Uh, Really?

March 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

According to Micheal Li, Lt. Governor David Dewhurst spokeĀ  to anti-marriage equality rally in Austin today and said: “Texas will turn blue over my dead body.”

I wonder, is that a threat or a challenge?

Thanks to Michael for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Uh, Really?”

  1. One can hope for both.

  2. John Peter Henson says:

    I think he may be predicting his own death…..

  3. Thing is, when one dies, the lack of oxygen turns one blue.
    So, we’d all encourage the cooperation.

  4. barbinbastrop says:

    From his lips to God’s ear

  5. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    He can deny it until he is Blue in the face.

    Just Saying….

  6. Fine by me….

  7. Perhaps it sad it has to come to that, but I doubt you’ll miss him.

  8. Now is that a baby blue or navy?

  9. Indicators are that it definately will, in a relatively short time. I guess he’s dying soon.

  10. Reminds me of the recent Toles cartoon in which the White House says of the huge elephant pitching a fit, “Our strategy is to let him hold his breath until his states turn blue.”

  11. Sam in Kyle says:

    Just like the big cockroach in Men in Black, “I accept your proposal”.

  12. Since death is inevitable for everyone, he just implied that Texas turning blue is inevitable. Though if I was feeling snarky I might say something like ‘Challenge accepted!’

  13. Maybe he is making a promise? Let’s hope he upgrades the promise to “over my dead body”?

  14. He sounds scared. Howard Dean is coming up with a proposal to flip state legislatures.The republicans must be in full panic mode.

    They know they have to change, but because of their religious beliefs, they cannot.
    They are the perfect example of why you should not mix politics with business

  15. With religion. Not business. Sorry. Hubby was reading an article while I was typing.

  16. If Goodhair retires, will there a fight between Dewhurst and Greggie Abbot for the Governor job? That would be fun to watch

  17. maryelle says:

    Rick: Thanks for the gorgeous pics. Blue as far as the eye could see!

  18. Corinne Sabo says:

    I hope it was a self-fulfilling prophesy….

  19. I think it is a promise. RIP Dew.

  20. He just gave us another very good reason to get out the vote in 2014.

  21. Marge Wood says:

    I had exactly the same feeling y’all had: he’ll turn blue? Bless his little blue heart.

  22. A threat or a challenge? I’d call it an enticement.

  23. With a statement like that, maybe he should reconsider Texas’ stance on gun control.
