I Certainly Hope So

July 19, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

George Bush fears that he will go down in history as the last Republican president.  Yeah well, he certainly contributed his fair share to the destruction of the Republican Party.

The 43rd president of the United States is concerned that Trump’s ridiculous and racist rhetoric is tearing apart the fabric of the GOP — and he had no problem voicing his concern at a reunion for staff of his administration in April, Politico reported.

It is kinda amusing that he’s blaming Trump.  Dubya, the sack ‘o crap has your name on it in big red letters, too.


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Does Dubya not remember that he sat silently while Dick Cheney lied, cheated, stole, tortured, smirked, and threatened people?  Somebody needs to go remind Doofus Boy that he was not a whole lot better than Trump.

Okay, maybe a little.  Maybe just a little.

I hope he’s right, y’all.

Thanks to Alan in Austin for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “I Certainly Hope So”

  1. Rastybob says:

    Let’s all hope and pray he’s right, for once.

  2. chester miller says:

    major difference?
    Shrub is in the rear view mirror. The other one is straddling several lanes smack dab in the middle of the road ahead.
    I cast my first vote for Dick Gregory some time back. maybe all this is my fault, from Nixon to here?

  3. Hope he is right. That would be one in a row.

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    Gee… I wonder who they’ll pick to play him when they make the movie “Extinction”.

  5. Gindy51 says:

    From Shrub’s lips to the FSM’s noodle ears.

  6. Have said this before, the repub party ain’t going away until the power of the 1% is brought under control. Change the name but operating control will still end up with them.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Dumbass dubya did his fair share to taint the wingnut brand. They can’t/won’t learn from mistakes, especially fiscal and foreign policy blunders. Buh-bye. Don’t come back.

  8. e platypus onion says:

    As for playing dubya, get Obama. They blame him for Bushes mess anyway.

  9. George Bush and the elephant in the room. It’s a paradox. Is there one occupant, or two?

  10. Aggieland Liz says:

    What ought to keep him up at night is whether he is in fact the WORST gop prez not the last. Lazy little moron!

  11. Marcia in CO says:

    LOL at every comment!
    Well, I hope Dubya will be the last Repuke prez while I’m still alive … I’ll be 73 next month! If I can last another 20 years … once I’m gone they can do whatever!!

  12. The new party will be the Kristian Konservative kabal , nothing will change.

  13. maryelle says:

    For once in his life, let Dubya be right.

  14. Bush was just implementing the perfect Republican agenda and gets all the credit for causing world misery and destruction but it’s Conservatism who is to be rightfully blamed. Any R would have caused the same catastrophe’s.

  15. This is the only time that slimy little a$$hole ever said anything I hoped to hear. If he’s the last snacilbupeR president ever – I’d be more thrilled than any time since Ren gave me the Big One – Repeatedly! (Not what you think. [Fingers & eyes crossed.])

  16. BarbinDC says:

    The Dope may be right; however, that doesn’t change the shenanigans the Rethugs have been pulling at the state level–gerrymandering every state to ensure control of the House. They can then stymie any President that way.

  17. Tilphousia says:

    Shrub is a war criminal. A distinction he shares wth Cheney and all those who lied their way through his administration and destabilized the Mid East. He should be terrified of the thought of trump having nuclear codes. To many of today’s republicans a crusade is in order, only wimps use diplomacy, “real men” use force. Remember all the horrid comments of carpet bombing? Not one of those witless wonders has ever served ONE SECOND! Not one of the witless wonders contemplates the force those words have. And NOT ONE of those witless republicans must be allowed near the Presidency.

  18. Elizabeth Moon says:

    GWB was the whiny one who had others do his bullying for him. Trump is the bellowing one.

    Otherwise, same song, umpteenth verse.

  19. On the one hand we all hope and pray he’s right about him being the last snacilbupeR president. On the other hand, don’t give him “one in a row” if he turns out to be right: even a blind pig gets an acorn now and then.

  20. Did anyone hear lil Scumpf Jr. blamed Hillary for the mess Iraq is? Seriously?
    BTW, lil Scumpf Jr uses the same little fingered hand gestures as Scumpf Sr. Lies and exaggerates like Sr. too. Creepy.

  21. I’m not really sure that Dubya was a Republican President in any rational sense. The Repub party of Eisenhower, or even Goldwater, ceased to exist a while ago. What we have left is some form of cult.

  22. george jetson says:

    I have, many times, predicted the demise of the Republican party.
    I have concluded that if Dubya couldn’t kill ’em, Trump probably doesn’t stand a chance….

  23. AKLynne says:

    Marcia, you may be gone. I may be gone. I have kids and grandkids. They won’t be gone, I hope, and I don’t plan to give away their world. If we don’t defang the right wingers, it’s hard to say.

  24. “I hope he’s right, y’all.”

    Moi aussi, as we say in Texas. But are we doing all we can to make it so? Has everybody here registered to vote? And then found two more people and ensured that they are registered to vote? This election is too important for anybody to sit out.

  25. van59: You are so right. W and Cheney were bad; Trump is worse. And the “vast right wing conspiracy” is a real threat to democracy as we know it.

  26. Linda Phipps says:

    Marcia in CO: I am the same age as you, but I do care what happens after I am gone. I have a family, including a lovely grandchild and I would like to know that they will survive. I didn’t watch last night, I couldn’t spend more hours listing to the lying and the jibbering, howling mob. Trump’s Space Cadet entrance on Monday spelled it all out for me. Is he going to install a fog machine in the White House to herald all his entrances, stupefying decent world leaders, but feeding the frenzy of his mob?

  27. In the meantime I hear that Hill was out meeting with people that Trump had rejected. People of color, whatever color.

    On that subject, I couldn’t count on one hand the people of color I saw at that convention. I saw exactly two and I have five fingers on each hand.

    My recollection of the last two Dem conventions was that of a multi-colored garden. Gotta conclude that the R’s are in no way gardeners.

  28. Marcia in CO says:

    AKLynn and LindaPhipps … we may be gone in 20 years and our kids, grandkids and all other relatives — close and shirttail — may still be around to endure whatever happens politically … we won’t know if they are involved or not with the processes. Hopefully, at that time, if there is to be a Republican Party, it will have evolved into something more palatable or changed to the point that even a name change would be needed to better reflect a more reasonable political “right” side! Or, the whole thing on both sides could deteriorate into such a putrid pile of slime that no one no longer participates!! Hopefully our offspring and their offspring will bring about changes that will serve everyone in a manner that we can only dream about today!!
    Maybe we will just have to try to stick around long enough to see what happens!! May the Democrats live on to be the reasonable side of politics!!

  29. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Dubya is no less of an idiot than he was 8 years ago. He’s the gold standard of snacilbupeR st00pid. They want to wring their hands and cry that the “world is on fire,” and in the same breath decry out of their lying mouths that pouring bombs on Iraq has nothing to do with the current chaos. These political arsonists poured the gasoline, lit the match and have the colossal nerve to deny that Dubya/Darth bear any responsibility.

    Jeb’s pathetic primary performance can only be described as dumb founded. His reception in South Carolina was classic. Yes, dumb a$$, even the same morons that voted for your brother twice rejected you. Although their mouths are incapable of saying that Dubya did all that from wrecking the economy to breaking the Middle East, somewhere in their reptilian ‘brains’ they know the truth.

    Sadly the snacilbupeR base think repeating the same mistakes with a different sort of snacilbupeR moron, Donnie Drumpf, will succeed where Reagan and Dubya failed. Unless the snacilbupeR bury the failed policies, their next ‘logical’ step is to bury the failed party.

  30. Pence speaking tonight?? Nope. Would rather read about it than hear it or see him….don’t want the happiness I feel that he is out of our state to be ruined by seeing/hearing him…….wonder if he will be surrounded by the nuns/orthodox Jews/right wing bigots that lurk in IN.
    1943 must have been a good year to be born for fabulous women….me too.

  31. AlanInAustin says:

    Actually I’d fault Trump more. I mean, hey, Dubya hasn’t the talent – nor the ambition – to do much of anything and even submarining the GOP would take *some* effort.

    One day there’ll be a movie about Dubya titled,
    “Rebel Without A Clue”

  32. Lunargent says:

    Debbo –

    Don’t sell Junior short. Though his political ideas might be as whacko as Daddy’s, he has the ability to stay focused and appear rational. I think he could be dangerous in the future – the boy’s got skillz.

  33. two crows says:

    “George Bush fears that he will go down in history as the last Republican president.”

    Yes, well, this is a natural phenomenon. It’s a direct result of the emergence of the Tea Party “movement” carefully orchestrated by John Birch and his sons, Charles and David Koch.

    Well done, “gentlemen.”
    Oh, and btw, Please Proceed.
