Here Ya Go

October 03, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, you might want to bookmark this.  It is a list of every damn congressfool who tweeted “thoughts and prayers” with NRA blood on their hands.

Click right here.

Thanks to Pat for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Here Ya Go”

  1. The American version of blood diamonds.
    Blood Weapons: Guns & Politicians.

  2. Bill Robertson says:

    It bears repeating, if nothing happened after Sandy Hook, with 5-year-olds are getting shot and killed, then nothing will ever happen.

  3. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Bill, I agree with you. That was when they won.

  4. Been watching those Congresscritters closely. They just damn don’t want to do their jobs. Work for them is a four letter word.

  5. fierywoman says:

    Rep. Bruce Poliquin ✔ @RepPoliquin
    My thoughts are with all those effected in the horrifying attacks in Las Vegas. The nation is with you.

    Mr Poliquin doesn’t speak good English : “Effected” not “affected” (Throw him out!)

  6. Only one US Representative in Maryland took NRA money.

    The only Republican.

    I know Maryland’s districts shouldn’t be gerrymandered to favor the Dems (one of the few that isn’t gerrymandered to favor the GOP), and I voted against drawing them that way, but at the moment I don’t mind it quite as much as I did.

  7. Here’s the latest from the ‘Liberal Redneck’ for your enjoyment. Mama, you may not want to click on this one.

  8. Minnesota has 8 reps, 3 are snacilbupeR. One of them is Tom Emmer, in Crazy Michele Bachmann’s old district. He has not taken any NRA $ and he sometimes seems more sane, like a moderate snacilbupeR. The other 2 are both NRA lapdogs. They are Erik Paulsen and Jason Loser Lewis. Loser, genuine tea bagger scum, is my Congress scum. I worked for and contributed to his opponent and I am ashamed of him. He does not have the common decency to be ashamed of himself. He did talk radio prior to the election, fancied himself and up and coming Limpballs. I fully, completely and totally loathe him. I don’t care what it takes, I’m going to see to it that he never darkens the halls of Congress again.

  9. Tilphousia says:

    Until the electorate wake up and vote the GOP bastards into hell, the NRA will rule Congress and no gun laws will be passed. NRA prime tactic is to scare white guys so they buy more and bigger weapons. Scare tactic worked against Hillary. The GOP has no morals. Health care is a priviledge and guns are a right. That’s their credo and our nation will drown in innocent blood until the GOP monsters are kicked out. If a loved one of mine were murdered, I’d fight to names every NRA owned MoC a co-defendant. They can take their hypocrisy of “our prayers are with you” and shove it where the sun don’t shine!

  10. And Scalise, after surviving the shooting, is back in DC talking about the “good news” and gun violence, because even almost dying won’t separate his privates from the NRA money clip. (Thank you, Jimmy Kimmel)

  11. e platypus onion says:

    My adopted hometown-Sutherland, iowa lost one of its 650 residents to the Vegas sniper. It was finally confirmed last evening after several anxious days of not knowing. I confess I did not know her personally. I was quite familiar with one of the other two residents that attended Vegas with her.

    The NRA and wingnuts in general need to be listed as hate groups and treated accordingly.

    We will see what wingnuts do with silencers, armor piercing bullets, concealed carry reciprocity and other wishes the NRA has already paid congress for.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    South Dakota’s senior stoopid bastard sinator suggested that people at the concert should have rolled up into small balls to become smaller targets. The sniper was 500 yards away as the crow flies and 32 stories up-higher than most crows fly. How much smaller could they have looked? I saw some video from that night apparently from the resort and they looked like ants running around.

  13. Good article. Awesome they added link to opensecrets’ list of ALL (reported) NRA beneficiaries. VERY useful, thanks for the heads-up!

  14. Lunargent says:

    If Congress won’t change the law, the only recourse is to
    This is our chance to use the vast majority who want sane, reasonable gun laws to oust the NRA whores.
    And though it’s hard to believe that it will be different this time, maybe it will. Nearly 600 victims, from all over the country – the ripple effect is huge. And since many Country Western fans are conservatives, Alex Jones’ usual smoke-blowing won’t work as well. Some people will see his lies, Limbaugh’s lies, for what they are.

    This is a time to push forward, not hang back.

  15. two crows says:

    While I’m glad someone went to the trouble of compiling the list, it won’t make a damn bit of difference and we all know it.
    Still, it’s good to know who is sending condolences while trying frantically to wipe the blood from their hands.

    “Out! Out damn spot! Oh hell, just give me the money and don’t sponsor someone on my right instead.”
