Yeah, And Mexican Muslims are the Worst
Donald Trump says we should ban all Muslims coming into America. All of them. Including my friend’s grandma who comes for three months every year.
Because he’s a hateful, racist, bloviating sumbitch.
And if Congressman Keith Ellison from Minnesota leaves the United States on a trade or fact finding mission, he can’t get back in?
Are you, like me, getting to close to believing the conspiracy that Donald Trump is trying to destroy the Republican Party in general and Ted Cruz in particular?
John Kasich slammed Trump’s “outrageous divisiveness,” while a more measured Ted Cruz, who has always been cautious about upsetting Trump’s supporters, said, “Well, that is not my policy.”
“Not my policy?” Really? Can you tell us why, Ted?
You know, if Donald Trump declared that if elected he earns the right to do the wild thing with every teenage girl in America, Ted Cruz would volunteer to round them up.