Yeah, And Mexican Muslims are the Worst

December 07, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump says we should ban all Muslims coming into America.  All of them.  Including my friend’s grandma who comes for three months every year.

Because he’s a hateful, racist, bloviating sumbitch.

And if Congressman Keith Ellison from Minnesota leaves the United States on a trade or fact finding mission, he can’t get back in?

Are you, like me, getting to close to believing the conspiracy that Donald Trump is trying to destroy the  Republican Party in general and Ted Cruz in particular?

John Kasich slammed Trump’s “outrageous divisiveness,” while a more measured Ted Cruz, who has always been cautious about upsetting Trump’s supporters, said, “Well, that is not my policy.”

“Not my policy?” Really?  Can you tell us why, Ted?

You know, if Donald Trump declared that if elected he earns the right to do the wild thing with every teenage girl in America, Ted Cruz would volunteer to round them up.



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0 Comments to “Yeah, And Mexican Muslims are the Worst”

  1. That Other Jean says:

    I don’t actually believe that Donald Trump set out to destroy the Republican party; but if that’s an unintended consequence of his campaign, I won’t spend anytime being sorrowful about it.

  2. The evidence keeps piling up that Trump isn’t actually running for anything– he’s just trying to see how outrageous he can get and still be taken seriously. And I doubt he’s the only one. It’s an expensive practical joke, but he seems to have money to burn, so why not use it on taking the GOP off a cliff rather than for some charitable purpose, being the oaf that he is. In any case he’s getting lots of publicity, which is all he really cares about. Cruz ditto, at least on that last one.

    Boys, enough already. It’s not even funny anymore.

  3. Lord, help us. If Trump is elected pray he doesn’t find out about Argentina. They have elected a new President Mauricio Marci who is married to the daughter of Syrian immigrants of the Moslem faith.
    I’d give him six no make that three weeks to start a war.Wrong war, wrong time and wrong place, but what would you expect?

  4. As a happy Minnesotan, let me say that our fine Representative Keith Ellison would be a vastly superior president compared to t-Rump. He’d be far better than any of the passengers in the snacilbupeR clown car.

  5. To satisfy overwhelming public demand, President Ellison and the Democratic Congress would pass constitutional amendment, supported by 99% of the states, banning all t-Rumps from these United States of America.

  6. @Debbo

    We gotta draw the imaginary line somewhere. So all current and former tRumps banned, except Ivanka Marie. 🙂

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Debbo, I think Representative Ellison would be a perfect running mate for Senator Sanders in 2016, and the perfect President of the United States in 2020.

    2016! Let’s vote and give the Sanders/Ellison team all the support we can elect for them into the House and Senate to move their agenda forward.

    If I don’t get my ticket of choice, I will pull the lever for a Clinton/Castro ticket. Trust me, we won’t be staying home. We’ll be out driving folks to the polls to do everything we can to prevent another snacilbuper from destroying the world.

  8. Trump’s hate mongering, although right in line with the R-Klan,
    has become so extreme (wiping out the families of terrorists) that he has whipped up anti-immigrant sentiment into a frenzy and terrible consequences are becoming more and more possible with the rwnj, armed-to-the-teeth crowd. His pronouncements are no longer a laughing matter, even if he drives the Repugs off the cliff. We will be left with a more violent and intolerant citizenry than ever before. I cannot laugh at his ridiculousness anymore. He has solidified the haters and that is a dangerous thing.

  9. Racism won’t destroy the current Repub party.

    Racism, other types of bigotry, hate, fear, pride in ignorance, denial of facts and science and sheer cussedness have already destroyed what used to be the Republican party.

  10. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Trump has done one thing that I appreciate and admire, He has destroyed the Republican Party. No amount of money could have bought that and he did it for free.

  11. Right Ralph. Apparently it is Another Stupid t-Rump Deal. I suppose he doesn’t know he can’t file bankruptcy, Again, to bring the snacilbupeR back. Not that he cares.

  12. Annabelle Lee says:

    I’ve wondered for a while now if Trump isn’t just trolling us all.

    Or maybe he started out that way and, as Rhea said, can’t let go of the attention.

    The good news is that all Mrs Clinton has to do, is not screw up. Look Presidential and don’t do anything stupid.

  13. I am very very afraid that Ted Cruz will become the GOP nominee. .
    And if that happens, the Canadian border is less then 30 miles from my home. I may go for an extended visit. I am a daughter of an imigrant. I married an immigrant. My father was Iris and my husband came from Poland, via Germany after WW2. Both were vilified within the last 120 years of history. No one is safe unless you are exactly like Ted or Trump
    The men are evil, pure evil.
    The Republicans will not stand up to trump. They hate cruz, but they do not have the moral fiber to stand up to him.

    We cannot be silent any longer.

  14. RepubAnon says:

    I remember the Illuminati! trilogy’s Texas millionaire who decided that Mexicans had always been Chinese Communists, and the Battle of the Alamo was a courageous stand against communism… I thought it was funny, then. Nobody could be that insanely far from reality, I thought.

    Life imitates art, I guess.

  15. Since trumpet is just making as much noise as he can and basically saying “look at me” wouldn’t his perfect running mate be Miley “look at me” Cyrus?

  16. Marge Wood says:

    How do we draw the line in the sand hard enough that nobody can mess it up? I agree, Diane.

  17. Marge Wood says:

    Check out TOP CLEANTECH STORIES OF THE DAY. Ignore Cruz and Trump. Talk to your friends about how we have, right now, enough renewable energy and related technologies to live in a clean world. If we ignore Cruz and Trump etc. and only talk about the available solutions for climate change, the only way they can get attention is to talk about what we want them to talk about.
    “Don’t pay any attention to your critics. Don’t even ignore them.”

  18. slipstream says:

    Trump is sounding more and more like a certain German politician from 1938.

  19. JAKvirginia says:

    “…earns the right to do the wild thing with every teenage girl…”

    A whole generation just got the dry heaves! And their parents. Ewwwww….

  20. A few days ago i read on a British online newspaper site that there were many in the UK who were circulating a petition
    to stop Trump from entering the UK!

  21. What a funny place to be, the republicans are whipping up a frenzy about muslims, while at the same time having to sign a pledge to Grover Norquist to keep to his tax plan, in fact they live in fear of him. It has long been a republican talking point that Norquist is a muslm, he definitely has a muslim wife.
    He still makes the rules for the republican party.

  22. Linda Phipps says:

    PKM, YOU are the true patriot!

  23. All Trump has to do is say that he is saving America from those who want to destroy it by hiding their political correctness behind the Constitution.

  24. Public Law 414, Sec. 212 onward, originating about 1952 during the big Commie Scare (Tailgunner Joe) does not specifically name Muslims as ineligible for entry into the U.S. It just uses very broad language and gives various immigration officers extraordinary powers. Cannot determine if this law was every repealed. However, ensuing immigration laws from Eisenhower on through to the present administration “open” the definition of immigrant. Reagan even granted amnesty to over 2 million people who would ordinarily never make it into the country clubs of America at the time except as servants.

    The biggest fear of a Trump presidency is, of course, war and not only with our enemies but out friends. If his own party cannot trust him, hey, need I go on?

  25. daChipster says:

    Some men just want to watch the world burn.

  26. Cheryl Ann says:

    I just returned from Mexico where I hung out with a lot of Canadians. When the talk turned to politics it was embarrassing. I understood the Republican fiscal conservative, I don’t know who these loons are now. But they have really given voice to the ignorant white voter. sigh. Embarrassing.

  27. I am expecting him to run as an independent and finish the GOP off entirely…the men (and woman) who will never be president. And, yes, I would like to take my kids and grandkids right out of this country if that nightmare happened. I have a black grandson and a transgendered son. I don’t want them living in a hateful, racist world.

  28. Sam in San Antonio says:

    I love Andy Borowitz’s column about Trump supporters being disappointed that he only favors banning one religion.

  29. Annabelle Lee: I agree that maybe he’s trolling us….I’ve been thinking, and saying, that he is looking for the thing he says that gets him stopped. How far can he go and still be in the race? Maybe this is the line he has crossed……we’ll see!

  30. Flash! Trump’s next pronouncement revealed! Remember – you heard it here first!

    “All of you true Americans like me need to wake up and be concerned about those people who disagree with the truths I have said. You have to wonder about their motivation and even their patriotism. We need to investigate these suspicious individuals, and I pledge the full resources of our government if I am elected President. But let’s not stop there. These suspects need to be culled from our population if our country is to be saved. I will make this country great again!”

  31. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Resulting from the 24/7 bigotry on the airwaves to instigate the nation’s rubes to vote for a flag pinned barbarian or to perpetuate violence upon the politicians and preachers targeted demographic.

    Yesterday’s news had a report about a 6th grade girl in New York State. She was attacked by students at her school who choked her in a head lock, punched and beat her and pulled off her headscarf ….they accused her of being ISIS. The police who were called refused to file charges against her attackers.

  32. When will the racists in the GOP go after Cruz and Rubio? They can’t possibly be white enough.

  33. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Susan on the Left Coast is there any further information available? At a minimum, we need to shame that school and the LE. This isn’t “kids being kids.” They learned that shit at home, but LE and school officials are supposed to be the adults on scene. 2015 and the school doesn’t have rules against bullying?

  34. Cheryl Anne, in late 2002 I was in Utah in Arches National Park. There were lots and lots of foreign tourists, especially Asians. I found myself spontaneously apologizing to them for Stupid Shrub and Darth Dickwad. I was ashamed of the American executive officers. Most responses were puzzled expressions, with a few understanding nods.

    Good gawd. I don’t want to endure such shameful shytola again.

  35. Marge Wood says:

    We can go to Canada and start the first of a chain of JUANITA JEAN’S camp sites. I am mad at and scared of Trump. He is evil or wanting a grownup to stop him.
    I STAND WITH THE MUSLIMS. Well, mostly. Pretty much. Enough.

  36. Henry –
    That will be Phase 2.
