Well, That Might Work

June 11, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Last night, Donald Trump announced that he’s gonna jazz up the Republican National Convention this year.

He’s gonna have “a “winner’s evening” of sports celebrities and champions addressing the convention rather than politicians.”  Because that’s how you win thee women’s vote, I suspect.

After regaling the crowd with the long story of how he successfully courted the endorsement of Bobby Knight, the former Indiana University basketball coach, Mr. Trump rattled off a list of other names of sports figures who he said have supported him. According to the candidate, he also has the support of the star quarterbacks Tom Brady and Ben Roethlisberger; Brian France, the chief executive of Nascar; and Dana White, the president of Ultimate Fighting Championship.

Hey, I hear that Clint Eastwood and an empty chair are available, too.

I cannot tell you the number of times I have thought to myself, “That’s what we need, a winner in the White House. We need to quit electing losers. How do we expect to run this county if we keep electing people who have never won anything?”  But then I sobered-up.  Obviously, Trump hasn’t.

Think how often you leave the really important decisions in your life to recommendations of sport’s stars. Investments, health care, whether or not to bomb somebody – you know, things sport’s stars know about.

I notice that all the guys he mentions have a few things in common.  You know, like old, like white, like men.

That’s cool.


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0 Comments to “Well, That Might Work”

  1. yep…..all old and white men…….have you seen what the Libertarian party threw at us…..2 more of the endless supply….and one of them seems totally nuts…..Onward

  2. Bobby Knight? The only time he didn’t run up the score was when he took his SAT’s.

  3. Sam in San Antonio says:

    The head of NECKCAR or WWE isn’t surprising but I can’t imagine any major white athletes will make this mistake. Perhaps he can get Curt Schilling.

  4. How about the Duck Dynasty guys and David Duke? Just not Chris Christie. Trump says he spoke too long last time and didn’t mention Romney’s name until the end. A sacrilege in Trump World.

  5. RepubAnon says:

    Sounds as though The Donald will be running the Republican National Convention like a sales convention for one of his other (failed) schemes. Expect to hear lots of “Winners Never Quit” type speeches…

    It’s actually a smart move by Mr. Trump. He’ll get much better viewership numbers than speeches by politicians – and remember, his base is people who despise career politicians.

    Besides, the Republican political figures would be giving speeches with a theme of “The Donald is not quite as bad as Hillary.” Sports figures will motivate the Republican base, and can be depended upon to say nice things.

  6. BraxtonBraggart says:

    “Ben Roethlisberger”

    The rapey one? Figures.

  7. Yeah, I didn’t much like Roethlisberger or Tom Brady anyway.

    All Trump cares about is the spotlight and “winning.” He doesn’t have a clue how to run the country, nor does he care.

    When I think of the presidency, I think of a scene from that short-lived TV series where Geena Davis played a VP who became President when the Prez died. She’s walking down the hall and someone is right with her holding a pile of paper and telling her what happens and who she meets and what they’ll talk about and what needs to be decided, every five minutes for the rest of the day. And that’s one average day. And Barack Obama saying that everything that hit his desk was a hard decision, because if it weren’t, somebody else would have made it already. Trump isn’t ready for that kind of work, any more than Palin was ready to be a governor.

  8. Rastybob says:

    I want to help all I can so how about this for a new RNC song.

  9. We can only hope Sarah Palin shows up on the big screen via satellite, shooting a moose from a helicopter. That ought to be enough red meat for the base to tear into.

  10. what Trump is describing is a stag night out with the “boys” at a bar somewhere. Thats how little he knows about what the hell he is supposed to be doing.

  11. Old Fart says:

    Bread and circus!

    Caveat Emptor!

  12. That Other Jean says:

    Oh, Lord! If I were a drinking woman, I’d be under the table by now. There is a political party that thinks that Donald Trump is a viable candidate for President of the United States, and there are people who will actually vote for him.

  13. Isn’t Bobby Knight the nasty old basketball coach who was fired for having no self control and being overly aggressive with players and opponents?

    Oh yeah, he also said, “I think that if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it.”

    On second thought, he sounds like the perfect person to support Donald Trump.

  14. What kinds of bread will they be handing out at this circus?

  15. John Peter Henson says:

    Maybe he can get some of the past runners up at the beauty pageant escort the sports guys……yup know classy like.

  16. “Isn’t Bobby Knight …”

    Yes, we’ll have Clint Eastwood talking to a chair, then Bobby Knight running out to fling the chair all the way across the stage at an octogenarian gun rights advocate with cold dead hands, but no strength to stand on his own two feet for more than a few seconds at a time. Have a seat at the Republican Platform table sir, and don’t you worry about the climate in a year from now, it sure not to affect you any.

  17. John Peter Henson says:

    You know classy like…

  18. Ole Scout says:

    I’m old [71], white, athlete [‘Bama ‘63,4,5 – Natl Champs], military [36 years], chubby [well … fat], born a Republican of military father & mother, southern, & never attended a public school [except ‘Bama] — why is it then that I see so much that is ethically & morally wrong with Trump?
    BECAUSE I HAVE PRUDENT JUDGEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. That’s a perfect cartoon for Scumpf. Gracias PKM.

    Shameless snacilbupeR.

  20. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rastybob, Donnie Drumpf may be a New York City boy, but it takes Trisha Yearwood to explain the base of the snacilbupeR to the likes of Lyin’ Ryan and the conservative establishment.


    “Her daddy says he ain’t worth a lick
    When it comes to brains, he got the short end of the stick
    But Katie’s young and man, she just don’t care
    She’d follow Donnie anywhere.”

    Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, whoa; maybe Donnie will reprise with his version of Lady Gaga’s “Hair.”

    Seriously, people, do you really want that hairball representing America? Donnie Drumpf is the one man whose hair looks better in caricatures than in person. Not much can be done with that mess inside his head, but what would the ladies of the WMDBS do with the mess on top?

  21. maryelle says:

    Sure, let’s fill the stage with quarterbacks. The more distraction from the morally bankrupt Repukians trying to sound confident in Cleveland.

  22. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maryelle, if someone with connections like daChipster or Juanita Jean Herownself can sneak me into Cleveland, I’d be happy to rewire their motel rooms and convention hall. Whichever button they depress, it would only play this and selected clips suggested by the WMDBS and patrons:


    Imagine the fun we could have, if we hacked Donnie’s twitter feed!

  23. slipstream says:

    Can he get Ted Nugent? That would class up the convention, by golly.

  24. maryelle says:

    PKM, what I wouldn’t give to witness the RKKKlan surprised by Jim Carrey singing “Cold Dead Hands” ala Charlton Heston.

  25. charles r. phillips says:

    I guess when you have a clown as your nominee, you shouldn’t be surprised when the convention turns into a three-ring circus.

    Pass me some peanuts, it’s almost time for the monkeys.

  26. I’m not a Jim Carrey fan, but I sure liked his rendition of “Cold Dead Hands.” The best part about Heston is the ‘dead’ part.

  27. What I have enjoyed the most this weekend is watching Trump say, “—- endorsed me….” “we’re going to have —- at the convention!” Only to the named individual do, what can only be politely described as running for cover. First Don King then Rothellsberger. Kinda like his high powered financiers who have failed to materialize. I mean D-A-N-G, your the Republican Nominee for President of the U-nited States and the Koch brothers won’t even fund the playrooms at your convention. Trust me kids, that stuff just doesn’t happen.

    I suppose it’s too much to hope for a joint appearance with Bobby and Clint the squint (quick hide the chairs) but I’d settle for Nugent and Palin they could take turns shooting off their mouths and their six guns, they could use Christie for target practice.

  28. SallyinMI says:

    Interesting that we are hearing no talk about a Trump VP. Since he doesn’t share the spotlight with anyone, I’m betting there are few who want to be there with him. And if Liz does run with Hillary, the GOP is forced to choose a woman. Since Trump has insulted nearly every GOP possibility, I think the odds are growing that it will be Palin again. How much would you pay to watch a Palin/Warren debate?

  29. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I’m sure there’s room for an aging guitar player with a load in his pants.

  30. AKLynne says:

    Don A, you’re being charitable referring to an “aging” guitar player…burned out, has-been would be more accurate.

  31. Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel says:

    SallyInMI, your “Liz” reference gave me an idea for a Trump Veep: Liz Cheney.

    She seems to have time on her hands, as well as being desperate for public office. Not that she’d win, of course, but another undeserving trophy baby might add welcome ballast to help weigh down the GOP ticket.

  32. SallyInMI Quite a bit! You could sell tickets to that show, heck just imagine the drinking games!

  33. Old Fart says:

    Dear Ms. SallyinMi,

    I was channel surfing when I came across a discussion of Sen. Warren as VP for Pres Elect Clinton on MSNBC. Given that I don’t want to *lose another Senator* I watched the discussion. The hilarious part was when they compared this ticket to a Drumpf one, only a joking Scott Brown was given as a possibility *because outside of nutjobs, nobody would WANT to be a Drumpf VP*! Who could stand to be near this guy if they were a living embodiment of *you could be replaced*?

  34. Marge Wood says:

    I’m sure glad I won’t be there. I mean, do they let artists with easels and paint stuff into the convention?

  35. National Memo has an entertaining article about Scumpf’s entertaining hair. http://goo.gl/khSj1j

  36. shortpeople says:

    I gather he also has Dennis Rodman. Is he going to nominate him as ambassador to North Korea? I take it they both admire the man who fed his uncle to dogs. Bradly, who doesn’t play by the rules. Rothlisberger, the reason many have stopped following the Steelers because of his women issues (although I give him credit for cleaning up his act). Mike Tyson, with a taste for human flesh and women issues. Need I go on?
