lee says:

    Yeah, I’ll go with “I don’t need to do this.”

    And of course the punctuating SNIFFs without which no Trump presser would be complete.

  28. Just a side note to the day’s lunacy. Don Capone’s campaign Capo will learn how hard the hammer will come down for persistent lying to the Feds.

    Mueller’s team said in a court filing that Manafort should face a prison term of 235 to 292 months, or between 19 and a half and 24 and a half years, for “serious, longstanding, and bold” financial crimes.

    Manafort, 69, could also receive financial penalties totaling more than $50m, according to the filing by Mueller’s prosecutors. His sentence will be decided by federal judge TS Ellis.


  29. Sam in St Paul says:

    The Wonkette headline says it all: “Did Two Syphilitic Raccoons Just F*ck Each Other To Death In The Rose Garden, Or Was That Just Trump’s Brain?”

  30. Help! I may need an intervention. I just found myself agreeing with Ann Coulter.

  31. @megasoid

    Thanks for letting me demonstrate the math for the Salon

    Manafort is presently 69+ years of age.
    Plus 19.5 years. Equals damn near 89 years of age.

    Plus 24.5 years. Equals almost 94 years of age.

    By any definition, old, old, old, old, old.

    Will that make the sitting president MORE likely to pardon Manafort? Stay tuned to this Bat channel!

  32. Deb, I don’t think I’d care to hear any Trump explanations. It’s starting to remind me of Russian jokes from the sixties.
    And lazrgrl, I like your news.

  33. Linda Phipps says:

    Surly Professor: I love your comment, “Lots of smoke coming from the locomotive, the wheels spin frantically, but … the train goes nowhere.” Please allow me to expand – the train is carrying a lot of suckers, and the tracks lead right off the cliff.

  34. Meth? Cocaine? What IS the sitting president”s little helper?
