Lazy Sunday Afternoon Reading

August 19, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, the transcript of Blake Farenthold’s deposition taken on August 1st concerning the lawsuit filed by the local newspaper about Blake’s new job at the port authority, has been released to the public.

You can read the whole disgusting thing right here.

Or, the Huffington Post underlined the good parts for you.

Blake has a new word: F-tards.  And under sworn deposition he says he doesn’t know what that word means.  I do! I do!  Call on me, Your Honor!  I know!

He also says he took one for the team. I guess he’s saying that the team is the Republican Party and he’s just doing what everyone else does.

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Lazy Sunday Afternoon Reading”

  1. “Farenthold said it would be illegal to repay taxpayers.”

    It was only a matter of time (and thousands of wingnut think tank hours) before Republicans could come up with a more convincing excuse then ‘my dog ate my homework’, but by god I think they found one.
    Hahaha it’s illegal to admit to a crime.

  2. Blake “Backpfeifengesicht” Farenthold.

  3. ….also blamed the Me Too movement. Damn wimmin – won’t even let you sexually harass or assault them. What is this world coming to?

  4. @ Cheryl – Pajama Boy could touch, fondle, etc. women. But he’d have to pay..

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Ducky Boy should pay us our $84,000, plus forfeit his ‘retirement’ pay from a “job” he never performed in the House. There is precedent for this:

    If veterans who serve honorably are convicted of a felony, they lose a percentage of any disability pay. Blake who never served, much less honorably, should be stripped of any and all taxpayer contributions to his benefit.

  6. Lunargent says:

    Gawd, will we never be rid of this public parasite??

    I thought that I’d feel better when you quit showing the Pajama Boy photo. But even hovering over a nice suit and tie, Farenthold’s damned doughy, flabby, fatuous face suffuses me with utter disgust.

  7. Marcia in CO says:

    I apologize if this offends anyone in here … but, damn … that boy do look simple!! Seriously!!

  8. @ Marcia – Lights on but the house is vacant.

  9. Blake (Pyjama Parasite Boy) Farenthold was ‘awarded’ that $160K+expenses job by the ‘Texas good ol’ Reptaliban boy network’, via the Calhoun County Port Authority, part of the Calhoun County government.
    The ‘major’ towns most of you have never heard of in Calhoun are Point Comfort, Port Lavaca, Seadrift, and Port O’Connor. Hard-scrabble little places for residents, semi-vacation fishing holes for others (a lot like one of my ‘hometowns’- Port Isabel).
    Calhoun has about 22,000 residents, with a median family income of $44K/yr, an average per capita income of about $20K each; and about 16% of pop below the poverty line.
    Yet they voted 67% Rethug in 2016 (up from the usual ~61%). Adjacent Aransas County went 74% R, Nueces only 48.6% R.
    With that quite low county income level, they’re paying a big city (nearby Corpus Christi) crooked, disgraced, lawyer $160K+/yr, for a part-time job (mostly in DC too).

    Can the Democrats ever reach these (67%) people?,_Texas#Politics

  10. Sandridge, I think there there was some sort of vote among the Dems not to go near these people at all, even with hazmat suits and sanitation equipment. I can see their point.

  11. maggie, It’s sad that they can’t ‘connect the dots’. Much of the infrastructure that helps, even to this day, Texas areas like this one were created back during FDR’s federally-funded WPA/CCC and WWII ‘soshulist-commie’ era and since. Most of that stuff greatly facilitates their economies.
    Even Blake the Pasty MAGAot’s $160K+ lobbying ‘job’ is for raking in some more federal dollars for local Calhoun projects.
    Beyond that the Rescummies don’t give a RAT45’s ass about these people.
    One other thing is the tremendous pollution of the local environment that has historically taken place around Calhoun. It pretty well killed off the local fishing industry years ago, a major jobs driver along this coast (TX’ Coastal Bend).
    And yet they’re all in favor of gutting the EPA, OSHA, and the rest of the long-accumulated beneficial laws and regs that we have worked out for the good of ‘most’.

    There was even a real brave, feisty lady shrimper boat captain/owner from the area that fought against the polluters at great risk, Diane Wilson (who sounds like somebody JJ should interview or team up with, Calhoun is just down TX-35, SW from Houston maybe 60-70mi; I used to commute on it to Brazosport/Galveston):

    “Diane Wilson is an American environmental activist, anti-war activist, and author. In 1989 she was a shrimp boat captain in Calhoun County, Texas, and she saw an Associated Press article saying that the county had the most toxic waste disposal of all counties in America.[1] Wilson began a campaign against Formosa Plastics, a Taiwanese chemical company then building a PVC (polyvinyl chloride) facility near her town, with tactics including several hunger strikes and sinking her own boat to draw attention to the matter.[1][2][3] “…
    “She is a co-founder of the anti-war organization CODEPINK.[2]

    In 2005 a documentary was made about her, titled Texas Gold. [5][6][7]” … [sometimes shows up on PBS]
    An Unreasonable Woman: A True Story of Shrimpers, Politicos, Polluters and the Fight for Seadrift, Texas by Diane Wilson
    Diary of an Eco-Outlaw: An Unreasonable Woman Breaks the Law for Mother Earth by Diane Wilson
    Holy Roller: Growing Up in the Church of Knock Down, Drag Out; or, How I Quit Loving a Blue-Eyed Jesus by Diane Wilson”

  12. Linda Phipps says:

    If he ever does end up in jail, does he get to wear his ducky pajamas instead of the orange? In fact, ducky pajamas should be allocated to all incarcerated predators. That in itself could be a powerful deterrent.
