I Give Up. I Give The Hell Up.

August 16, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry, y’all.  The boy is sick.  Something is wrong with that boy.

He has taken to the airwaves to blast Khizr Khan for daring to speak against Donald Trump.  Prepared your insides for this one.

Rick PerryFormer Gov. Rick Perry is defending Donald Trump’s war of words with the family of a fallen Muslim soldier, saying the father “struck the first blow” against the Republican presidential nominee and is not above criticism in return.

“In a campaign, if you’re going to go out and think that you can take a shot at somebody and not have incoming coming back at you, shame on you,” Perry said in an interview Tuesday on CNN.

Where the hell has Rick Perry been since Trump behaved like a brute about this?  This was the turning point in Trump’s downfall.  And now, now!, Rick Perry is picking up the ball and reminding everyone what hateful, idiotic people that Republicans are because, you know, without Rick Perry to remind us, we might forget.

Perry got it backasswards, as usual.  Trump wants to say outrageous things but nobody better “have incoming”.  Trump can dish it out but he sure can’t take it.  And by the damn way, not that it really matters a whole helluva a lot, but Trump threw the first punch by wanting to keep Muslims from coming to America.

It’s Rick in Wonderdamnland.

On Tuesday, Perry made clear he saw Khizr Khan as fair game. He insisted he admires veterans and their families, but said the patriarch “politically used his time on that stage to go after Donald Trump.”

Was Perry drunk the night that the woman who lost her son in Benghazi called Hillary Clinton a murderer?  Nobody called her names because she has a right to her opinion.

I am dumbfounded.  Why would they keep up a fight they have clearly lost?  Rick, shuddup.  You are not getting a job in the Trump administration because there’s not going to be a Trump administration.

Good Lord, even Greg Abbott came to the defense of Mr. Khan.

Oh, Rick.  Oh bless your cowboy heart.  You got kicked in the head at your last rodeo, son.


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