Holy Cow!

July 12, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I am watching the House Judiciary Committee questioning Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

I want to tell you that Darryl Issa is just a shiver looking for a spine to run up.  I am pretty much cynical about Republicans but his insistence that Hillary Clinton is a tool of the devil is stunning.  He literally asked about other people who have been prosecuted for perjury, “What are we going to tell the Marines?”  What the hell? Why just the Marines?  And why did he leave out “the children”?

What?  No Benghazi questions?

One of the Republicans spent his time talking about Monica Lewinsky.  It truly seemed to me that he just wanted to be able to talk dirty on national teevee.

I hate these people.  Lord help me, I do.


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0 Comments to “Holy Cow!”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    What did you expect? Thirty years these scumbags have wasted taxpayer time and dollars on a personal vendetta against Bill, HRC and even Chelsea. No indictments for any crimes. Now they are looking for seatbelt violations to impeach HRC with.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    House Judiciary Committee and arsonist/used car salesman Dirty Darryl Issa is a typical snacilbupeR oxymoron. Like Marsha Blackburn and Lucifer Gohmert for House anything. Add in Chaffetz the boy punter from Bang ’em Young and Trey (his parent missed the opportunity to name him for the blanks in a deck, or the jokers) Gowdy, and we have ample reason to declare st00pid as a felony.

    They’re enough to ask that the NSA or CIA block the broadcast of C-SPAN to foreign shores to avoid further international embarrassment. Please Homeland Security, pull their passports. Make them demonstrate that they are not ‘tripping’ before allowing them any more Congressional trips.

  3. If stupid was a felony…that there would be no republicans left in congress to obstruct PBO…

  4. Issa is a loathsome opportunistic creep. As for his efforts to claim that accusations constitute guilt, he’s really on thin ice on that one, given the three car thefts of which he was accused, actually indicted at least once, but never convicted. By his own standards, he himself should be in prison, and in CA, where he lives, he’d be in for min 25 years under 3 strikes, if merely having someone suggest you did something wrong were adequate as proof.
    For what it’s worth, he actually has a credible Democratic opponent this year, an ex Marine named Applegate, who came pretty close to a tie (46% to Issa’s 51%) in the “jungle primary”. A serious GOTV effort might even be able to dump this creep. Skeptical? Just remember that a Hispanic woman actually got rid of “B1 Bob” Dornan … to Dornan’s shock.

  5. Marcia in CO says:

    I did not watch this interrogation, but if Loretta was her usual cool as a cucumber self … she left them goggle-eyed and drooling!!

  6. monica was 25 years ago.. why can’t the gop complain about FDR or w’s wars??

  7. Indeed she was her usual cool self. More smarts in her little finger than…well, you know.

  8. daChipster says:

    Alleged car thief, arsonist and insurance fraud Darrell Issa (Major Douche – CA) wants to accuse Hillary of a crime?

    Go ahead: Tell it to the Marines.


  9. I love how they keep harping on Lewinsky (jealous much?) and saying that the affair was Hillary Clinton’s fault. Like they’re blaming her for not giving Bill enough h***. If that’s not the issue, what is?

  10. Rastybob says:

    Issa is lower than Snake Sh%% in a wagon track.

  11. Issa is proof that California is not as enlightened as you think it is. We have rural areas (and Orange County) that rival the Deep South for backwardness.

  12. Wizzakers, if Loretta had been around a little longer as AG she would make Hill a great VP! However, yanking her out of an office she has just recently attained would be a poor dea.

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maggie, AG Lynch is great right where she is fixing justice in all 50 states. Maybe when she’s done with that massive task, she’ll be so kind as to accept a SCOTUS appointment from Hilz.

    Merrick Garland? Meh. Why accept someone acceptable to the snacilbupeR who they refuse to accept (yet), when there are so really better choices.

    Did anyone else catch the phraseology of that supposedly Democrat Light General who is being considered by the Drumpf camp? Can’t remember the guy’s “pro-choice” stance; not his exact words, but something to the effect of “the little ladies should have a say.” Patronizing much? He was likely a Dixiecrat and too dumb to know they left town in the Nixon age.

    Hilz, if you love this Bernie Bro who committed to voting for you months ago, if you won the nomination, please be the bitch the snacilbupeR say you are. Seriously. President Obama nearly wasted his first term trying to be reasonable with those SOBs. I was seriously disappointed that he didn’t “go gangsta” on them like they cried he would. So, please, come out swinging, bitch slapping or whichever style you desire. The snacilbupeR will play victim anyway, so have some fun giving them something to cry about.

  14. JAKvirginia says:

    Susan? Really? You watched this thing? Girl, you are a glutton for punishment!

    They’re so concerned about Americans, eh? Maybe they could hold an investigation of why cafeteria workers in their office weren’t getting a living wage. Hmmm? How about that one Darryl? That problem has supposedly been fixed, but have you checked to make SURE?

    Every time one of you Republican bastards say you care about Americans, I shiver and wait for the knife in the back.

  15. Zyxomma says:

    Darryl Issa. Lower than crocodile p!ss in a swamp.

  16. e platypus onion says:

    Zyx! Such language! 🙂 🙂

  17. That Other Jean says:

    Just wanted to say that I agree with every word PKM wrote @1:43 pm.

  18. Loretta on the Supreme Court? Oh, my! PKM you have just given me a fantastic idea. I do believe that in my lifetime I will be around long enough to see the first female Chief Justice! Hey, I’ve already seen a man in a wheelchair run the country, a Catholic get sworn in, then an African American and most likely the first female President. Why not an African American Chief Justice of the United States?

  19. I have never figured out why the snacilbupeR have been, and continue to be so obsessed with the Clintons. I mean really. The snacilbupeR hated them before they ever got to Washington, before Hillary ever declined to bake cookies, etc. There have been other successful Democratic presidents. Seriously. What is it?

  20. Tilphousia says:

    The Clintons represent everything rethuglicans hate. They earned position and wealth through intelligence and hard work. No one gave them anything. HRC is dazzlingly smart and scares the balls off your average rethug. If that is they had any.

  21. Lunargent says:

    Issa – lower than whale s**t at the bottom of the Marianas Trench.
