The Pecan Does Not Fall Far From Nut Tree
Well, whoever is Donald Junior’s lawyer needs to burn his bar card before he’s hauled off to the writ twit hall of shame.
Junior tweeted the entire email exchange in a move he says was designed “to be transparent.” Come to find out, the New York Times was going to publish it moments later.
The email itself is a smoking gun.
The producer of MSNBC’s The Last Word tweeted this one.
Note the date. The meeting was in June. That means Donald Junior is …. wait for it … fake news!
It’s all an evil plot by Democrats – if they’d stop running for office, this wouldn’t be necessary.
1Bless his heart, he’s a treasonous, idiot.
2Hope he looks good in orange..
Answer: nothing, never, everyone
Question: what did Mike Pence know, when did he know it and who thinks he’s lying?
Entire scam dam^^ family and administration has an iron in the dumpster fire of corruption. Not waiting for an invitation from prosecutors, Dimwit Jr took to twitter to sing. That certainly explains some of Donnie’s concern trolling for Mike Flynn.
This should be one fine spectacle of a snitch-o-palooza. Last snitches standing? My guess will be Mikey Dense and Donnie crying “he did it” and “he knew I did it.”
3To quote Stephen King, who knows a lot about horror, “The news is real. The president is fake.”
4Most parents do everything possible to protect their children. It’s innate. Will Trump jump in front of the bus to push Jr out the way? Or throw him under?
5I read today where this proves that Donald Trump, Jr. is not the brightest bulb in Trump Tower. But he is, in his father’s estimation, “a high-quality person.”
6Rick: That’s the question, isn’t it? Donnie’s busted through every level of douchebagery most of us thought possible. Will he actually sacrifice one of his own children? If he does, it might be the straw that breaks the camels back for some of his supporters.
7A mans enemies will be members of his own household.
The Bible-ists among the Barking Yam’s supporters might have heard about this. Now its up to them to cure their own blindness.
Of all the chaotic things swirling around the Barking Yam for years, who would have thought it would be his first born son to bring it all down! What smart kid – NOT!
8Okay folks, Trey Gowdy went on the attack against the Trump administration. On Faux News. It has begun. Donnie Jr. (Fredo) just provided the ammo needed for Repugnantcan’s dream President’s (Pence) ascension. And now for something completely different. The feature on my phone that suggests words as I type them is a constant source of entertainment. Earlier, in the process of typing Fredo, it suggested Fredonia. I did discover that Fredonia is not Freedonia, but originally all I could think was that America would be so much better off with Rufus T. Firefly.
9Two clues for Donald, Jr.’s future:
“The wheels on the bus go ’round and ’round” — and —
“Here comes the judge”
10P.P., Trump and Firefly are both con men, but at least Groucho’s version had more class.
As for what measures Trump will take to save his son…. I am wary of men who name their sons after themselves. They seem to want the boy to be just like them, or to achieve what they didn’t, and either way the boy seems to be robbed of the chance to be his own person. If Junior appears to be going down, I think Trump will regard him as a “loser” and cut him off. I’d like to be wrong, but we may see if there are depths of scumbaggery that even Trump won’t plumb.
11Hmmm, Donnie jr is an unintelligent, spoiled bully brat. He doesn’t comprehend politics. Or business for that matter. Doubt he comprehends much. Daddy will throw him under the bus to save himself.
12Reckon this would make a good masthead quote for the TWMDBSalon nowadays, and most other political blogs (grabbed it from the Night Owls thread at Daily Kos).
Marcus Tullius Cicero nails the treasonous, thieving, amoral Trumps, reaching out from almost 2100 years ago. We have a pretty good idea what the Romans did with traitors, is our present government up to the task?
The more things change, the more they remain the same:
13“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
~Marcus Tullius Cicero, 63 BC in The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero
Trump can pardon his son, as well as himself.
14Wildlife will breathe a sigh of relief if DJT Jr. goes to jail.
15Looked around for the law that says Trump can issue himself a pardon. If that is the case, Nixon could have pardoned his own self. Instead, he struck a deal with Gerry. Same thing could happen here with Pence who has that savior thing going. Who wants to bet that Junior suddenly has business elsewhere in the world for the rest of his fugitive life?
16There is disagreement whether the prez can pardon him/herself. Most of my lawyer friends think the prez has the authority to pardon him/herself.
17Why are we continually being surprised at the lies from the right.
Keep in mind: it’s always about projection.
If the right is accusing the left of some sort of malfeasance, they are simply announcing that they are already doing the same thing.
18Impeachment is the ONLY remedy (except for ‘the one that shall not be named’).
Any prosecution follows removal.
FYI: We’ve become an autocracy-monarchy-oligopoly unless somebody DOES something…this most-corrupt regime has an effective lock on absolute power and they damn well know it (why don’t the Democratic ‘leadership’ state it at every opportunity?).
19So extreme is the present situation that apparently even the Founders didn’t anticipate it.
Junior was probably encouraged to take the collusion meeting by dear old Dad. Of course Liar-in-Chief knew about it. It’s right up his wheeling and dealing alley. And Pence (head of the transition) has lied so much about this stinking administration’s ties with Russia, I would be surprised if he isn’t indicted by Mueller as well. Much as I would hate to have Paul Ryan as President, it might be worth it to get rid of the whole rotten bunch of grifters.
20Maryelle, remember that Ryan absolutely did not want the Speakership. He was happy on his committee. He was forced into where he is now. Can you just imagine how unhappy and forced he’s going to feel if the mantle falls on his shoulders? Post here is, is he smart enough to know what to do about it.
21Sometimes there is some kind of good that comes out of these strange events. Spent time today educating myself with law dictionaries on collusion and intent. Both definitions fit the Three Political Stooges to a T!