Louie Gohmert Makes Big Cartoon Time

July 25, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

David Horsey is a great cartoonist for the Los Angeles Times.  Here’s his offering for today:




But, his website has more to say …

Anyone who has ever wondered what happened to that strange-looking, banjo-playing kid from “Deliverance” should check out Rep. Louie Gohmert. Imagine that kid all grown up and you’ll have the spitting image of the Texas Republican.

Like banjo boy, Gohmert is weirdly mesmerizing. What swamp did he wander out of and how in the world did he get elected to the United States House of Representatives? The scary answer: There are thousands of people just like him in Texas’s 1st Congressional District.

Horsey has plenty more to say about our border situation, too.  He concludes that even if every single one of the 7 and 8 years olds coming across the border are gangsters, they are still less a threat to the republic than Louie and company.

I gotta agree.

Thanks to Craig for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Louie Gohmert Makes Big Cartoon Time”

  1. Marlene says:

    I was just about to let you know that Louie made the LA Times and not in a good way.

  2. Jim Wynn says:

    The truly scary thing is that Gohmert has a law degree, passed the bar and sat as a judge. Just a thought for the weekend.

  3. UmptyDump says:

    Fifty years the song “Louie Louie” topped the pop charts and endures today despite being investigated by the FBI for allegedly obscene lyrics. The inquiry led to nothing because nobody could really make anything intelligible out of the lyrics.


    Now in this day and age we have our own “Louie,” whose words are intelligible but nonsensical … spouting thoughts that are obscene in a civilized society.

  4. David Horsey is one of the top cartoonists. I followed his move from Seattle to LA, and it grinds my gears that the LA Times blocked my paywall-workaround so I can’t see his cartoons unless I subscribe to the whole paper. I miss him!

  5. My fantasy: Texas uses its option to divide
    and those who want to secede do so…East and West go it alone while the Middle stays in the union. With the east Gohmerts gone and the west Perrys gone, Middle Texas enters the 21st century, a golden age, and we all live happily ever after.

  6. Good news for Horsey fans– his recent cartoons are available at


    He had one about Perry on July 18.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    There’s nowhere for Texas to go. Mexico don’t want them and hell won’t have ’em.

  8. I’d say that Louie Gohmert is the Banjo Boy’s dumber cousin who somehow or other was elected to Congress by the good people of Texas. Thanks a lot, guys!

  9. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Lest we forget that Screwy Louie was appointed to the bench by Rick Perry.

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    My apologies, was busy, and as the other wing nuts squawked st00pid, wasn’t available to give the 1-2-3 here comes Loopy Louie countdown. The Geyser of Dumb never fails to erupt, especially if he thinks the other squawking loons are receiving his share of attention. But Louie in his st00pidity and cheer leading for st00pid is only dangerous because he votes in Congress with st00pid. While Loopy Louie is moderately dangerous and four square st00pid, the dangerous dummies are the likes of Paul Ryan and the other congressional howler monkeys who have learned to use a Dictaphone and have their staff tap out their insanity.

  11. Biggomama and other rational citizens of Texas, it sounds as though you are in desperate need of Tim Draper.

    And we in California would be delighted to send him to you.

    Of course, we may need to divide him into six pieces first to reduce shipping costs.

  12. Texas, we have to talk…

  13. Marge Wood says:

    We have PERRY to blame for Louie? Aargh. Blood pressure just shot up.


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