Beats the Hell Outta Me

June 05, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Cruz

Okay, there’s this.


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Yeah, no joke.  All the paperwork is in PDF format right here.  Of course, you gotta be a little tad curious about why a guy in Pennsylvania has his bank in San Antonio, Texas.  Oh sure, there’s no coordination going on at all.

Hummm …. Fairy for Perry?  Tushes for Bushes?  Tree Stump for Trump?

Oh hell, this is getting better than recess in heaven.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Beats the Hell Outta Me”

  1. And… why…?

    I have nothing against Jews, but they’re about 2% of the US population. If we atheists, agnostics, and “nones” would get together our 15-20%, we could do some pushing.

  2. Jews For Cruz? Plural? They were actually able to find two of them?

  3. Marcia in CO says:

    LOL … OMG What’s next?

  4. Corinne Sabo says:

    How does a guy in PA open an account in San Antonio? Inquiring minds (in SA) want to know.

  5. 1smartcanerican says:

    I’m pretty sure anyone can open a bank account anywhere in the US and probably do it online even. The bigger question is why for Cruz?

    I’m also a bit confused that the PAC can accept unlimited funds but is really restricted in what they can spend the money on. Since Cruz is politicking for a federal office, does this mean that the money cannot be used to support him? Is this a SarahPAC where all the $$$ are used for postage and whatnot? Inquiring minds want to know.

  6. Sandridge says:

    Man, I can smell the laundry powderz right through the innartoobznetz.
    It srill doesn’t cover up the smell of Sheldon A, or maybe…:

    I’ve got a strong suspicion that this front campaign organization might also trace to the Rev. John Hagee, CUFI, and/or the SA Cornerstone Church; judging from the zipcode of the Chase Bank branch listed…

  7. Ole Scout says:

    Back east we have been referring to prick pervy, not rickperry. Are we sure that wandering teaxn wasn’t registering Jews for a Cruise, Jaws for a Cause, Jaws for Laws or even Jews with Views. I’ve done a cursory survey and determined there is no one in our synagogue supporting any repub other than shrub III. Those two are both 70 y/o teamsters, moved here when Hoffa dissed everyone.

  8. e platypus onion says:

    Do they know there isn’t an acyual cruise,but they are likely to be taken for a ride?

  9. e platypus onion says:

    They may have said Jews just so it would rhyme with Cruz.

  10. GIndy51 says:

    Weird, don’t they have a Chase Bank in PA?

  11. GIndy51 says:

    We live in IN and have a bank account in San Antonio with USAA. Always have since they insure our stuff and we got i because my husband served in the military.

  12. If I had time on my hands, I’d start a few more:

    Muslims for Cruz
    Muslims for Perry
    Muslims for Trump…

  13. All kinds of confusion: Treasurer/CEO/founder in Pennsylvania, PAC’s address as PO Box in Houston, and Bank in San Antonio, plus a statement that sounds like they will not use the funds for Cruz…or other federal candidate.

    As for Jews for Cruz…I would not be surprised that this is trying to cash in on “how supportive Cruz is of Israel.” He certainly spouted off about it plenty a few months back.

    Perhaps Cruz is just disappointed that he did not pull a Jeb and keep from announcing candidacy the better to raise pre-candidacy funds without limits. Of course, he may be happy with his royalties off the coloring books .

  14. e platypus onion says:

    Muzzles for would work better,Rick. Just saying.

  15. I bet both those guys are unusual.

  16. Michael O' says:

    Just looked the house on Google Earth.
    Worst yard on the block and this is a nice neighborhood!
    Dontcha know the neighbors are happy?

  17. Jews for Cruz? My God, what a con! As for where they keep their money, this is not a new idea. For a number of years, various PACs kept their $$ in Delaware in spite of their own physical location. By the way Delaware was at one time the best place in the country to do your IRAs and such.

  18. AliceBeth says:

    You have to wonder if they really are Jewish or just pretending to be for the catchy name. Either way, actual Jews supporting him or people pretending to be Jewish in this country it is pretty unbelievable.

    Love LynnN’s comment. Two of them????

  19. How about: “Crackers for Graham.”

  20. maryelle says:

    The application does claim that it is affiliated with the Cruz for President organization (p.3). Why else would it be raising
    ” funds in unlimited amounts”? It’s got to be some kind of joke, given his character and the policies Cruz espouses.

  21. weakgrip says:

    his google plus account has vanity pictures of him with Cheney, Bush, Paul, Rubio, Walker and Cruz

  22. How about “Sane People For Clinton?”

  23. Teh Gerg says:

    Jeez. Makes me think of Jews for Judas. Cognitive dissonance in a repulsive package.

  24. Wa Skeptic says:

    Considering that SuperPacs are completely anonymous and there is no way to track what is spent and by whom, it’s amazing that there aren’t more of them.

    I think I’ll start one myself. I could use some tax-free cash!!!!

  25. To respond to a few comments:

    The Houston address is the address of Ted Cruz’s campaign, not this PAC.

    WRT the bank address in SA: TBTF banks have different things based in different states. A lot of banks have credit cards based in Delaware. It’s possible JPMorgan Chase may have a Grifter Account Office run out of SA. So if you want to start your Fleeces For Jesus PAC, you might be directed to an office in SA.

    All that said, anyone who supports Ted Cruz is either in on the con, or really really dumb.

  26. Maybe it was supposed to be “Juice For Cruz,” a new name for ridiculous amounts of cash (especially ridiculous if donated with the intent of helping Cruz to any public office)?

  27. Texas TPT – Excellent!! Crackers for Graham, I love it.

  28. JAKvirginia says:

    Y’all don’t understand. It’s for PENELOPE Cruz!

    And yes, I’d contribute to that. Penelope. Wowza!

  29. LynnN says:
    June 5, 2015 at 10:42 am
    Jews For Cruz? Plural? They were actually able to find two of them?

    There is only one, it’s just that it’s not Ted Cru that’s running.

  30. JPantzer says:

    1smartcanerican, no one, least not the PAC, is saying they won’t spend in support of Cruz. The claim is the the expenditures won’t be direct (to the Cruz campaign, etc.) or coordinated or in kind. But you can bet it will be supportive. And that they will find a way to spend in a way that is knowingly helpful to the Cruz campaign is a foregone conclusion.

  31. Angelo_Frank says:

    Agree with Sandridge’s postJ of une 5, 2015 at 11:23 am. I believe this is just another John Hagee front group.

  32. This is disturbing.
