Come on, Flake, Don’t Back Down

November 15, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Mitch McConnell refused to even hear Senator Jeff Flake’s bill to protect special counsel Robert Mueller.  McConnell won’t let it go to a vote.

Well, two can play the Stubborn old Bastard game.

Flake then declared he will vote to reject all judicial nominees. “This is not a moment for our national leadership to be weak or irresolute,” he said on the Senate floor.

Flake is the swing vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee and, with Democrats, can vote down judicial nominations. McConnell could still bring these nominations forward to the Senate floor against the will of the committee, but Flake said he doubts this would happen because it would alienate GOP senators.

McConnell, who is legally deaf and blind but yet he speaks, says that it’s not time to protect Mueller because there’s no indication Trump will go after him.  When is time, Mitch?  After Trump’s goofy AG fires him?

Ya think Mueller has something on Mitch?  Lord have mercy, I sure hope so.


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0 Comments to “Come on, Flake, Don’t Back Down”

  1. The Turtle was warned and yet he persisted.

  2. That Other Jean says:

    RE: Jeff Flake: I’ll believe it when I see it. He talks a good game, but he folds on contact.

  3. OK, it’s official — just as if we needed further proof. Yertle the Turtle talks out of both sides of his neck.

    1] “If bipartisanship doesn’t unfold in all its glory, it’s the Democrats fault.”

    2] “Are you kidding me? Protect Mueller??? You are out of your mind! I simply WILL NOT bring such a vote to the floor! So there.”

    Just in case there had been any doubt.
    Raise your hand if you think there had been.
    Nah, didn’t think so.

  4. When it was Kavvie’s appointment to SCROTUS, everyone looked to Senators Collins and Murkowski to stand with Flake. This time how about the men standing up to Orange Foolius? Looking at you Marco Rubio and you, Ben Sasse. Hellooooooo … rule of law …. does anyone care ….

    As for Old Scratch, he needs to be reduced from an obstruction to a speed bump via 18 US Code Chapter 115.

  5. Why the hell did Flake wait so damn long to do this?

    The only thing I can think of is that he waited until the Democrats took control of the house.


    Is he is trying to leave DC with a little respect.

  6. dobleremolque says:

    Hearing Flakes threat, some pundit said there’s nothing as toothless as Jeff Flake threatening to do the right thing.

    I live in Arizona, and Flake always comes to mind when I see the quote from Iain Banks, the British science fiction author: (substitute Republican for Tory, here): “I’m not saying there aren’t any decent people in the Tory Party, but they’re like bits of sweet corn stuck in a turd. They have have retained their integrity, but they’re still surrounded by s**t.”

  7. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Jeff Flake is going to stand up to McConnell and Trump for the whole month and a half left in his term?

    My hero.

  8. Any Republican in Congress claiming to stand up to the party juggernaut? Yeah, I won’t hold my breath until it actually comes to a vote. It’s happened once or twice, but not nearly as often as they claim the moral high ground.

    Jane & PKM, if McConnell becomes a speed bump, I want it to be literally, and I want to know where, because I need to drive over that bump repeatedly. It will be the only time I regret having a small car.

  9. I want to know where too, because I’ll be right behind Rhea– with a full tank of gas.

  10. Flake already covered the long term goal of GOP domination of the SCOTUS, now he can regrow something resembling a soul to protect our country(?)…

  11. So did that spine he had on back order turn up?

  12. As far as I’m concerned, he can’t get off the hook that easily after sticking us with Kavanaugh. He doesn’t have enough time left in office to atone for that move.

  13. So Flake is doing window dressing again?

    I will never forget that he call for a Kavenaugh investigation and then settled for a token.

  14. Can I get in line behind Rhea and Debbo? l don’t have a small car.

  15. @Rhea

    If in Texas, Be very careful driving over McTurtle. As Clara Harris discovered in 2002 after driving over her cheating husband three times, Texas juries can believe driving over a cheating husband once or twice is not proof positive of intent to kill. The third time, the victory lap as it were, sealed her fate.

  16. Max Kerpelman says:

    Wonderful! Flake may keep McConnell from appointing more Trump judges until the next Senate in January. The Republic has been saved!

  17. Debbo #9,

    Steam roller, anyone?

  18. Micr, so if he’s in Texas (a pretty long drive from Maryland), I can drive over him twice? Can we all drive over him twice each, and can we raffle off chances to drive the steam roller?

  19. Jane & PKM says:

    Rhea, perhaps we should send the Old Scratch speed bump on a national tour to benefit everyone. He can be part of our cutting defense spending costs in those states with military ranges – rent a tank for a nominal fee to pay our respects to Old Scratch. Heck, when Dotard45 finally kicks, we can give him the parade he deserves, too.

  20. @Rhea


    That 2002 Harris County jury has said that they might not have been convinced of Clara’s intent to cause her husband’s death IF she had ONLY run over him a time or two. But running over him three times made it clear to them that she intended to kill him. Another Texas jury in another county might have been convinced of her intent to kill him had she only run over him once. Comedian and peerless attorney Larry Joe Doherty contributed the analysis that “the victory lap sealed her fate.” It’s one of my fav lawyer quotes.

  21. Jane & PKM, the only problem with the Speed Bump Tour is that it would take a pretty heavy-duty spatula to get that roadkill peeled off the pavement even once.

    Maybe we should just go back to drawing and quartering. That way we can send a chunk of him to various regions. And we’re back to Vir on Babylon 5 telling Morden, “I want to look up into your lifeless eyes and wave, like this.” (He did, too.)

  22. Jane & PKM says:

    Rhea, maybe a Combined Camp Bone Spurs and Meretricious Speed Bump Mortuary for the likes of Old Scratch, Dotard45, Darth Cheney, et al. What is scraped off the surface can be used to pave paths to their final watering holes. None of them should ever disgrace the green of Arlington National or any veterans’ cemetery with their sorry remains. We could set up coffee and beer booths for refueling pit stops prior to visiting their remains with all proceeds split between veterans, Democratic candidates, and air fare/bus tickets for seniors needing transportation to CCBS and MSBM.

  23. Jane & PKM, I grasp the meaning of the refueling pit stops. We of the female persuasion would like some sort of seating arrangement and privacy screen, the latter not a bad idea for every visitor. This could get a bit elaborate for those who wish to step up their tributes from #1 to #2.


    Well, we already know that Yertle refused to make a bipartisan statement warning of Russian interference AT THE TIME IS WAS HAPPENING. So, yeah, he’s, at least, got his feet wet.

  25. Rhea, good idea(s) and how fitting that we should replace their headstones with port-a-Dons! Consider it done.
