Joe Arpaio Made Simple

September 04, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thanks to Ralph for this explanation:

Suppose a sheriff comes to your home and takes away your guns.

You tell the sheriff that you have a constitutional right to have guns.

The sheriff says “Tough luck, I’m taking your guns.”

You go to court and the judge tells the sheriff that he can’t take your guns.

The sheriff says “Tough luck, I’m taking your guns.”

The judge tells the sheriff that he is going to jail.

The President pardons the sheriff, no jail.

Your constitutional right to own guns is gone.

You say “Wait a minute, a sheriff and the President can’t take away my constitutional rights.”
But they just did.

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0 Comments to “Joe Arpaio Made Simple”

  1. The Pardon power doesn’t extend to contempt for this reason. The Judge needs to order Arpiao to jail. Then his lawyers can try filing Habeas for his rotten Corpus. Meantime pink underwear, cheese sandwiches and tent accomodations at 110F because it is sauce for the gander.

  2. That is brilliantly written.

    Unfortunately I saw a clip from Fox News, which since the pardon has furiously been indoctrinating their viewers into believing the court made the unconstitional decision, and Joe is the wronged party, only standing up for truth, justice, and the American way. It would take a miracle to convince Fox viewers otherwise at this point.

  3. Excellent analogy – pity the Fox viewers are too busy cheering on “tough policing” to realize that they could be next…

  4. A few Trump Bots are catching on. Arpaio did not win the last time he ran. It ain’t over yet.

  5. Good stuff! But the numbness still won’t believe it, even when it happens to them.

  6. Although I am taking an extended Fb break, I emailed that snip to my email address book. Got a WTF? back from a disconnected friend currently working TDY in Alice Springs, Oz.

  7. JAKvirginia says:

    Joe Arpaio Made Simple? How much more simple can he get? Even a box of rocks won’t sit next to him.

  8. Your friend Ralph is very smart. He put that in language and imagery Orange Whore’s deplorables can understand.
