I Don’t Know What I Did To Deserve This Much Fun But It Must Have Been Pretty Damn Wonderful

July 17, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


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It was on The Hill this morning.

Perry started it —

The comment came hours after Perry issued a blistering statement that said Trump was mistaken on border security and only offered “a toxic mix of demagoguery and nonsense.”

And Trump ended it.


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.Thanks to Steve for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “I Don’t Know What I Did To Deserve This Much Fun But It Must Have Been Pretty Damn Wonderful”

  1. Is this 2 pots or 2 kettles going after each other? Whatever, I will drink to that!

  2. So glad I’m not one of THOSE Aggies, but an Old ET-got-absorbed-but-we’re-not-really-Aggies Aggie. He really shows how all those jokes were based on truth.

  3. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    Huffington Post just announced that they’re moving coverage of The Donald to their Entertainment Section from the Political Section. He’ll be right there with Kim Kardasian and all the other vapid celebrities.
    I think Pat Paulson ran a better campaign back in the 80s. Even Dr Irwin Corey was better and more entertaining than The Donald.

  4. Annabelle Lee says:

    He may not know what it means, but he knows a demagogue when he sees on. Usually in the mirror, sure; but that’s not the issue here.

  5. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Trump doesn’t know either, which makes it a case of two half-wits don’t make a whole-wit.

  6. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Although two smug, arrogant bullies do give out more testosterone that would fit into the average dumpster.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    @pRickPerry You’re not really st00pid, until T-Rump calls you stupid.

    The GOP style Hunger Games have begun. Daffy Cruz, Jr. observed in NYC trying to cheat; get back in the ring, boy and take your beating like a man. Piyush Jindal tried to say something outrageous for national attention and no one noticed; ouch.

  8. For once (probably by accident) Perry was right. The first definition of “demagogue” is “a leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace.” Trump’s racist appeals to the wingnuts is textbook demagoguery.

  9. How many GOP candidates are NOT demagogues?

  10. Lorraine in Spring says:

    If Ole Rick doesn’t get on the debate stage between Trump and Christie, I wanna refund on my popcorn investment.

    I think GOP 2016 is our reward for having survived the 8 year Bush/Cheney debacle & the last 6 years of PBO hate.

  11. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Trump complained about the demagoguery comment, but not the nonsense comment. I guess he can’t contest the nonsense part.

  12. David Letterman was right. He retired too soon. The GOP joke material between now and November 2016 writes itself. He would just have to choke back before delivery.

  13. LynnN, with that definition the GOP candidates are ALL demagogues.

  14. eyesoars says:

    Trump: “I’m condescending?! Does he even know what that means?”

  15. I think the Huffinton Post was being a bit too careful on who they identified as Entertainment. I have a lot more candidates for their consideration.

    But, between this and Steve King self identifying as more Hispanic than J. Castro, Politics is getting much less serious and much more funny!

  16. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Well, I predict a kiss and make up session between these two.
    The demographics of a New York / Texas GOP ticket are pretty compelling. They will come around – for the good of the country. Just watch.

  17. Old Fart says:


    I actually think Glassed-Neo is kinda correct.

    Well, analog clocks being correct twice a day and all…..

  18. Elizabeth Moon: “two half-wits don’t make a whole-wit …”

    The Republican party = Witless Protection Program, so that’s okay, no?

  19. maryelle says:

    The sight of Trump pompously descending on that escalator was
    aptly described by Jon Stewart as “Stairforce One”. It’s like the Emperor’s New Clothes, nobody has the guts to tell him how ridiculous he is.

  20. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Dice, I like your way of thinking.

  21. I just love it when people like that get into a pissing match!

  22. Here’s a recent twitter exchange between Trump & Danny Zuker a writer for Modern Family. Calling Trump half witted would be paying him a compliment:


  23. Zyxomma says:

    Thanks for that twit war, Rick.

  24. Marge Wood says:

    Trump is wearing blue eye shadow.

  25. Nelnor Smaggasbladl says:

    Dice and Elizabeth Moon: “..two half-wits don’t make a whole-wit …”. If two half-wits don’t make a whole-wit, can they possibly make a “wing-nut”?

  26. Oh yeah, Nelnor. Because wing nuts have no wits at all. That means both these doofi (plural of doofus) are over qualified to be wing nuts. That’s what makes them wing nut leaders!

    Rick, great link.

  27. e platypus onion says:

    iowa’s 4th district congressgoober tree-trunk wienie Steve King on illegals- For every valedictorian that crosses the border,there are several hundred more with wienies the size of tree trunks raping their way into my ‘murrica. Sinator ivana Kuturnutzov is the only hope of stopping these sexual predators.

  28. e platypus onion says:

    Gay Perry is obviously jealous of trump’s rug.

  29. I foresee a logistical problem here. How do you test the IQ of a turnip?

  30. I can’t wait for the debate. I’m having all my liberal friends in West come over for popcorn and sodipop…there will be me and Dexter my cat.

  31. AliceBeth says:

    Elizabeth Moon, I think that the ignorance and arrogance is so overwhelming that the testosterone is undetectable. But maybe that is just me.

  32. PSST Rick, challenge Trump to a duel. It’ll bump your poll numbers.

  33. Corinne Sabo says:

    Between the two, they don’t have a positive IQ.

  34. Politics is the entertainment division of industry, to quote that great pundit, the late Frank Zappa.

  35. Perry’s latest insult aimed at Trump.


    Reckon how long this will continue?

    Huffpost is right…..it’s entertainment for sure 🙂

  36. Robert Bradshaw says:

    Perry and Trump would be about equally disadvantaged in an I.Q. test. Trump is more obnoxious.

  37. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Robert Bradshaw, T-Rump is certainly more obnoxious, but p-Rick is hands down dumber. In an argument between an idiot and an imbecile as to who was most st00pid, with or without the glasses, p-Rick would win.

  38. maryelle says:

    After the McCain insult, i’m really beginning to think he is a Democratic plant. Hope he stays the course, either on the Republican ticket or as a third party candidate, and splits the Repugs in the general election.

  39. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Miemaw, interesting link. Reading between the lines, one might wag a guess that p-Rick has been selected as the sacrificial dummy to take on T-Rump. That would explain the recent infusion of money into p-Rick’s once empty campaign chest.

    And, in the other corner we have Snot Wanker fueled by Koch money up against The Puffier Bush slaloming on Wall Street funding. The Crown Princes of the John Birch Society versus the Crony Kings of Capitalism.

    The safe bet? Forget the media and C-SPAN. My money is on Comedy Central for covering the GOP nominating convention.

  40. Wa Skeptic says:

    I’ve gotten to the point where I go very fast past any mention of any of these clowns.

    Walker: Most corrupt
    Trump: Most Arrogant
    Perry: Most Clueless
