
October 17, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am away from my laptop but Melanie is going on teevee soon.  Please feel free to explain to me or any other interested party how a 59 year old man engages in “boy talk,” or blames everybody else for everything tacky he’s ever done.

I thought I’d give you a chance to start commenting before the interview even starts.

Did you see the sign that said Paul Ryan is a “trader?”



That’s the teevee where I am.  What a sweet gift.

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0 Comments to “Melania”

  1. Part of me feels sorry for her. I’m sure she hasn’t said a word yet that someone hasn’t already written for her; her husband is a pervert; and she probably never wanted to live under this microscope.

    The part of me that doesn’t feel sorry for her is the part that says, she picked this pervert and this lifestyle.

    Do you ever wonder if she met him under similar circumstances — he grabbed her, kissed her and groped her?

  2. She’s doing what she was told to do by her bully of a husband.
    Billy Bush is going to surprised to find out it was all her fault.

  3. JAKvirginia says:

    And yet… when Hillary does it… yeah, you get the

    Note to self: 21 more days… 21 more days… aahhhmmmm…

  4. Annabelle Lee says:

    Regarding that sign: thank God they didn’t try to spell “quisling”.

  5. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Oh that she would have an epiphany and denounce Mister Creepy and declare her intention to divorce him. After he loses can you imagine being in the same room with him. For that matter, can you imagine seeing him nekkid? That girl needs significant medication me thinks.

  6. @Mark Schlemmer


  7. I will take Melania at her word and not feel sorry for her–ever. The idea that anyone is responsible for the taint that Trump drags around–other than Donald is kinda gross.

  8. How dare Ryan be a trader! At least he’s not disloyal to the USA.

  9. Perhaps the sign means that after the collapse of 2016 the only job Paul Ryan can get is to be a day trader from his couch.

  10. He could be a blogger sitting in his parents’ basement in his pajamas.

  11. Meanwhile …

    A POS America stepped in and can’t wipe off its Keds.

  12. Makes you wonder just what’s in the prenup Melania signed.

  13. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Melania, sweetie…bless your heart but you need to shut up and run for cover.

  14. WA Skeptic says:

    She’s the perfect example of my Okie Mamma’s comment:

    “A woman who marries a man for his money earns every dime”

    I’m sorry for her.

  15. JAKvirginia says:

    Both of them ego maniacs. Both of them in it for the money. What do you expect? I mean it. Really.

  16. I’m sure Ryan wishes he was a trader, a Republican presidential candidate trader.

  17. Micr, Laura Bush often looked pretty medicated to me. Can’t have been easy married to that chimp either.

    A woman who turned down a rich ugly man’s proposal said that she couldn’t go to bed drunk *every* night. So far Donnie has found three women who can, at least for a while.

  18. It seems to me that Melania is admiting that Donnie can be easily pressured into saying something stupid by some low level TV personality. Must have been the Vulcan mind trick.

  19. two crows says:

    @ Rhea — yeah, Laura did have that look about her didn’t she?

    I would feel sorry for Melania but — I heard her little speech and any pity I might have felt turned to disgust. Yes, she’s earning every dime but I don’t feel sorry for her after that performance she gave tonight.

    Love, Love LOVE the sign!

  20. Lunargent says:

    Maybe Donnie threatened to cut off her allowance.

  21. Marcia in CO says:

    I read or heard somewhere that Donnie makes his “women” sign something whereby they can never bad-mouth his ugliness!! So, in a sense, he continues to grope them by keeping them in line by the “short hairs!” So, yes, I would assume that if they dare to bad-mouth his ugliness, their “allowance” will be cut off.

  22. one of the hazards of being a “gold digger”, is that the mine may well collapse on top of you. I suspect all of Trump’s wives discovered this, to their horror. and they were young enough, when they married him, to probably believe they could “change” him.

  23. e platypus onion says:

    Malaria says bringing up Bill C’s past alleged indiscretions is fair because Tested Cruz showed a picture of her during the primary. Apparently her one year of architecture of modeling didn’t learn her any critical thinking skillz.

  24. e platypus onion says:

    Bad joke time, cpinva. A gold miner had a cave in and lost his leg. No one would give him a job afterwards. He lamented to his best buddy who wants a one-legged gold digger? Friend says Paul McCartney.

  25. e platypus onion says:

    Donald Trump said in a 2004 interview with Howard Stern about Lindsay Lohan that “deeply troubled” women are “always the best in bed,” according to a CNN KFile review of the appearance. Lohan was 18 at the time and whacko nuts. This is what Melanoma married.

  26. e platypus onion says:

    Dice here is another take on this photo-op. Hillary-us!

  27. e platypus onion says:

    I left this part out of the above tweet-

    Tomorrow’s Trump tweets will be all about how the media is exaggerating this and that she came onto him first.
    Posted by Gryphen at 7:42 PM 62 comments

    From Immoral Minority

  28. treehugger says:

    I don’t know what to think about Melania. She doesn’t seem to have taken the high road either in her career or in her personal life. I read an article about her in Rolling Stone where they described Trump’s ugly behavior toward her parents when he first met them in their home. Seems to me that would have been a sledgehammer hint to ditch him right then. She strikes me as a person who was led to the Dark Side long ago. It would be gratifying to see her try to redeem herself.

  29. e platypus onion says:

    Here is Drumpf’s speech from Ivanka’s wedding reception. This is the man she is defending. He insults every nationality under the sun and says if Ivanka wasn’t his daughter, he’d tap that A$$. PERVERT

  30. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Melania did say that twitter is bad for boys. That’s what she has learned from her years with Donnie. Wonder how she feels that her boy is 70 years old.

  31. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Is there a link to her speech? I missed it?

  32. Isn’t Trump all up in arms about Hillary’s alleged vicious attacks on Bill’s accusers?

    Isn’t that what Melania is doing right now?

  33. epo, I’ve seen drunk and weepy fathers of the bride before but someone usually has the good sense to stop them from making any kind of a scene. What the heck was wrong with the crowd at Ivanka’s wedding. Didn’t they like her?

  34. Don Lowell says:

    I have a vision that she crawled out of Dracula’s coffin.

  35. e platypus onion says:

    Melanoma says as first lady she will take on cyber bullying. Donnie Drumpf will have to be her first and last cyber bully.

  36. e platypus onion says:

    In real important stuff, Barstool Palin is 26 today. A moment of silence for her kids, please.

  37. JAKvirginia says:

    Marion: I don’t have a link to her speech, but you might find it at That’s where Malaria gets her best words.

  38. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marion (formerly known as MM), the Loyal Order of The WMDBS Protection Society has wrapped its arms of love about you. Notice that no one is providing the offending tape? That is because they value your time and are protecting you from that pathetic interview in which AC felt compelled to finish Melania’s thoughts and sentences for her.

    For your viewing pleasure, here’s a tape of KO describing the real conspiracy against Donnie: the folks on his payroll. 7 minutes worth your time. Or, you can view it later as an antidote to watching Melania.

    Against my better judgement here is that link to Melania’s interview, and please remember we all love you.

  39. Aggieland Liz says:

    @Rhea: Rush found 5, count ’em, FIVE!! I weep for my sex…

  40. John Fugelsang and pals were taking Melanoma’s little speech apart on his radio show.

    If it’s little Billy’s fault, do we want a president with nuclear codes who can be so easily goaded? Who has the temperament of a pimply, hormonal, middle school boy? Good grief. No matter how hard they screw themselves into the ground, there is no way the trumpeltonians can spin their way out of this. The Mangled Apricot Hellbeast is simply an emotionally immature child who has no business even running a taco truck.

  41. Lunargent says:

    Dice @#11 –

    Good Gawd!! Where are this girl’s parents!???

    This guy is just a creep. And anybody who votes for him is, by extension, also a creep.

  42. Lunargent says:

    I’m glad that Billy Bush got canned. Disgusting as Trump was, all that adolescent snickering from Billy was just as bad. And even though it was 11 years ago, the fact that he was shown the door so quickly makes me wonder what kind of behavior he’s exhibited at work.

  43. e platypus onion says:

    My humblest apologies to Salon patrons. It was pointed out to me tonight that Drumpf’s toast was manufactured humor piece and not true. OTOH, Drumpf’s minions wouldn’t care. If it was about Clinton, they would swear it was gospel.

  44. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    PKM, thank you for all the reassurances of love and arms of love. And for the links. Melania, as usual, was out of her element. And Keith was amazing. And I did watch in the order you suggested.
