The Hannity Veto

February 12, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ann Coulter hasn’t weighed in yet, but the “agreement in principle bill” to keep the government open got the Hannity Veto.

Calling it “garbage,” Hannity threatened …

“Any Republican that supports this garbage compromise, you will have to explain.”

Rush Limbaugh and Coulter feel that any amount of taxpayer dollars less than the president’s $5.7 billion demand is a loss for the White House.

Get out your crying towels, kiddos.  He ain’t gonna get it.


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0 Comments to “The Hannity Veto”

  1. Linda Phipps says:

    I forget which cabinet or official, paid, advisory position he holds.

  2. So Drump lies to 6500 Low IQ traitors. and across the street.
    Beto O’Rourke Talks to 15000 high IQ Texans..

  3. It really doesn’t matter what Sean, Rush, or Ann want. Donnie will bend over for what Vlad wants.

  4. If Old Scratch McConnell had a pair of tiny sputniks, this would be the juncture for him to tell both Donnie and Vlad “nyet to the kompromat.” Any pragmatic politician should know giving in to the tantrum thief with the tiny fingers is a bad idea. Mitch sure is looking more Russian owned than even Devin Nunes.

    If Mitch won’t deliver a veto override, then he needs to be gone in 2020.

  5. I can’t ever listen long to Ann Coulter on the electric teevee. Her Adam’s apple gets my attention and then …

  6. It’s sad when the 4th estate, especially the lowest, worst, and swampiest portion of the 4th estate becomes the 4th branch of our government.

  7. Yet another right winger that I don’t remember being on the ballot, but somehow a bunch of people think he runs the country. We’ve had a few of those in recent decades, all arrogant as hell and all bad news for anybody who isn’t rich and right wing. I can’t recall their names because I don’t care to, but I snicker at the memory of the stubby one who threw a hissy fit in the TV studio on election night when Obama won a crucial state that this guy thought he’d bought and paid for.

  8. That would be Karl “Stubby” Rove, Rhea. The man who lost a million plus White House e-mails on a private RNC server.
