Explaining White Privilege to White Folks

July 19, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Are you white?  That means you’re special.  I know, I know, with a smart black man in the White House, it’s easy to forget how special you are because you are white.

And that’s what we have Steve King to remind you of how special your lily white ass is.


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Yeah, get a load of this

“This whole ‘white people’ business does get a little tired, Charlie,” King responded. “I’d ask you to go back through history and figure out, where have these contributions been made by these other categories of people that you’re talking about? Where did any other sub-group of people contribute more to civilization?”

“Than white people?” MSNBC host Chris Hayes asked.

“Than—than western civilization itself, that’s rooted in western Europe, eastern Europe, and the United States of America, and every place where the footprint of Christianity settled the world,” King said. “That’s all of western civilization.”

What kind of cheese do you put on that cracker?

I wish someone had reminded him that Jesus was brown.

Kim-Weaver-IowaOkay, his Democratic opponent is a friend of mine.  Her name is Kim Weaver.  I’m going to be honest with you and tell you that Kim is a long shot but that local media says if anyone can beat Steve King, it is Kim.  I’m asking you to go give her some love.  Five or ten dollars will buy her some yard signs or mailers.

I thank Kim for running.  I know you do, too.


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0 Comments to “Explaining White Privilege to White Folks”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    I don’t know her, but I am voting for her. “Cantalooopy Calves” Kingbat is a total dip—t who happens to be my congresspuss-stain.

  2. The real reason ‘white males’ have done SSOOOoooo much more for civilization, is because they let woman and other groups do the hard work then they take all the credit!!!

  3. Linda Phipps says:

    King needs to take a world view, we are not just one hemisphere, and without the Chinese invention of paper and Middle East for inventing math as we know it, our white forefathers would not have had maps or the wherewithal to be able to get here in the first place.

  4. Marcia in CO says:

    Sometimes all you can do is shake your head in amazement at the incredulous stupidity that the RWNJs exude like pus from an infected sore!!

  5. WA Skeptic says:

    If that doofus even bothered to bone up on national accomplishments, he’d know that the Chinese are responsible for most of the things that make our lives and civilization possible.

    What a moran.

  6. JAKvirginia says:

    Apparently, the Fairness Doctrine was not eliminated but changed. Now any stupid moran can be put on to yammer nonsense. Thanks MSNBC and Chris Hayes! And Fox. And all of you other “news” organizations.

    I have no fear of “the other”. We’re doing all right killing ourselves — intellectually and physically. Death by stoopid.

  7. two crows says:

    “What kind of cheese do you put on that cracker?”

    Well, I usually put peanut butter on my cracker. Oh wait, peanut butter was invented by a black slave, George Washington Carver.

    And a Mexican man, Luis Miramontes invented The Pill. Even though Republican men would like to do away with it, most of their wives and daughters take it every single day. Oops.

    Steve King had better throw away his cell phone. The first one was invented by Brazilian Alberto Landell.

    I don’t know what’s happening inside Steve King’s chest, but if he’s got a pacemaker he needs to rip it out. Invented by Otis Boykin. Where did his ancestors come from? Why, that would be Africa. According to King, that makes it tainted and he can’t have THAT.

    And it’s really hard to do math using Roman numerals. And algebra [invented in the Middle East]? Fuh-geddaboudit. But still, Steve King had better never, ever, ever use Arabic numerals. Ever again.

  8. treehugger says:

    Wait … what … ? White people? Western civilization? Christians? The list of things the Chinese invented is very long and, surprise, includes more than fireworks. The Cradle of Civilization was not in the West, nor was it populated by white people. I am so sick of all the chest-thumping howling of superiority along racial, ethnic, religious and gender lines. This jerk needs to put his head back into the orifice from which he took it.

  9. Much of history is about who writes the history books.

    Though this does explain why Repubs hate numbers so much–they’re Arabic. Though they may have originated in India.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    G W Carver was the first black student admitted to iowa State Uni and the first black prof. Accolades Steve King can only dream of or tear down depending on the day of the week.

  11. Steve obviously forgot to regularly feed the hamster in his head that keeps the cerebral data base updated and churning. Boy! Is he ever going to be sorry he did that!

  12. Steve King obviously failed algebra, still uses Roman numerals and ignored the ancient Mediterranean civilizations much of whose learning we currently know was preserved by the Arab cultures while Europe was famously in its Dark Ages. But Steve King is from Iowa so he knows manure.

  13. I know I learned that the Cradle of Civilization was NOT Europe!

  14. Perhaps he also forgot the Eqyptians which according to wikipedia

    Egypt has one of the longest histories of any modern country, arising in the tenth millennium BC as one of the world’s first nation states.[14] Considered a cradle of civilisation, Ancient Egypt experienced some of the earliest developments of writing, agriculture, urbanisation, organised religion and central government.

  15. AlanInAustin says:

    King brands himself as a Good Christian, but if he’d read his Bible he might have found references to some non-white groups. Hey, I’ll even let him pick which Testament. Oops.

    Meanwhile, back in Egypt, red-faced local officials are trying to explain how they’ve hijacked credit for the pyramids.

  16. To the steve kings of the world. I’ll buy into your professing white race superiority if you can answer me this with some kind of verifiable evidence:
    how were you able to choose your race, parents, time and place of birth, IQ, physical health, talents?
    If the white race is superior, and assuming people can choose the above, why would about 3/4 of the world’s pop choose non-white?

  17. Old Fart says:

    King doesn’t realize that by contributions to civilization, what he really means is access to technology/resources/power. Funny how pretty much ANYBODY with a decent brain and skills can get ahead with the proper resources.

    Even women**…

    ** Tongue very firmly in cheek

  18. RepubAnon says:

    Jack Daniels apparently took credit for a beverage distilled by a black man…

  19. Mary Lynne Foster says:

    I just gave $10 which is what can afford and will probably be the only donation to get campaign i will be able to make because I have people closer to home I need to support, do it’s a gesture more than anything else. But she has my prayers too.

  20. Let’s hope these folks all being in the same place together will encourage more of these wise, open minded elected officials representative of the “Grand” old party to speak their minds as honestly as Mr. King. Keep em comin Stevo. The rest of us need edjucatin. They’re helping turn swing states blue.

  21. maryelle says:

    Kreepuglicans don’t bother with facts. Stephen Colbert calls it Trumpiness, which originates “further down the gastro intestinal tract than truthiness.” Colbert went into his old character mode last night and did a bit from his old show, “The Word”. Well worth looking up and watching. It made me howl with laughter.

  22. Kate Dungan says:

    For most of history, most of Europe was a backwater. While my ancestors were painting themselves blue and dancing around oak trees, the Arabs invented the concept of zero, among many other things. The Chinese invented pasta (YUM!), gunpowder, and a sophisticated governing model, among other things. The Egyptians built the pyramids and were still not sure how they did it. I could go on…but so could most of you. Throw a World History book in the direction of King. I bet his teachers are so embarrassed.

  23. King is just another snacilbupeR example of an ignert maroon.

  24. Tilphousia says:

    King obviously never read a Google history book in his life. If he had he would know that the steam engine was invented by Heron of Alexandria, about 1500 yrs before James Watt. The first computer invented by Archemedes of Syeacuse, 2000+ yrs ago. The list go on. Arabs revolutionized mathematics with zero. They also made more strides in medicine since Galen while Western Europe was a group of dirty huts. Romans invented concrete that dried underwater 2000 yrs ago. So see, you uneducated drone, most of the great inventions were made BY OTHERS. not western Christians.

  25. Fred Farklestone says:

    Here’s a little background on King!


  26. Lunargent says:

    Tilphousia –
    I assume that King includes the Greeks and Romans as the basis of Western, i.e. European, civilization. Of course, many of the Romans’ “accomplishments and innovations” were appropriated from the other cultures they conquered.
