Happy Birthday

February 12, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Happy Birthday, President Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln at his White House desk, 1864

To the best of my knowledge, Lincoln did not have regularly scheduled executive time.



Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Happy Birthday”

  1. Of course he did. It was, however, real “executive” time, i.e. that’s when he did the work of the Presidency. Listening to advisors, signing bills, directing the course of the Civil War, etc.
    I’m afraid he would have given short shrift to the notion that the President had unlimited goof-off time, in other words, Drumpf’s definition of executive time.

  2. Read somewhere that today is also “Darwin Day”.
    Although some of Darwin’s Laws seem to have been suspended in the present day USA, with a demonstrably evolutionary deficient 35% of the population currently supporting a ruling regime of utter incompetency (in long term evolutionary terms, short term they are still doing far better than most will admit).
    Installed and propped up by millions of MAGAots and Trumpanzees, our ‘Dear Leader’ is a prime exception to ‘the survival of the fittest’ and ‘for the preservation of the species’ Darwinian corollaries. Without the immense support of his vile immediate forebears, Donnei is a creature that would have never survived ‘average’ American citizen societal pressures from birth (not that he has ever matured).

  3. “The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is hard to verify their authenticity.”
    ~ Abraham Lincoln 1868, (source: the Internet)

  4. Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin were born on the same day, which makes them both 210 years old today, and congratulations to them both!
