September 04, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump is supposed to be on the verge of repealing DACA because it has President Barack Obama’s cooties all over it.

There really is no other reason to do it.  It’s an Obama Cootie thing.

I live in Texas so I know lots of Dreamers.  There is an amazing and hauntingly heartbreaking story in the Houston Chronicle today about a Dreamer who died trying to rescue flood victims.

Trump has never forgiven President Obama for making fun of him at the correspondent’s dinner.  Trump is determined to wipe out all Obama-era executive orders, because he knows that doing it will hurt Obama … and the entire nation. Screw the nation – Trump has to hurt Obama.

Repealing DACA is the cruelest thing this country has done in my lifetime.  These young people don’t know anyone in Mexico. They haven’t returned since being taken out as children because they were afraid they couldn’t get back in.  They have jumped through hoops to get Dreamer status.

I feel fairly certain that congress will legislate DACA, but we have to waste time and money, and scare crap outta good kids just so Trump can feel like he has large hands.

Trump needs to come with a disclaimer: This is not how adults act.


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0 Comments to “DACA”

  1. No jokes from me. I’m too heartsick thinking about all those trusting souls who turned all their info over to the Government in order to get DACA protection. Now the VTY and his short-winkied minions know where they all live and work.

    He is truly a vile, awful person. How did we sink this low?

  2. I hope they CAN legislate DACA back into place. Even if it manages to get past the wingnuts in Congress, what’s to say that Our One And Only President won’t veto it?

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    The DREAMers are citizens. Maybe not by birth, but by every other definition of citizen. My only criticism of DACA was that it had too many limitations such as arriving before age 16 and currently under age 31. Arbitrary numbers. 17? 18? Hell, most good “kids” go with their family, even as young adults over the age of 21. Or, what about the adult who is either mentally or physically challenged? It’s only natural that they would go where the family goes.

    If the snacilbupeR plan to replace DACA with immigration reform, let’s hold them to a standard of real family values. Keep families together.

  4. Sent my Congresswoman and email this am, asking “Whose side are you on?”.
    I suggest every person email their rep.
    Also put a letter to the editor a few weeks ago.

    I’ve had it with these hypocritical, reprehensible, deplorable republicans.
    Only your mama prevents me from saying worse.

  5. I have no faith that the GOP will do anything to help replace DACA. They will talk like they care knowing they will do nothing. They are corrupt and only care about themselves. The media is useless in getting the truth out about the program. They only care about ratings and bringing on the loudest to repeat lies. What kind of country are we becoming?

  6. Yup the correspondence dinner is key to his vengeful one sided vendetta . This madman never forgets.
    Trump is truly a cruel and evil monster, and long before he became the evil King the Donald I

  7. Tilphousia says:

    DEPORT TRAITOR TRUMP!!! Don’t care where as long as it is very hot and humid, is filled with disease carrying insects and has no prime rib, clean water or A/C. And no plumbing. I have never felt such hatred for anyone or wished them ill as I do that nonhuman thing in the White House. There is no excuse for anything that thing does except that it is consumed by envy and hatred for all things good and decent.

  8. Linda Phipps says:

    This hit me in solar plexus.

    Even if Congress does approve DACA, it still falls back on Trump’s desk for him to veto … with Breitbart, trumpets and bugles, Omarosa and Kelly Ann all there to cheer him on. He might even invite Nugent and Palin for his landmark decision. Then when people are going crazy over this, he can quietly slip a bomb into N Korea.

  9. Charles R Phillips says:

    I’m in favor of pinning a disclaimer on the Orange Gobshite’s forehead: Don’t try this at home!

  10. Several reprehensible red state secretaries of state and/or governors are going to sue Orange Whore to end DACA. Decent blue states officials say they will bring suit to retain DACA. It looks like even after Orange Whore makes a choice, DACA kids won’t be going anywhere soon.

    Orange Whore’s ever shrinking base loves it when he does vile sh*t like this. Tells us all we need to know about what they are.

    Stinkin’ heartless snacilbupeR. With only a few rare exceptions, they’re just not worth a damn as decent human beings.

  11. Every vile thing he does to “hurt” President Obama only serves to highlight how good Obama was/is. Trump is a monster totally without conscience or soul.

  12. When will these whiny-ass republicans take responsibility for their own ****ty lives and quit blaming immigrants.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    Malia Litman has provided a good template for contacting our Congress varmints:


    While not expecting the snacilbupeR to grow hearts, maybe they can be led to do the math that will drive home the economic disaster of doing Donnie’s cruel and evil deportation schemes.

    Just when we thought Donnie couldn’t be more deplorable than leaving the DREAMers in limbo over the holiday weekend, he ups his despicable by extending to six months the cruel uncertainty leaving the DREAMers, their families and friends on tenterhooks.

    2018 Donnie and the dastardly around him must go.

  14. Jane & PKM says:

    Jodi, one of my favorite philosophers, Paulo Freire answers thus: “The ability of humans to plan and shape the world for their future needs is what separates man from animals. The oppressed majority must be taught to imagine a better way so that they can shape their future and thereby become more human.”

    Shorter version: not until Republicans enter the evolutionary process.

    Short version: when hell freezes over.

  15. Translated – i can’t compete with people who have a great work ethic, understand global economy, speak 2 languages –

  16. #SayHisName Alonso Guillen, #DACA recipient, 31, died in Hurricane Harvey trying to help others

  17. LItlhorn LLC says:

    Keep y’alls Eye on the “WALL.” 10 to 1 they are gonna attach DACA legislation to funding that damn wall as the only way to get it past 45’s Pen. Wonder how many times that poor mother had to Hear “I don’t give a sh*t about your son….: by the gestapo at the border before she realized that America really has become a nation of goons and goobers, led by a Wicker Man. SMDH and weeping yet again for my country

  18. Good folks, there is already some legislation covering the Dreamers in the hopper in Congress. It needs to get out on the floor of the House for debate and vote and then meet up with the Senate version, which by all rights should be an identical twin in order to avoid the reconciliation process. Sure POTUS 45 might veto it but Congress can over-ride a veto. Inasmuch as the current POTUS has alienated himself from Congress to such a degree, an over-ride won’t be that hard to get. For more information on this legislation, hit up Congressman Guttierez’s website and don’t be afraid to ask questions. He is hot on this issue.
