Fun With Guns and Fire and Stuff

August 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As you know, most of the northwest is on fire.  So some damn fool decided to go pour gasoline on it.

Scott Turner, who is 42 years old and should know better, describes himself as a “paramilitary firearms instructor.” You know, in my mind, if you want to run around playing military, join the damn military. We need you.

fbdde5_4fde62be49ae4d5a8eb448c9b0bf2b47.jpg_srz_204_237_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srzScott didn’t want to do that so he does firearm training … and more!  He towed an old car to the firing range, mixed up some Tannerite, put it behind the car door, and let people pay him to come shoot at it.  Of damn course he got hit with shrapnel. He was begging for it.

The training involved shooting Tannerite, a brand-name explosive often used in firearms target practice, the sheriff’s office said. Turner brought the Tannerite and had placed it behind a car door.

The car ripped apart and pieces of it hit Turner.

Turner is supposed to be teaching self-defense.  Best I can figure, the only self-defense involved with exploding bombs is to run like hell.  But noooooo … Turner wanted to put on a show and make a big boom!

State law also bans the use of exploding targets during fire season in forest protection districts and makes their use a Class A violation that carries a $460 fine.

Yeah, you’d think that explosives might, just might, be a fire hazard.  What the self-defense for that?  Water hoses?

I got this picture off this guy’s Facebook page.

Screen Shot 2015-08-21 at 10.46.01 AM


With any luck at all, he won’t be able to reproduce.

Thanks to Fenway Fran for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns and Fire and Stuff”

  1. Scott, karma knew your name and address! And you also invited her! How smart was that?

  2. Corinne Sabo says:

    Dude is too chicken to join the Army where the enemy fires back!

  3. I’d like to know how many idiots paid to participate in this debacle and if his profits will cover his fine and medical bills.
    Not a great business plan, Scott.

  4. $460 fine is way too small, it should be at least $5k and if it’s fire season it should double to $10k. Hit them where it hurts the most and maybe it will make these idiots think twice. Maybe getting hit with shrapnel will shake something loose in his brain and make him smarter, although it’s doubtful. What a loser.

  5. Risking a fire in current conditions should mean jail time. And not a nice jail. And a slap upside the head in case there are any brain cells that might thereby meet up and create thought.

    Did these fools not have a train set when they were kids, so they still feel the urge to make things go bang?

    And what Corinne said. Twice.

    On second thought, risking fire should mean you just volunteered as a smoke jumper, fake soldier boy. Or at least something where your ass is in actual danger fighting fire without you endangering anybody else.

  6. Scott: Why?

  7. Too bad he isn’t a Darwin award winner.

  8. Fred Farklestone says:

    No military service, so I guess those are his Chickenhawk Wings on his chest, in the photo above!

  9. Damn… (sorry Momma)….

    Does the stupid ever stop?

    Apparently not.

  10. @Fred Farklestone
    You might have uttered the perfect title for a needs to be written true story of Bush 43’s military experience. Call it Chicken Hawk Down. The movie would go straight to DVD however.

  11. Lunargent says:

    JJ –

    I must respectfully disagree. We do NOT want psycho knucklehead yahoos like this in the military. Double ditto to police forces or security companies. I’m thinking maybe the shooting gallery in a carnival – with proper supervision, of course.

  12. Apparently the car should have been teaching the self-defense course.

    If the guy was shooting as shown in the picture, I wonder where the shrapnel hit him?

  13. Lunargent, you mean he serves as the target?

  14. two crows says:

    Compensation. Obviously.
    If, however, he was shooting as his picture on his facebook page depicts when he got hit with the shrapnel, the compensation won’t be nearly enough.

  15. Lunargent says:

    And thus was born the Kevlar codpiece industry.
