Friday Toons

August 08, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized









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  1. Absolutely love and agree with that last one!

    I keep wondering what is the equivalent of impeachment for congress critters, because it is overdue!

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Star, unfortunately Congress varmints are not covered under the Constitution to be removed by voters. As a protected species only other Congress varmints can remove a Congress varmint.

    “Citizens cannot recall a U.S. Senator or Representative because the ability to remove a member of Congress was not written into the Constitution. The Constitution describes the term length and the courts have said that no action by a state or citizen can override it.”

    We need a Constitutional Amendment on this omission, as of yesterday!

  3. Congressvarmints can be removed by voters if the voters vote for somebody else when the chance comes around. Unfortunately the game is so rigged by now that the only way most of them will leave Congress is to be carried out feet-first.

  4. e platypus onion says:

    Same with their entitlements. They’ll give ’em up when they are pried from their cold dead fingers.

  5. Aggieland liz says:

    Yeah and don’t forget their automatic COLA adjustments, which they get UNLESS they vote *not* to get them. Tied to judges salaries ):#

  6. Those congresscritters get a whole lot of somethin’ for doing a whole lot of nuttin’.
    Republicans want to balance the budget? Start right there. Pay cuts, affordable care, no pension unless you’ve worked there for 25 years and they pay for their own travel out of their overstuffed pockets.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Voting is good, but it’s not a perfect remedy. For instance, Loopy Louie, TX-1st District. Only those in his district can vote him out. So even if the rest of the nation and every voter in Texas outside his district wants him out, there’s not much we can do except appeal to our Congress varmints to bring him up on ethics charges or something. Odds of that are slim and none, as these moochers are in a mutually symbiotic entitlement club.

    As most you have noted, their “cold dead fingers” is the element attached to “feet first” to remove these moochers off our tax bill.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    And how about we take up a collection to buy an iron dome for Gaza?

  9. I was thinking about that Iron Dome idea just this morning. They could all just shoot off all their hardware without harm and the military/industrial complex could get richer selling them some more. Everyone happy!

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    How about we re-institute the windfall profits tax on the oil companies to let them pay for their own wars? Or, better yet, place all the world’s natural resources in a pool to be shared equally, thus no wars. Retraining for the military industrial complex. Let them build roads, schools, hospitals, parks, etc.

    An Iron Dome for Gaza is only fair, since Israel hides behind theirs lobbing missiles into the open air concentration camp they call Gaza. But, speaking of air, letting both sides knock themselves out tossing military hardware into the atmosphere is not such a good idea, as we’d all eventually be breathing depleted uranium.

  11. Marge Wood says:

    While we’re retraining and redesigning and rethinking (in reverse order) all that stuff, we also have folks sign a binding agreement that nobody can make, buy, or sell depleted uranium in any form. See? That was easy.

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, this a nice little discovery that would go nicely with your voting plan. It shows how Congressional districts would look without gerrymandering. Several really great ideas at VOX to clean up our elections. I’m with you and always vote, but often wonder if we could encourage more to vote, if we could restore their trust in the process.

  13. PKM, here’s why “placing all the world’s resources in a pool to be shared equally” really, really wouldn’t work:

    You could sum up one example as “The fish in the ocean belong to everybody, so I’m going to strip-mine the place and get all I can before they’re all gone.” Which is what we’re doing now.

    Love the no-gerrymandering idea (I voted against Dem-favoring gerrymandering here in MD), but you have to pry the politicians’ grubby fingers off the process first. How?

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, correct. There’s plenty of good work for everyone. Lawyers to draw up your contracts, insurance salesmen to have them signed and collated (thinking with universal health care, they’ll need new work), former military experts to supervise all the shovel ready jobs properly disposing of the all too many arsenals of this and thats.

    Call it it my: “Cooperation, not Combat Plan.” Let’s skip the wars, until every child, elderly person and the challenged have medical care, housing, clothing, food and education. If we can achieve that, would anyone really want war? Yeah, yeah, there are the Koch types, so maybe our plans will require some collateral damage or Robin Hood style persuasion.

    In the words of Robert F. Kennedy: “There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why… I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?”

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, that’s excellent thought fodder. Thank you. Been a couple of years since taking two economic courses at gun point, so will revisit the tragedy of the commons. It’s been almost 200 years, since Hardin developed that theory, so will mentally test it to see if we have evolved or devolved.

    My challenge for the weekend, can we really educate or legislate a Cliven Bundy into doing what’s best for everyone?

  16. Chris Matthews has been talking about suing Congress. Can the President sue Congress on behalf of the citizens? Just asking if anyone knows if this can be done. I’d like some congressvarmints to give back the salaries and percs they’ve stolen while doing absolutely nothing. I’d also like them to have to pay back the money they cost the taxpayers during the shutdown.

  17. e platypus onion says:

    Educate a Bundy-no. Make an example of a Bundy to learn others a lesson-hell yeah and with malice!!
