Just In Time To Put The Cold War On The Front Burner

May 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz is gonna start an international incident.  I just know it.  He’s gonna do it.

He’s running for President so he’s off to show his foreign policy experience.  He has yet to relinquish his Canadian citizenship, which I am convinced he is using for a backup plan if his crazy economic policies don’t work, so God only knows what passport he’s carrying.

TedCruz_nitwit_2U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas will visit Ukraine this month and meet with leaders of the protest movement that forced out the country’s pro-Russian president.

Dates and details of his other stops were not immediately released Tuesday by his office. Ukraine has a May 25 presidential election.

I need to be honest and say that I will pay cash money to see Cruz and Putin wrestle.  Thelma says she’ll pitch in an extra ten bucks if they promise to keep their shirts on.

Now, get this.

Cruz has said the U.S. should install anti-ballistic missile batteries in Poland and the Czech Republic as safeguards for Eastern Europe, and push for liquefied natural gas exports to reduce Ukraine’s dependence on Russia.

You’re going to put antiballistic missiles in Poland?  Oh, that’ll be cheap.  We can totally afford that.  And we’re going to give away liquified natural gas?  What’s that?  Ted’s plan to make America totally dependent on foreign oil?  Plus, it would take 7 to 10 years to develop the method to get it there.

Honey, I live in a part of Texas that up until about 5 years ago had a radio station that broadcasted in Czechoslovakian.  Hell, they don’t even broadcast in Czechoslovakian in Czechoslovakia.  So, I know what I’m talking about.  The Czech Republic has their own natural defense system – accordions.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Just In Time To Put The Cold War On The Front Burner”

  1. Accordians have insinuated themselves into several seeming non-related Texas music styles. Gotta be a WMD.

  2. Fred Farklestone says:

    A little background on Cruz and his renouncing of his Canadian citizenship!
    What’s the hold-up, Ted?


  3. Litlhorn says:

    As I have said her many times, I grew up in Nacogdoches, Home of SFASU. During the time I was growing up, late 60’s early 70’s, it was true Liberal Arts College, always full of protests, and “Radicals” and such, which exposed me to people and idea’s that were unique to the time and have influenced my life in very wonderful, positive ways. Well, this years commencement speaker at SFASU is pictured above in the hat…..’nuf said.

  4. Litlhorn says:

    As I have said here many times, I grew up in Nacogdoches, Home of SFASU. During the time I was growing up, late 60’s early 70’s, it was true Liberal Arts College, always full of protests, and “Radicals” and such, which exposed me to people and idea’s that were unique to the time and have influenced my life in very wonderful, positive ways. Well, this years commencement speaker at SFASU is pictured above in the hat…..’nuf said.

  5. Litlhorn says:

    Darlin fix that double entry if you can – sorry – I ain’t made no promises about my uncoffee’d brain, don’t ya know.

  6. Fred Farklestone, according to your link any ‘nitwit’ should be able to complete the process to relinquish Canadian citizenship. Apparently the Cruiser is even dumber than his appearance would lead us to believe.

    We’re about to learn the Czech and Russian words for d_mb_ss. Let’s hope Putin doesn’t decide to return Teddy attached to a missile inscribed d_mb_ss.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Set the chess world ablaze-have Australia annex Czechs and have Chech-mates everywhere. Weird Al has a Czech sounding last name,he could be their minister of defense with his accordion and repertoire of goofy songs.

  8. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Doesn’t Ukraine have enough problems? We should write the Ukrainian Govt & warn them they should void his entry visa.


    Ted Cruz is really a Cuban/Canadian/Russian plant going to meet with his secret KGB partner, Putin, for further instructions as he attempts to annex USA for Mother Russia.

    Or maybe he just has a hankering for some borscht.

    Good Grief.

  9. It’s sad. Ukrainian leaders are going to meet with what they think is an American leader. Little do they know that there are loads of teabagger politicians roaming around doing self-puffery and willing to waste everyone’s time doing it. I wish they would find out, at the end of their “talks” that this doofus has zero authority.

  10. So a Republican is saying one thing while doing another. Can’t say I’m actually surprised.

  11. Larry McLaughlin says:

    Can we even hope for a hostage situation in Ukraine?

  12. PKM, the word in Russian is тупица, pronounced too PEE tsa. Pretty mild as Russian maledicta go; it’s a great language to swear in. I wouldn’t translate most of it though, because of Juanita’s mama. To give you an idea, the word for profanity in Russian is мат. This is almost the same as the word for mother, мать. This is not a coincidence.

  13. Thanks, Origuy! Anyone who can lip read Russian will be getting an eyeful, if any of the meetings are televised. The Cruiser is going to the Ukraine to establish his international bones. The closest he’ll be to achieving that will be a smack down of his bone headed self.

  14. maryelle says:

    PKM: great image a la Dr. Strangelove.
    Larry: a knee-slapper
    Origuy: thanks for the Russian translation for
    dumba$$. It may come in handy soon

    J.J: Any chance of getting a picture of Cruz wearing that hat AND playing an accordion?

  15. W. C. Peterson says:

    I used to run a Liquefied Natural Gas plant, and I know Natural Gas — Methane — yields the greatest amount of energy per unit of carbon dioxide emissions. If every house that currently heats with fuel oil were to switch to Natural Gas, it would cut its carbon footprint in half. And, Natural Gas costs about a third of what #2 home heating oil costs because the Koch Billionaires don’t own much Natural Gas reserves.
    We should convert as many United States houses to Natural Gas as physically possible before we send one drop of Natural Gas (in liquid form at 260 degrees below zero) off shore. And converting houses would also hit the Koch Brothers in their wallets, and I’m all for that.

  16. Larry, I’d love for Cruz to be taken hostage, but have you ever read O. Henry’s “The Ransom of Red Chief”?


  17. Suppose you were a nitwit. And suppose you were the junior U.S. Senator from Texas. But I repeat myself.

  18. John Peter Henson says:

    Rhea, thanks for remembering that story. I have mentioned it to others and they stare at me …….I think your idea is perfect .

  19. Somebody oughta start a drive for a committee to look into why the one Canadian Senator in the U.S. is dragging his feet on dropping that citizenship. It really does so look like he is covering all his bets just in case something really hits the fan where he is concerned. Really trustworthy type, isn’t he? Strikes me as a refugee from the court of the deMedici’s in Renaissance Italy — just as sleeky oily as they ever were.

  20. maryelle says:

    Natural gas, solar, wind…the Kochroaches’ nightmare. It has to get done.

  21. So Cruz puts the US in the Soviet position in repeating the Cuban Missile crisis in Poland? Now there’s some foreign policy chops for you.

  22. Marge Wood says:

    from the Lubbock paper:
    This helps Texas how? Who is paying for this trip? Taxpayers?

    Cruz’s foreign policy experience consists of being born in Canada and having a Cuban father.

    Cruz will prove to be a Global embarrassment to the United States and our state……

  23. I’m with Marge– exactly what I was thinking– who pays this guy whose elevator doesn’t go to the top floor to go anywhere?? Who funded Loony Louie, Crazy Eyes Bachmann and Silly Steve to go to Egypt?? Why does the state department not pull their passports because they are nuts?? One of mysterious and wonderful secrets of the universe that we will never unravel.

  24. Oh, this should be fun. At this point, no one can figure out who the good guys (if any) and bad guys are in Ukraine, which is one of many excellent reasons why were are not bumbling in there and meddling in a complicated issue we don’t understand. I’d love to see Cruz hold a big photo op gripping the hand of some corrupt clown who does something outrageous and totally contrary to U.S. interests a week later. Wouldn’t that bit of idiot tourism come back to bite him then!

  25. About 3 years ago I was stuck on US 59 between Wharton and El Campo. I started looking for a local radio station to try to fiind out what the problem was. I found one, but it was in Czech, wishing lots of people happy birthday, etc. In about 15 minutes it announced first in Czech and then in English that a propane truck had had an accident and spilled the liquid gas into a road side ditch. I had not heard Czech spoken in at least 40 yeaars, so, though I did not understand anything but Happy Birthday, I enjoyed the episode.
