John McCain? What Happened To You?

October 17, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John McCain didn’t used to be so damn mean and outrageous.

But now I see why he’s neck and neck in his Arizona senate race.  Get this, he went on talk radio and announced…

“I promise you that we will be united against any Supreme Court nominee that Hillary Clinton, if she were president, would put up,” McCain told Giordano. He added that “this is why we need the majority.

He was serious.  We are looking at eight years without a Supreme Court.  In four years the Republican Party will still look like a bushel basket of wire coat hangers so they’re not going to be in the electing business.

I just gave his worthy opponent Ann Kirkpatrick $5.  It felt good.


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0 Comments to “John McCain? What Happened To You?”

  1. I’ve also donated to Ann Kirkpatrick’s campaign. She had a fund raiser at Planned Parenthood this weekend. That’ll cause a few coughs & apoplexy over at the GOP office! It’s a close race!

  2. David Peden says:

    You made my day. Thanks!

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    When Grampy lost to Dubya in 2000, the primary wasn’t all Grampy lost. He’s been yelling “get off my lawn” ever since.

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    Take him at his word. Nominate him.

  5. Tilphousia says:

    John McCain has a bad case of dementia. He needs to step down and soon as he hasn’t a shred of dignity left. GO ANN KIRKPATRICK

  6. So no Supreme Court nominee for the new President either? The whole “Let the American people decide” crap was admittedly crap?

    I don’t know exactly what would happen, but the words “Constitutional crisis” come to mind….

    Certainly there have been Congressional majorities opposed to the President before, but I don’t recall hearing of any that absolutely refused to allow the President to fill a SCOTUS vacancy, much less two or three. The current farce is bad enough without extending it for another four, or eight, years.

    Not sure who first said “Elections have consequences,” but they do. Grow up, John.

  7. So what is his new campaign motto: Vote For Me, I Won’t Do My Job.

    Most of us can’t put that on our job application and expect to get a call back.

  8. I followed your lead and gave Ann money. Then I went to McCain’s FB page to leave a note that a Texan just donated to his opponent because of the SCOTUS statement. Didn’t, after all. It was loaded with venomous messages from Trumpsters, because he wasn’t supporting their king. This is when I fully realized the GOP deal made with the devil, when they embraced the tea-party. There is no way these Republicans can please anyone now. They can’t reach a majority anymore. The SCOTUS comment was an attempt to throw out red meat to the crazies, but it’s not enough. However, it was enough to make sane people recoil.

  9. Larry McLaughlin says:

    Our best hope is that all the snacilbupeR follow Hair Drumpf’s instructions and vote on Nov 28.

  10. WA Skeptic says:

    Hey, McCain–if you don’t want to do the job, why are you trying for the position?

    Sounds like you’ve turned into one of those takers who are on the Guv’mint teat that you and your buddies are always snarling about.

    Time for you to quit, buddy.

  11. PattiCakes says:

    I just sent a girlfriend who recently moved to Arizona over to volunteer for Ann’s campaign. Made a donation, too. Grrrr.

  12. McCain turned into a pure party hack more than a decade ago. Once a renegade, now a lemming.

  13. don’t forget, before he was a mavericky maverick, he was part of the “Keating Five”, of bank fraud fame and fortune. it’s time he was gone.

  14. He – or his campaign – has walked that back a bit. He’ll of course consider any candidate for the court, but that’s about all. Not a bit of difference, but it shows that he got some pretty stiff blowback from the statement.
    And, yes, he needs to go.

  15. I’m Mc Cain’s. age and I’m retired. I think he should do the same. Last I saw he was a little ahead of Kirkpatrick. Dumping Trump will help him, but a big turnout of voters could kill him.
    Most of us have more respect for Flake than McCain. The fact that he want’s to kill the SS that a lot of us are living on won’t help. He should ride off into the sunset. Let a Women and some younger blood in. McCain you and I have both had our Day. Say Good By.

  16. Cheryl: “They can’t reach a majority anymore”. I hope you’re right. The problem with right wing media is it isn’t going away. Hell, it came out today that Donnie’s son-in-law(?) Was putting out feelers to start a network. So let’s see. 12 or so points down in the polls. Rabidly loyal supporters. In the millions. Donnie constantly accusing the mainstream media of colluding against him. It’s starting to make sense. He’s used the media for over a year to build his brand appealing to the millions of deplorables. Now if only he had someone experienced in the art of building a media empire to capitalize on the brand that we’ve ALL contributed to. (Come on, think about it. Could you really take your eyes off of it?) Oh wait. Roger Ailes, Alex Jones, and Steve Bannon. The three horsemen of the repugnantcan douchebagery apocalypse. It ain’t gonna be pretty folks.

  17. JAKvirginia says:

    P.P.: Not a pretty picture. But then… maybe Hillz brings back the fairness doctrine? Karma. She’s laughing diabolically.

  18. McCain, your glory days are long gone. If you wanted respect, you would have bravely gone to Sun City at least four years ago.

  19. It is my hope and prayer that Merrick Garland withdraws his nomination on the morning after Secy Clinton is elected as the 45th President of these United States. He was a moderate nominee and while he likely would have served honorably as an Associate Justice, President Clinton 45 should be able to nominate from her list without the encumbrance of the legacy of President Obama 44. I’ll get back to that though in a moment.

    After everyone sobers up on January 21st or 22nd I’d like to see her nominate former President Barack Obama to the Court. Then as the four ancient Justices fall from the perch I’d like to see her nominate…

    2. Abid Riaz Qureshi, presently nominated by President Obama to a bench on the DC Federal Court but not yet confirmed.
    3. Pamela K. Chen, who presently sits on the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York
    4. Paul J. Watford, who presently sits on United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
    5. Jacqueline Nguyen, who also presently sits on the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

  20. Now about 2024. I’d like someone, anyone to talk some sense into Michelle Obama. In 2024, if my math is correct, she’ll just be 60ish. A mere whippersnapper when compared to a 70 year old (in 2016) Hair Drumpf or Ronnie, who was a month shy of 70 when he took the oath of office.

    Then … well I just cant see how Chelsea Clinton CANT run on 2032. She’ll just be 52 and doing so will one up Barbara Bush about being a POTUS’ wife and a POTUS mother. Like Abigail Adams was just chopped liver so something.

    Going back to work now.

    Micr out.

  21. I love your plan Micr. Have you sent it to the DNC?

  22. elise from CA says:

    Micr and Debbo:

    Please don’t give them any ideas of this type.

  23. McCain was never as great as his press implied. Check out he treated his first wife. She has class–he doesn’t.

    As for what happened to McCain, I honestly think a good part of it is that he lost an election to a black man and he just can’t stand it. It was during that election that he picked Sarah Palin and it’s been all downhill for him since.

  24. Pollytiques says:

    That stunt did a good job raising money for his opponent..I sent a few bucks myself…a very very rare thing I do.

  25. Lunargent says:

    Oddly, Trump was right. McCain is no hero, at least not any more. He was a hero when that plane was shot down, and he endured being a prisoner.

    But now he’s just a mean, petty old party hack. Any internal code of honor he once had has long ago shriveled away. If he won’t do his damn job, he needs to go. And that applies to every elected member of his benighted party.

  26. The obstructionism McCain is spewing is representative of what the Rethugs pulled for 8 years. God help us if we don’t at least get the Senate majority along with the White House, or it will be a repeat of the last 8 years. I give to Emily’s List which is supporting great women Democrats who are running for the Senate in states like AZ, Nevada and Pennsylvania.

  27. LynnN, you are right about how he treated his first wife upon his release from prison in Viet Nam. She had survived a horrendous automobile accident that left her shorter than previously and in need of physical therapy she couldn’t afford. McCain was already in the process of dumping First Wife and he got Cindy to pay for the therapy. How he treated the first Mrs. McCain is no secret. He might have been an office but certainly wasn’t any kind of a gentleman.

  28. Jay Field says:

    Every day it becomes more apparent that every member of the Republican Party has been taken over by the pod people.

  29. Linda Phipps says:

    My understanding is that McCain’s first wife was all on board with the divorce. I expect she was glad to be shed of him.
