Thank You, Rush, We We Wondering About Your Weight Problem and Drug Addiciton

March 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

No jacking around about this.

I am serous.

Rush Limbaugh announced that lesbians are “obese substance abusers.”

You know, like this:

“And, of course, the answers to the first case is they don’t have to deal with men, so they don’t have to worry about their appearance. They’re not trying to please men. So they can be obese. It’s no big deal. Alcohol, who knows? They’re having to deal with women so they’re drunk.”

The dude is totally lacking in introspection.

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0 Comments to “Thank You, Rush, We We Wondering About Your Weight Problem and Drug Addiciton”

  1. gabberflasted says:

    Are those two in the background laughing at the jackass?

  2. BarbinDC says:

    Kettle, meet pot.

  3. It seems he is totally lacking a mirror…

  4. Beth Francis says:

    Or an appreciation for irony either

  5. I refuse to believe that Rush is a lesbian, there must be some flaw in his logic. Oh wait, Rush – logic, I see we are talking oxymoron! (Removing tongue from cheek)

  6. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I can’t decide whether Howard Stern is a tall, skinny, ugly Rush or if Rush is a short, fat, ugly Howard. The one thing that they have in common is that they care more about being outrageous than anything else. But underneath they’re both just 12 year olds trying to get some attention.

  7. Betty in Georgetown says:

    Weight problem (well, a lot of us have that!); drug addiction (maybe he was in intractable pain when he sent his housekeeper out to score drugs for him);but don’t forget his Viagra-assisted trip to the Dominican Republic, noted as a destination for sexual tourism. This is a serious pervert who has been allowed to pollute the public airways for far too long.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Sigh. Bless his heart. Yes, he needs to go look in the mirror.

  9. There are enough chins in that picture for a roomful of men.

  10. C’mon, JJ, how can you expect a man who can’t look down and see his own feet be able to look inside himself?

  11. His feet are not the only thing he hasn’t seen without a mirror in a long time.

  12. This is assuming that he could even see himself in a mirror. Or, at least looking at one without breaking it.

  13. Just a little more proof that Limbaugh’s 15 minutes are over.

  14. C;mon Bob and Marge Wood you guys know vampires show no reflection in a looking glass.

  15. Rush has been on a long, long trip on De Nile, but remember, this is what he gets paid for.
    Betty: I concur, his show is pollution. Who are his sponsors? We need to hit him where it hurts.

  16. Uncle Dave says:

    Gasp! You mean to say that women are not turned on male rotundity? Damn, next you are probably going to say that the migration of hair from the top of a man’s head to his back, ears, nose, etc. does not make him a chick-magnet. Do you suppose they make burkas size XXX and larger?

  17. Bud Malone says:

    Limbaugh said he was going to get ahead. He did. His is twice as large as a normal skull.

  18. Aggieland liz says:

    Well, a lack of introspective ability seems to be common amongst the Republican crowd!

  19. Deb & Don ~ You get the ‘Belly Laugh’ prize today!

    Bud ~ This is first I’ve heard that Rush is looking for a head replacement – certainly needs a big one & probably one for his wee willy, too.

    Where is Anonymous when we need them?

  20. If you are looking to boycott OxycontinBoy, go no further than Twitter, use #StopRush and will find all kinds of folks boycotting this imbecile-that is why he has lost 2500 sponsors, so far….

  21. Thanks, Eykis. Invaluable info. One more thing on my bucket list.
    Incidentally, 3 Repugs have notified Harry Reid that they intend to philibuster the gun control bill: Paul (KY) Lee (Utah) and drum roll please…..CRUZ.

  22. Like Justice Potter Stewart (teh Google is my friend), I know obscenity when I see it. Rush is the very definition of obscenity.

  23. Rush, Pat Robertson, and Ann Coulter are all attention floozies (substitute word, momma) who will let ANYTHING drop out of their mouths, and I don’t know why anybody is still paying attention.

  24. moonriver says:

    This dude is making a travesty out of free speech. Free speech is OK, if what you say has some semblance to a reasonable argument, but to make millions out of garbage like that is in itself an attack on free speech

  25. Clear Channel is losing a great deal of money due to the long term deal with Rush. Given the recent ad sales, there is some chance that Rush may take Clear Channel under with him. When it comes time to renew his contract, I have a feeling that Rush is looking at a large pay cut

  26. He has already signed the contract to play Napoleon in the animated remake of Animal Farm. Recording him digitally will save millions in CGI costs and still get realistic porcine pomposity.

  27. Corinne Sabo says:

    I am NOT like him!

  28. Isn’t he just a fine role model for “traditional” marriage–4 and counting?(sic)

  29. He’s a roll model alright! LOL!!

  30. Xecky Gilchrist says:

    I can’t imagine why women keep divorcing this guy!

    But why the hell do they keep marrying him? As Han Solo once said, “no reward is worth this!”

  31. I don’t believe that homosexuality is a choice, but if it were I’d bet even money that all of Rush’s exes would be lesbians.

  32. prentiss says:

    Don A, you do know that Howard and Rush share the same birthday!!!!

  33. moonriver says:

    As JJ said “lots of chin in that picture”.
    Could it be that having such a chin is a cause of brain malfunction?

  34. If you handed this man Aladdin’s lamp, he would rub it the wrong way.


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  1. Hypocrisy Alert! Rush Limbaugh Claims Lesbians are Obese Substance Abusers (Audio) | The Fifth Column 26 03 13