All the Single Ladies

October 11, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You wanna know why I am a Democrat?  Because I am a single lady.

To hell with he fact that I’ve been married 43 years.  Married women are …

Oh, please let’s hear what women are from yet another Republican male.  The guy running against Cory Booker.

Jeff has the wimmen all figured out.

Jeff has the wimmen all figured out.

Speaking with the Asbury Park Press Thursday, the Republican attributed his 20-plus percentage point deficit among women voters to declining marriage rates and single women’s dependency on government benefits, something that “weds them to the Democratic Party.”

His name is Jeff Bell and he’s got this ta-ta thing all figured out, thank goodness, so we don’t have to worry our cute little butts about it.

And …

“[S]ingle women who have never married and don’t have children are also that way,” he continued. “If you take married women, they aren’t that different from married men. So it’s really a problem with the decline in marriage rates. The Democrats do benefit from that.”

Holy cow.  Ole Bubba is gonna be shocked to hell and back that I am not different from him.  He thought we were different.  It would explain, however, all the missing socks over the years — obviously, I have been wearing them.

“Even before the gender gap appeared, men were more willing to vote for change,” Bell told the Asbury Park Press. “They’re more bomb-throwers. Women are more cautious. If you’re doing well among men, that is something that an insurgent candidate needs.”

Well Jeff, Sweetie, you’re even losing by 5 percentage points among males, so …. it’s not just women that you don’t know.  It’s crap you don’t know.  You don’t know crap.

Thanks to Claudia for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “All the Single Ladies”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “Throwing bombs” good. “Caution,” ergo thinking bad. Without meaning to, old Jeffie has just described the difference between the Republican and Democratic Parties. As for the differences between men and women, he wouldn’t know his ta-tas from a booty. Probably thinks ta-ta is a British bye-bye and booty is what he expects from the Koch brothers.

    Does his wife really let him out of the house?

  2. Yeah, see I’m not inclined to vote for bomb throwers or insurgents of any stripe. He’s terribly confused about marriage and how it sort of makes two people one. My poor husband is going to be just as shocked as Bubba was, but it opens whole new worlds of things I can blame him for causing, like that snag in my hose and the hook that loosened on my bra.

    PKM nailed it — that’s the difference between the parties.

  3. Marcia in CO says:

    Democrat here … always have been, always will be … despite a side step in my early 20s and I voted for the movie star … Yeah, that one!! Don’t make me say his name!! Been on my own since May of ’91 and have relied on no one but myself to earn a living, pay off the mortgage, buy brand new cars, and whatever else I needed!!

    No damn handouts from either government nor the ex-hubby!! However, he had to pay to leave me … so that worked out in my favor … in more ways then one!! LOL He voted for … gag … Bush and he wouldn’t vote for a black man for any amount of money … so ya know where he stands on the POTUS!!

    So … he’s just another Republican Jerk just like this S__t for brains Jeff Bell is.

  4. Coprolite says:

    If single mothers were supported by child’s father they might not be so dependent on “government” support.

    It takes two to make a child. Some responsibility is required of the male half of the population.

  5. No one is paying any attention to Jeff Bell and now everybody knows why.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Coprolite, if women were paid equal wages, if minimum wage was a living wage, if, if, if …. all of which is met by no, no and no from the GOP controlled House.

    Republican politicians may fool republican voters, but that “personal responsibility” meme of theirs is all about controlling women; they could care less about holding deadbeat dads responsible. The GOP is all about fetus protection, once born those kids need to get a job.

    But women and children are “takers” in the GOP wormy little minds, while taxing the Waltons and Koch brothers for their impact on the environment and infrastructure is heresy.

  7. This is something that cries out for a “sarcastic alert.” Republicans are getting so weird that you have to tell people “NOT The Onion!” when quoting them.

  8. And here I am cute little me who has long since thought that all the dinosaurs were dead!

  9. austinhatlady says:

    My story is similar to Marcia’s in CO, although I didn’t vote for that or any other movie star. Been a Democrat since before I was old enough to vote. My ex was a gun-totin’ militia-supporting Republican (I know: What was I thinking?!) who would crow that his vote cancelled my vote. When I filed for divorce, I was seriously concerned about right wing gun nuts showing up at my front door. Things worked out, however.

  10. “single women’s dependency on government benefits”

    Single woman here and very proud of the fact that I’ve never been on welfare or received food stamps but neither do I begrudge anyone who has depended on those types of benefits. The hypocritical self-centered, willfully ignorant, uneducated, mean, and avaricious people are what keeps me away from the republican party as well as their warped values, principles, and morals.

    This guy makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Another typical republican douchebag.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maggie, the dinosaurs lived, but they killed C-SPAN.

  12. Vine Deloria Jr. once said that Indians (this was a while back; now we’d say Native Americans) suffer from anthropologists. I’m starting to understand what he meant. I am sick and tired of men explaining women to us, when it’s obvious that they don’t have a clue.

    Thought experiment: line up Stalin, Teddy Roosevelt, Sting, Picasso, Rommel, Charles I, Anton Chekov, and the next guy down the street, and ask them: What do men want? Do you think you’re going to get one answer? So why do these morons keep asking, or worse yet telling us, what women want? If they haven’t talked to enough women to know that we’re not all the same, they should keep their ignorant mouths shut.

  13. Another example of Republican’t misogyny.

  14. Elise Von Holten says:

    I am a horrible person in some ways. I would be fairly draconian in running things if I were the despot. No children being born to children, no deadbeat fathers…as exampled by
    So the “chop” for all men after 2 children, since that’s the average in the culture and our world can’t feed and support what we have (worldwide) so we need fewer, not more. And because (again the example) men can have so many more children than any one woman ( Ms. Duggar not withstanding, she’s having kids with problems now and it’s a huge toll on her health) most women actually would like a relationship with their offspring, not to be an assembly line…so education, birth control, safe, sane and few abortions, and a civil contract for care and maintaining until fully educated and grown–between the child and the two adults responsible for creating it. No escape clause for either adult. Even if everything falls apart and the child goes into the (horrible) foster system, the adults need to be held responsible…putting money aside for education and care when the kids are so cruelly dumped out at age 18. Maybe that way we could get a handle on this enormous problem….yeah, I survived being one of no-fault divorce’s earliest hungry, ill clothed, latch key kids…but the amount of brutality from that made my entire live difficult and unstable, led to bad choices and not much of a sense of humor about it. Empty growling, painful tummies are unconscionable in this culture. Real men need to start holding all men in check around casual excessive sexual “a bitch in heat has better taste than our father” (said to me by my brother after spending a summer with our sperm donor ) predatory behaviors. The sickness that is the “plunderer/rape” mentality–rampant in our throwaway lives must come to a halt if we truly want a country where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is available for everyone. Those were ideas born of reason, not lust. Self understanding and control are where happiness originates, at least in my life. I know who I am, and choose to share myself only among equals…so that’s a very few beings. I stayed married until my children where secure in their lives and am not sorry, although it was a great cost to me, for I would not have them live as I had as a child, and I am disabled, so dependent and know the difficulties of that now that I am on my own. Children should be a gift, not a burden, that’s the reasoning behind birth control.

  15. Marge Wood says:

    Thank you for thinking and sharing, Elise.

  16. Daughter of mother who, post-divorce, took nothing from my biological father. Declined it, at the divorce. Didn’t take government benefits, either. Died at 77; my father–who had a second wife and five more children–lived to almost 102.

    Jeff Bell is a liar. Not just mistaken, a liar, because he’s got to be aware that his “facts” about single women are wrong. The real facts have been published often enough. He needs to wake up one morning and find himself newly minted female and black.

  17. Elise, thanks for sharing. I’m single at 60, never married, no kids. My life is a struggle at times, but I don’t even apply for things like SNAP (I’d qualify, but would have a hard time proving it); I’m frugal enough to feed myself on a budget. Jeff Bell is a liar, and Cory Booker, who is not, is going to kick his ass with VOTES.
