Well, That’s A Comforting Thought

October 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Well, That’s A Comforting Thought”

  1. Really? Maybe only if you buy some tile and carpet from them.

  2. So what, they assume anyone infected is not a “real Christian”? Sounds like they assume Heathen Africa is not Christian and so anyone traveling from there would not be too.

    Sorry…I know there are plenty of good Christians…but I got to admit, the arrogant, puffed-up, judgemental, and greedy renditions calling themselves Christian are really giving the faith a bad rep!

  3. Well, if anyone would understand how that works, it’s the people at Tile & Carpet World, right?


  4. UmptyDump says:

    One thing is certain: Christianity (or any other religion for that matter) fails to redeem humankind from ignorance.

  5. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Please, someone, make it stop!!

    I lose IQ points just reading about this stuff.

    Good Grief.

  6. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Naysayers, beware. When my company had the subcontract to re-do the rigging of the Pearly Gate last year, it was Tile and Carpet World, don’cha know, who had a crew doing the entry floor. It was a terrible color though. You’d think with a customer
    THAT important they would put a little more thought into it. But,
    whatever . . .

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    There’s a Hobby Lobby joke in there somewhere. Only this time the jokes on Hobby Lobby and those who fought against universal health care. The US has plenty of hospitals and doctors, but not everyone has equal access.

    Best course for eliminating Ebola is early detection, proper quarantine protocol combined with effective medical treatment. Sorry Mitch, Greg, Rick and all too many others, but your wealth does not make you safe, if your servants do not have paid sick leave, access to health care and everything else to which you feel entitled. Think about that the next time you have your house cleaned, your lawn mowed or enjoy dinner in a restaurant.

    BTW There’s still time to return to Congress and draft legislation for universal health care. If you ask nice, I’d bet that President Obama would sign it.

    And, please do not worry about a few undocumented workers getting a freebie. Really. Remember who harvests your food and does so much other labor for you.

  8. So anyone catching it is not a Christian? Interesting little way they have of making sure their smugness stays intact – that if you catch it, that’s God’s way of saying you aren’t as good as me. Well, until the smugees get it, too. Reminds me somehow of the Salem witch trials – when the finger-pointing could turn on a dime.

    PKM – I didn’t think of that. Anyone handling your food can pass it on – and no group eats out more than rich republicans. Little ebola with your meal, sir? These people are the ones that wanted to make sure wait staff did not have health insurance. Karma.

  9. I think their statement is accurate. They just left out a step. According to their beliefs, wouldn’t they have to die of ebola first and then be redeemed?

    Sounds like a plan.

  10. LynnN, that’s where I went with it, too. “Meet your Maker faster; get ebola!”

    Polite Kool and Cheryl, George Lopez has a great skit that was on one of his HBO specials. The punch line was “everything you touch, we touch first.” He was especially emphasizing produce when he said this, but grocery stockers were definitely in the mix.

  11. The opening salvo of the new church of Tile & Carpet World, a splinter group of Tile and Carpet World, whose refusal to adopt the ampersand was declared heresy by the &’ers. Both denominations venerate the image of St. Flooring, originally discovered in a mold stain in the men’s room of the Kansas City Greyhound bus station and miraculously replicated each subsequent Thursday in bus stations across the United States, (Wednesday being cleaning day).

    The history of redemption from Ebola is unclear, but most scholars believe it is based in the doctrine of “Sales”; i.e. the more a devotee focuses on the study of “Sales”, the less time he/she has to learn the science behind communicable diseases. (Also see climate change, women’s bodies, marriage equity, and the tides.)

    &’er worship focuses on finding reasons for feeling superior and shouting amen, with emphasis on donations to buy good hair and teeth for the clergy.

  12. John Peter Henson says:

    I think all of you got it wrong…….you get Ebola and receive redemption from it…….by your passing……It’s the Rapture just not what they expected…

  13. “Christians You are redeemed from Ebola.”
    This will come as a huge f’ing surprise to the CDC, and probably to the 70-odd medical professionals on the Presby team.

  14. Maybe the people at Tile & Carpet World think that Presyterians aren’t Christians. But Baptists and snake handlers? That may be a different matter.

  15. Republican science.
    Christians are redeemed instead of vaccined from Ebola!

  16. e platypus onion says:

    Where does the 1% think their christian diamonds come from? Heaven?

  17. “Christians you are redeemed from Ebola.”

    I’m not even sure that makes grammatical sense, much less rational sense.

    Is this like the notion that True Believers can handle snakes and scorpions? I’d love to see this put to the test. If they can’t get Ebola, they’d be perfect to take care of Ebola patients and clean up the assorted body fluids they leave behind. Any volunteers…? Or do you not bee-leeve?

  18. And that kind will remain Christians until the first African walks into their church and says Hi! I just flew in from Monrovia. At that point all Hell will break loose.

  19. This is a joke…. right?

  20. Marge Wood says:

    I heard that ebola was not transmitted like flu or something but by direct body contact. Is that what you heard? But it IS flu season and we know that low income folks don’t stay home from work just because (hack hack cough cough) they shouldn’t be cooking or cleaning up tables.

  21. As for Ebola, I saw some ignorant pol refer to it as “the greatest medical emergency of modern times.” I don’t know what he considers modern, but in 1918-19 there was an influenza pandemic that killed… one source says 20-30 million people, another says 50-100 million. Most of them were in China and India without good records, but it was pretty much worldwide, US included. Ebola’s got a long way to go to pass even the lower numbers. Everybody who’s running around with their hair on fire should calm down a little.

  22. Sam in San Antonio says:

    You know the story is coming: bank robber holds up vial of colored liquid and announces it’s Ebola. Hopefully one of the owners of this business will witness said event, grab and drink the liquid, and save all the Christians in the bank.

  23. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, Ebola is transmitted by contact with body fluids, including the sweat from infected persons. And, as you noted with the flu season upon us, it’s not that easy to distinguish between the early stages of Ebola and a flu strain. With all the hysteria promoted by the media and some politicians, doctors will be very busy handing out Big Pharma’s little cures for the vapors and other hysteria induced head ‘illnesses.’

    While as you also noted without access to medical care and paid sick leave, containing flu epidemics will be a challenge, probably greater than an Ebola challenge here in the US.

    But again, the best remedy for Ebola is continued and greater humanitarian and medical aid to West Africa.

    “Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan announced on Tuesday that they are donating $25 million to the Centers for Disease Control Foundation to fight Ebola.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/14/zuckerberg-ebola_n_5982762.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592

    Again, cannot reiterate sufficiently the need for universal health care and paid sick leave here to prevent diseases.

  24. Republican myopia, left unchecked, will be the cause of this country’s demise.

  25. Signs like this are on the same scale as bumper sticker theology. Total bushwah!

  26. And the folks at Tile & Carpet World are redeemed from reality, intelligence, and common sense.

  27. Dr. Kent Brantly got ebola while working for Samartan’s Purse, “helping in Jesus’ name.” I guess that wasn’t Christian enough.

  28. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    I loved reading your screed Esse.

  29. Marion–I wouldn’t have called Esse’s comment a “screed,” but it *did* keep me laughing!

    Thanks, Esse!

  30. flooring is a known pathway to heaven.
    I often feel the closer to god when I mop the kitchen.
