Friday Toons

July 17, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized














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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. “I have a message for my fellow Republicans and the independents who will be voting in the primary process: what Mr. Trump is offering is not conservatism, it is Trump-ism – a toxic mix of demagoguery and nonsense,”

    How did Rick Perry make it through that whole sentence? Is it the glasses?

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    How anyone would pay Dubya that kind of money to actually talk is beyond me!! He can barely string 2 intelligent words together let alone a whole damn speech!!

  3. maryelle says:

    You can bet Dubya ranted about the Iran NUCULAR deal.
    What a money grubbing moron.
    I like President Obama’s drone/hoverboard. He should use it to suddenly appear at the Super Bowl and show up big and mighty on the jumbotron.

  4. Old Fart says:

    Just when I thought that I couldn’t like W any less, I had to see that cartoon…

  5. I wouldn’t use any of the adjectives that show up in the Scott Walker toon except for mediocre. I describe him as “dangerous”. He’s got too many “pals” willing to cover up his misdeeds.

  6. James Pirtle says:

    Haven’t seen your link to this yet. Give it a look. It is a hoot.

  7. Shrublet really, really is a moral pygmy! There I said it! And I am damn glad!

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:–WmUee518/s640/nick%2Banderson.jpg

    Yo Reince! Is that Pepito Embolism or a pink squirrel cocktail so early in the morning?

  9. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I’m so glad GWB was pictured in a lavender suit. It just makes it all better. Maybe all moral pigmies (could not resist the misspelling) should be pictured in lavender suits. Forced to wear lavender suits. Though I’m sure Barbara B. would think it was a nice ladylike color. She should be given a prison orange jumpsuit.

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Elizabeth Moon, Barabbas Bush would prefer horizontal prison stripes. (much more “slimming”) Let her wear what she wants, if it means the entire Bush Crime Family feels the full force of the RICO Act.

  11. Shrub proves himself once again to be a scum-sucking sleeze ball. I detest that man down to the marrow of my bones.
