And Then Moses Came Down From the Mountain With The Constitution and Found Everybody Worshipping Citizens United

September 10, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, it’s my neighbor Tom DeLay.

A year ago, Tom went on the John Hagee teevee show and explained how this country has gone wrong.

“I think we got off the track when we allowed our government to become a secular government,” DeLay explained. “When we stopped realizing that God created this nation, that he wrote the Constitution, that it’s based on biblical principles.”

Hey, everyone knows that Dumbledore wrote the constitution and based it on Starfleet’s Prime Directive.

1254860012_tom-delay-290Then a month ago, he said that the Justice Department wants to sponsor orgies.

“We’ve … found a secret memo coming out of the Justice Department. They’re now going to go after 12 new perversions. Things like bestiality, polygamy, having sex with little boys and making that legal,” DeLay said Tuesday on “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV.

No, Honey, you’re thinking of the Baptist Church.

And now he’s convinced that Hillary Clinton is living proof that Democrats are … well, just awful.

“The Democrats, they don’t care about this stuff. They’ve said over and over again that people of no character, people that have broken the law, people that have been removed from office, get elected in their primaries,” DeLay told “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Wednesday.

Tom!  Go look in a mirror.

People keep asking me why Tom isn’t in prison. He is. In his own head.

Thanks to Irene for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And Then Moses Came Down From the Mountain With The Constitution and Found Everybody Worshipping Citizens United”

  1. Let’s just list all those Republicans who don’t have any character:
    1. JJ listed Tom DeLay
    2. I add Newtie Gingrich

  2. What a coincidence!. I just looked up the definition of psychological projection and the very same picture was used as an illustration!

  3. @Miz JJ

    Thanks for this posting! I’ll print it out and tape it to the refrigerator. Just in case I get some sort of catastrophic brain damage or memory loss. I want to be reminded of

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    june, I’ll add David Vitter and Denny Hastert. If we provided a complete list, we’d crash The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. and its server.

    Per “creationism” that happened 6000 years ago in the minds of the blighted, then ~5700 years later there was the redo that resulted in the US Constitution. The consistency in the GOP fairy tale numbers matches that of their budgets and economic ‘plans.’ And yet, the Snowbilly Grifter spoke of fairy dust and unicorns yesterday. Some say she was drunk; I think she was snorting.

    Roberto! Winner!!!!

  5. Kids :

    Don’t spend your early adulthood inhaling pesticides, or this could be you.

  6. Oh, now that is just plain p.i.t.i.f.u.l!

  7. e platypus onion says:

    I suggest you bring some popcorn,lot and lots of popcorn.

  8. Linda Phipps says:

    Give DeLay a sandwich board and send him out to the sidewalk to preach. Just imagine, these loonies once upon a time were cute little kids.

  9. Corinne Sabo says:

    Why didn’t God sign the Declaration of Independence?

  10. Pot, meet kettle.

    You know, I’m actually feeling a bit sorry for the guy. Living with that level of derangement can’t feel right.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    In all fairness,George McGovern did father two out of wedlock children.

  12. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Old Tom Delay.

    To quote Paul Simon, “Still Crazy After All These Years”.

  13. DeLay reminds me more and more of Pat Robertson — just about anything will come out of his mouth. The difference is that Pat is frothing senile, and Tom is frothing nasty.

  14. Unfortunately happened to see that photo at the top again. Dang, what is it with short Texas men? Some of them just can’t quit strutting around and mouthing off like bantam roosters. Anybody remember Ross Perot?

  15. june,
    It would be much easier to list the Repubs of “good and true character” as there almost none of them around now. Otherwise you have to start with the registered R voter lists of millions.

    I remember him well, might possibly have even voted for him. Perot was actually proven right with most of his stuff (‘that giant sucking sound of American jobs leaving, etc.). Something that no modern Repuke is ever, at any time, with anything (Cheney, Kristol, Cruz, the list is all inclusive of anyone who identifies as (R)…).
    Ol’ Ross was just too dang abrasive for his time, he’s a pussycat in today’s era. On the WrongRight-side anyway.
    I doubt Bernie can even be abrasive (to a rational person), Hillary tries not to be mightily (although we can imagine her shredding ‘The Big Dawg’ WJC into small deserved bits on occasion).

  16. @Sandridge

    Sandridge inspires me to share … a dream. Yes. I have a dream. I dream that President Hilary Clinton (aka Clinton 45) will ask President Bill Clinton (aka Clinton 42) to take time away from his current gig and serve as her Secretary of State and that she nominates President Barak Obama to the Supreme Court and that both nominations are confirmed.

  17. Micr,
    Migawd what a national cleanup job we would have after every teaparty ‘Patriot’s’ head exploded and spewed stinkin’ RW tapioca all over the place, eeewww.
    And where do these sunnsabeotches get off misappropriating that word “patriot”. I saw it again yesterday in a news clip on a fancy podium badge with some Rasshole candidate(s) behind it, fockers.

  18. @Sandridge

    Yes. The right has co-opted the label patriot for everything the do and think. And most of the things they do and think aren’t admirable.

  19. So God wrote the Constitution? Then I guess the Devil must have written the First Amendment.

    Then what were the Founding Fathers up to? Doodling?

  20. Rhea – given the pose and attire, I’m guessing that the photo is from Delay’s brief stint on “Dancing With The Stars”.

    Only in America. Or maybe Japan; their reality TV is even more bizarre.

  21. These “KKKristian” half-wits are the new McCarthy-ites using innuendo and fabrication to spew the teahadist line.
